Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 482: ——Inference on the whereabouts of red Siamese cats

"It can only be dealt with to this extent for the time being. It can ensure that the airship's working area can complete the broadcast coverage." After the thread was hurriedly dealt with, the maintenance staff wiped off the sweat and said to Suzuki Jirokichi beside him. "As for the line leading to the living area... in the current conditions there is no way to guarantee that there will be no noise after the refurbishment - if we want to ensure that there is no noise, we need additional repair tools to refinish the precision. "

"Then let's do this first," Suzuki Jiroji waved his hand. "What we need most now is time, and there is no room for you to go back for repairs. The big deal is to use the microphone system to replace some of the functions, and the operation of the airship will definitely not be affected."

"Okay." The maintenance man nodded. "Since this is the case, then the processing of the line here is complete."

Not far from them, Chiba and Haibara Ai were leaning against the wall, watching the people who were busy here.

"So in the end, do you want to cut off this line?" Qian Yu pouted. "In that case, there will probably be some parts of the airship that won't hear the broadcast, right?"

"There's no way," Huiyuan Ai, who was beside him, glanced at him. "After all, I don't know who cut the line."

"I have no other way..." Qianyu shrugged helplessly. "After all, I needed to cover them from rushing into the airship at the time, and I definitely needed to make a sound - isn't this kind of broadcast line that will sound as long as the line is broken a little bit the best choice..."

"So, there's nothing to complain about," Haibara Ai, who was leaning against the wall, stood up straight. "Anyway, there probably won't be any urgent things that need to be broadcast to notify, and we passengers probably just need to move slowly on the airship."

"Yes," Qianyu nodded, then looked around again. "But to be fair, I always feel that there is a lot of space on the airship."

"After all, there are so many reporters," Haibara Ai nodded. "There won't be too many new reporters, so the airship will definitely be quite empty."

At this moment, a scene that surprised them appeared in front of them - a reporter was handcuffed and walked in front of them in a manner of being escorted. Behind him, a policeman was looking at him seriously.

"What's the situation?" Qian Yu was stunned. "Why were the reporters arrested too?"

"Could it be a member of the Red Siamese cat pretending to be a reporter?" Haibara Ai guessed. "It's possible that the head count was wrong when getting off the airship..."

"On the contrary." At this moment, Conan flashed out from behind the policemen who had passed by in front of Qianyu and the others. "It's really thrilling to say, but the truth is that these reporters were originally red Siamese cats."

"What?" Qianyu and Haibara Ai were stunned.

"Yeah," Conan's face was full of happiness for the rest of his life. "When they counted the press corps of Fujioka Takamichi just now, they found that there were fewer members of the press corps, and after they obtained the credentials of the press corps, they found that some of the captured red Siamese cat members were journalists dressed as reporters. ——According to my speculation, these reporters are likely to be subordinates of Fujioka Takamichi. This time, they sneaked in as reporters, and it is convenient to cooperate with the red Siamese cat members who invaded from the outside and control the entire airship... I was wondering before why the reporters 'accidentally' leaked the news that you guys hadn't been caught to those guys, and then they were so loosely controlled by the Red Siamese members. And finally Several reporters were taken away by the Red Siamese and disappeared, and now it seems that they just took those reporters out to arm them."

"In other words, the reporters on the airship are all from Fujioka Takashi?" Qianyu asked in surprise.

"I don't know," Conan shook his head. "But at least some people are indeed under Fujioka Takamichi, so it is not possible to rule out the suspicion of the remaining reporters - but these reporters did not resist during the arrest process, and the search did not yield anything. , it looks like the way the red Siamese cats arm them is to take them to the air bag area, and then get the equipment from the equipment box they put in the air bag area to arm."

"The people with the red Siamese cats really hid there before they took off..." Qianyu murmured.

"It should be, the police also found breathing masks and oxygen cylinders there, which means they should have been hiding there since before takeoff, using breathing masks and oxygen cylinders to ensure smooth breathing even at high altitudes. "Conan nodded.

"Then how are they going to leave?" Haiyuan asked sadly. "Didn't you find anything like a parachute?"

"I didn't find it," Conan shook his head. "Maybe it was hidden by Fujioka Takamichi or some other inner ghost on the airship, or they have some special hidden means. In short, we haven't found anything that can let them leave safely."

"It should be like that, otherwise it would be difficult for them to leave," Qianyu nodded, but seemed to suddenly remember something. "By the way, will Kaito Kidd come back? We shouldn't stay here for too If Kaitou Kidd doesn't come back in enough time after leaving, then he may There would be no way to get back on our airship, and he wouldn't be able to steal the LadySky at all."

"If it's normal, it's really unlikely to come back." Although Conan's tone was very determined, his expression showed that he couldn't let it go. "After all, he got off the airship earlier. At that time, the airship was still at least 100 kilometers away from the place where we docked now, and it was only an hour and 30 minutes ago. The thief Kidd wanted to rush from 100 kilometers away. Come here, it is a very difficult project to get back on the airship after calmly disguising. What's more, Uncle Jiroji seems to have already prepared for this, and all those who get on the airship will be strictly checked and monitored. If the thief Kidd comes back again , his movements should be restricted everywhere. Especially in the time frame that Kaitou Kidd announced that he was going to steal LadySky, they would be completely grounded, it should not be so easy for Kaitou Kidd to do something to LadySky.”

"Don't you think that sending a few people to watch them can restrain the phantom thief Kid?" Haibara asked sadly. "If that's the case, I don't think Kaitou Kidd is so easy to be monitored. Maybe before you find out, he has already dropped LadySky and swaggered away."

"No," Conan nodded firmly. "The Phantom Thief Kidd has a weird style, but his words can be trusted - if he says he steals at a certain time, he will definitely do it at a certain time. Before that, he may make all preparations, But definitely not with jewelry."

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