Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 500: - crack

Qianyu looked at the doctor with a rather embarrassed expression. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing..." The corner of the doctor's mouth twitched. "I just feel... I may have been a little unfavorable recently... I was scolded by the little girl when I went in just now."

"Ah?" Qian Yu was stunned. "You were... scolded by Hai Yuan?"

really? ? ? Haiyuan, she's not a scolding person either...

"I don't know either," the doctor shrugged with a wry smile. "It was at Miss Suzuki's side before... I always feel like I'm in a bad mood today, why is my saliva all directed at me?"

"..." Qianyu glanced in the direction of the next room with some concern. "How is she doing now? Although you were kicked out, the medicine should be sent in, right?"

"It's in, I put the medicine on the table in front of her, otherwise I wouldn't have been scolded so badly." The doctor's face was full of expressions of encountering something bad. "Really... Fortunately, there will be professionals to take over after the airship reaches Guam... Otherwise, I don't know how much trouble it will cause."

"..." Qian Yu sighed. "Are there any new infections?"

"Well," the doctor nodded helplessly. "The male employee was fine, only one appeared, but the spread of the female employee could not be stopped at all. In the past half an hour, another female employee's cabin was completely wiped out, and all of them showed symptoms of rash... … the mode of transmission of this bacterium is truly incredible!”

"Yeah," Chiyu also sighed in a completely self-sacrificing manner. "This mode of communication is simply anti-scientific... The female employees are completely disseminated in batches in cabins, but there is almost no communication effect for the male employees."

"And the patients are basically women," the doctor pouted. "It's unscientific. It's too bizarre to only infect women or something—"

Speaking of this, the brows of both the doctor and Chiyu frowned.

"Could it be that the female employees had some special conditions, so they were widely infected?" Qian Yu's face was full of sudden realization. "If for some reason this transmission is mainly among women—"

"Not necessarily among women," the doctor shook his head. "The initial spread to the female dorms may have been because the female employees were responsible for carrying Miss Suzuki and Miss Mori, and these female employees brought the bacteria back to the female employees' cabin. The female employees' cabins are all together, and if the bacteria penetrated through the ventilation system to others In the female employee's cabin, it is almost impossible for the male employee to have an accident - after all, the ventilation ducts used in the two cabins are not directly connected, and the infected male employee may be because he went to the female dormitory. The door or some other reason. "

"Then what should we do? Let's go over there and take a look?" Qian Yu suggested.

Although there are not many masks on the airship, Chiba did get a mask, so he doesn't have to worry about the problem of droplet infection. (But in fact, the reserve masks on the airship are only enough for him. Another mask has been used by Haibara Ai, but Haibara Ai was probably infected before wearing the mask.)

"It makes sense," the doctor nodded. "You go to the male cabin with almost no symptoms to investigate, and I go to the female staff to investigate."


Chiyu's investigation was almost fruitless - he really didn't find anything unusual, even the cabin where the male employee was infected was completely normal, compared to the other "control" dorms that didn't have any patients at all. No abnormality can be seen at all.

The only possible explanation for the fact that the male employee was infected is an accidental cause other than the cabin factor - such as being infected in the female employee cabin or elsewhere.

And the doctor actually didn't find anything special, except...

"It's really great that I don't have to be responsible for contacting patients in a big hospital..." The doctor had a hopeless expression on his face. "Women...noisy women..."

"Pfft..." Seeing the doctor's expression, Qian Yu couldn't help laughing.

"Really, they are in a state of panic right now..." The doctor sighed. "It's completely irrational. Really, what a doctor hates most is a patient who encounters such trouble!"

"Have you found anything?" At this moment, Conan's voice accompanied him and appeared beside the doctor and Qianyu.

At this time, Conan looked completely different from before. Was that a kind of...relaxed demeanor?

"Have you discovered anything?" Qianyu realized that Conan's appearance was a little unusual.

"I don't know if I found something, I just have an idea to see if it's true, so I originally planned to go to the female staff cabin to have a look. But since the doctor's brother said there was panic there just now, I think we can just give up and look at this superficial contact." Conan tilted his head, his eyes shining brightly. "I went to the female staff cabin to chat with them directly to see if my inference could be confirmed."


Leaning against the bulkhead of the female staff's cabin area, Conan held a mobile phone in his hand - the caller of the mobile phone is now in the broadcast room of the airship, which means that although Conan is in the female staff's cabin now, he can pass through. The radio broadcasts to all female employees.

"..." Conan took a deep breath and organized his words.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Conan said in a deep voice. "We've now had six patients diagnosed with a dangerous bacterial infection from the underworld organization [Red Siamese Cat]—"

"woc?" On the other end of the phone, the doctor looked bewildered. At this time, Qianyu, who was wearing a mask and standing beside Conan, was also Hey, Conan..."

Conan is crazy? How can you say such a thing at this time? Even if it is really diagnosed, it cannot be said that, and so far there is no diagnosis at all...

"According to our current understanding of this bacteria," Conan motioned Qianyu to be quiet with his eyes, and then continued to say calmly. "Symptoms after this bacterial infection include vomiting, rash or bruising... At the same time, the patient will also have symptoms of constant shaking of the left hand. If the patient has symptoms of left hand shaking, please contact the airship medical team immediately. "

"..." If Chiyu looked at Conan with surprise before, then Chiyu's expression is a little more subtle now.

He probably guessed something from Conan's words, but he didn't dare to confirm this too bizarre result.

"what do you mean……"

"I don't know," Conan shrugged. "If I'm right, it might be interesting to see what I expected to happen next."

Just after Conan expressed his opinion, a female employee's cabin was opened not far away - a female employee panicked and grabbed her left hand that was constantly shaking, and walked out in panic.

"Ah..." Chiyu immediately saw the symptoms of the female employee, and her expression suddenly relaxed. "this……"

"Hmm!" Conan's face already showed a smile. "I didn't expect this to happen. It looks like we should celebrate."

"But before that, it's true to stop them first, otherwise they might not really panic." Qian Yu glanced at the female employees who hurried past them.

"Don't worry!" Conan nodded, and then called to the phone again. "All calm down!"

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