Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 481: - "Leaving" Kidd

"So, they are trying to loot the Buddha statue in the temple in Chiba?" After listening to the police captain's answer, Chiba pouted. "Really... do you have to go to such a lengthy way to do these things?"

"But technically speaking, this does work well, doesn't it?" Haibara said lightly. "Anyway, under normal circumstances, it is difficult for people to predict the results of this kind of action that is almost unrelated to its purpose in advance - if the Osaka detective's imagination is not very good, I am afraid that these people will really be deceived. "

"Anyway, that's about it." The captain spread his hands. "Those guys are totally fake red siamese cats, with the famous red siamese cats and constant terror to create an atmosphere of terror, then through the atmosphere of terror to make sure this airship can throw the whole line into chaos, and then Let people on the ground take the opportunity to attack Buddhist temples in remote areas where the security measures are seriously insufficient, and the police force is tight, leading to zero support capacity, and stealing the Buddha statues inside.”

"It's really embarrassing," at this moment, Suzuki Jirokichi's disdainful voice came. "Fortunately these three-legged cats didn't interfere with our plan, otherwise I'd have to cut them alive."

Saying so, Suzuki Jiroyoshi looked at the captain. "Gentlemen, please allow me to thank you once again for your bravery, and I hope you will once again express my gratitude to everyone at the Metropolitan Police Department and the Police Headquarters on my behalf."

"In an emergency, of course it's cheap," the captain replied with a smile. "Now, Consultant Suzuki, you and your airship have become the pride of the whole of Japan, and we will definitely provide convenience for you. After all, what happened above is not very complicated, so the processing now is almost Now, the rest can wait until the observation is over."

"But to be honest, things like this are actually not entirely bad," Suzuki Jiroji suddenly remembered something, and then showed a somewhat unhappy expression. "To be honest, the group of reporters that Fujioka Takamichi brought up was really noisy. After Fujioka Takamichi's accident, he could just find a reason to send them back, and the airship could be cleaned up, so it was quiet enough for the people at the Tokyo Observatory. environment to do what they're supposed to do."

"But maybe not all will go down, or someone will come up after going down," the captain shook his head. "My friends who were waiting at the dock told me that a reporter team that was much smaller than this Fujioka Takamichi's team was already waiting there. It is said that they were originally competing with Fujioka Takamichi and the others for this astronomical observation and the phantom thief Kidd. The competitor of the reporting rights, this time, I finally seized the opportunity of Fujioka Takashi's incident, and intends to take this reporting right back."

"It's okay to simplify a lot of teams," Suzuki Jiroyoshi waved his hand nonchalantly. "It's not bad if there are not many people, as long as it doesn't disturb our purity."

"Wait a minute, if that's the case," Ayumi suddenly thought of something. "Is that bacteria real or fake?"

"I don't know." After thinking for a while, the captain shook his head. "But to be honest, I personally don't think it's very likely. After all, if they really have this kind of bacteria, that Fujioka Takamichi can't just carry it around so calmly-in case the container is damaged, then he Just dead, he, as the leader of the entire gang, is unlikely to be willing to take such a risk."

"Tsk..." Chiyu suddenly remembered those rashes on Fujioka Takamichi's body. "By the way, the rash on Fujioka Takamichi's body is fake, right? Why are you scared by that rash?"

"Fake?" Beside him, all the people who were present when Fujioka Takamichi pretended to be sick with bacteria were stunned.

"If he was a rash of that shape at the time, I don't know." Conan shook his head. "I haven't seen him get sick before, but if the rash on his body has always been like that, I can't think of why no one has noticed that the rash is different."

"Probably panicked, right?" Hai Yuan said in a sad tone. "In that case, they are probably panicked, and there are probably not many people who can calmly observe the rash on Fujioka Takamichi's body."

"Then what are those rashes?" Bumei asked curiously. "If it's pretending to be sick, how did those rashes come about?"

"Who knows," Haibara Ai shrugged. "This kind of thing still has to be carefully observed to know, but we do not have the conditions for careful observation."

"It's an allergy caused by paint," at this moment, a gentle voice answered - accompanied by Suzuki Sonoko, Maurilan came over. As she walked over, everyone could clearly see that her two elbows were wrapped with an elbow pad. "The medical officer of the Self-Defense Force accompanying the team found me a useful medicine in the infirmary, and put it on the inside of the elbow pad and let me wear it."

"Paint allergy..." Haiyuan thought for a while, then said just nodded, but Conan frowned.

Allergy to paint can cause red rash on the skin touched by paint, but where did Maorilan come into contact with paint?

After Conan asked this question, Maurilan thought for a while before giving a possible answer.

"Could it be because of the skin contact?" Maolilan said. "During the takeoff, I once went to see the LadySky, and on the way back, I was touched by that Fujioka Takamichi's elbow. Now, if I look at it now, could it be that he painted his hands at that time, and then put the paint on his hands? Did you smear a tiny amount on my hand?"

"It's possible," Conan nodded. "If nothing else, this should be it."

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion not far away. "Phantom Thief Kidd!"

"???" Everyone was stunned, and then looked in the direction of the person who was making the commotion - it was a waitress standing by the viewing window of the observation hall.

Qianyu was the first to react and ran over immediately, while the others also realized what might have happened, and followed in Qianyu's footsteps.

In front of them, a white paraglider was diving down at a high speed at a lower level.

"Phantom Thief Kidd?" the captain said solemnly. "If that's the case, unless he re-boards the airship on the ground, there should be no chance of stealing LadySky - we just confirmed that the safe is not damaged and LadySky is still inside."

Beside them, Mao Lilan had a worried expression on his face, and his left hand lightly grabbed the front of his chest.


Just today, come back after the final exam

Goodbye everyone =,=

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