Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 484: - Fantasy and Nightmare

In the dark labyrinth, Qianyu carried a dim oil lamp and walked in the labyrinth.

It was dark and silent, except for the sound of his own footsteps, there was nothing...

Qianyu walked forward in silence until a stone gate appeared in front of her. Arriving in front of the door, Qian Yu didn't seem to have any hesitation and pushed open the stone door directly.

Behind the stone gate is a wooden coffin. And Qianyu still didn't say a word, just walked to the wooden coffin in silence, quietly looking at the coffin lid of the wooden coffin.

Right here, the coffin lid of the wooden coffin suddenly trembled, and there was a sound of collision inside the coffin, but Qian Yu seemed to still be unconscious, still standing there.

What's going on here?

With a loud noise, the coffin lid was lifted directly from the wooden coffin. "Bang!"

In front of Qianyu, a man wearing a red Siamese cat battle suit slowly sat up. Unlike ordinary people, there was no blood on his face, and the part of his throat seemed to be pierced by something, revealing a through hole several centimeters in diameter.

The man's mouth opened and closed in vain, and his hideous eyes stared at Qianyu. After a while, the man covered the front and back sides of his neck with his hands, and finally made a sound. "Why did you kill me...why did you kill me..."

Saying so, the man stood up from the coffin with an almost inconceivable flexibility, and then jumped to Qianyu. The height of the man over 1.8 meters is exactly the same as Qianyu's height. He stared at Qianyu's eyes like this, and stretched out his hands to grab Qianyu's neck.

"Why...why!" The man continued to open and close his mouth, making the same mouth shape. Only the grim expression on his face could explain how crazy his tone would be now if he could speak. "Why did you kill me...why did you kill me!"

Without any resistance, Qianyu was just strangled by the man's throat.


"!!!" Qian Yu let out an exclamation, and then suddenly woke up.

The thinking ability that seemed to be completely stagnant before became smooth in an instant, and the data flow of the long-lost auxiliary unit also joined Qianyu's brain chorus again.

Undoubtedly, I just had a nightmare.

"Hu-hu-" Qian Yu held her forehead with an uneasy expression, sat on the bed, panting.

The auxiliary unit can let him fall asleep, but it can't help him resist the nightmare. He just dreamed about the person he killed during the day. The details of that person were so real, both his face and his wounds were lifelike. At that time, Qianyu really thought that the person standing in front of him was the one who had recovered his soul.

Sighing, Qian Yu grabbed the mineral water on the bedside table next to her, opened the bottle cap, took a sip, and calmed herself down.

I can't forget... I can't forget that person at all... Even if the auxiliary unit can theoretically delete the memory, it is only limited to the part stored in the auxiliary unit. It is impossible to delete the part that my brain remembers.

In Chiba's ears, what the police captain said before echoed.

"If you have nightmares, you can go to the elders at home to accompany you. It's not ashamed."

"Is that what you meant..." Qian Yu shook her head with a wry smile. "This is really..."

Qianyu never thought that killing a person with her own hands would have such a big psychological impact.

Turning her head to look in the direction of the porthole, Qianyu sighed.

Irritability, extremely irritable. I don't know whether it was because of the inability to let go of the dead person or other reasons. Qianyu's mood is very chaotic now, and he can't calm down at all. Even if it is forcibly suppressed with auxiliary units, after the suppression period ends, those emotions will come to mind again.

Sighing again, Qianyu got out of bed, and then came to the wine cabinet. She wanted to get a bottle of wine, but she remembered that if she was caught drinking, she would be in trouble.

"Hmph..." After a wry smile, Qianyu shook her head and walked to the door.

Go to another room to find a drink...

Just like that, Chiba walked to the door and opened the door. The door lightly bumped against the cushion, making a somewhat subtle and complicated sound.

"?" Qianyu blinked, then realized that it might be her own delusion, and then walked out of the room.

The wine in the room on the left should still be there, let's drink that...

Walking slowly, Qianyu slowly walked to the door on the left, and then gently opened the door.

The moment he opened the door, Haibara Ai, who had an embarrassed expression, and Chiba, who didn't react at all, looked at each other.

"..." Qianyu blinked, and a surprised expression appeared on her face immediately. "How do you..."

"I just came out for a walk by accident," Haibara Ai replied after a few seconds. "I didn't expect you to choose the same room as me."

"Oh..." The surprised expression faded, and Qianyu glanced at the wine cabinet in the room. "Then... can you accompany me for a drink?"

"No problem." This time, Haibara Ai answered succinctly.


Qianyu took a sip of the wine in her and sighed.

He asked Haiyuan Ai to have a drink with him. He originally wanted to talk about his complicated emotions, but he didn't know what to say when the words came to his lips.

What is his mood now?

Ordinary people may feel disgusted and panic, but after he killed people, he didn't feel any disgust, and the panic was only limited to before the police officers who were stunned and they ensured that they would not be held accountable.

Guilt from taking someone else's life? This Qianyu is even more gone. Maybe he felt guilty about the accident that caused the two elders of Kasuga’s family to have a car accident, but this time he didn’t hesitate at all—after all, if he didn’t kill him, then he might die. .

As evidence of the above points, Chiba did not hesitate to kill another member of the red Siamese cat in the cab, neatly.

So, where did your extremely abnormal emotions come from?

Haibara Ai sat opposite her, looking at Qianyu's expression with a hint of worry flashing in his eyes.

Of course, she didn't appear here because she came out for a walk by chance, but because of Chiba. She has seen the psychological discomfort of the members of the organization after the first murder, and she probably guessed that Qianyu's personality is the type that is more likely to have adverse reactions after the first murder. But even if she had guessed that such a thing would happen, she was helpless—she wasn't the type that was very good at comforting people, and she didn't know how to calm Chiyu's mind.

Her eyes flickered at the small wine bottle she just took out from the wine cabinet, and Haibara Ai's expression was a little complicated.

Hope...he didn't lie to himself, hope he really wanted to help Tachibana...

Under Hai Yuanai's tongue, a small white tablet was lying quietly, exuding a strange faint fragrance.

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