Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 504: - set off

"It doesn't look like the schedule will be delayed too much," Suzuki Jiroji let out a sigh of relief after looking at the just-updated astronomical information. "Then as long as we can get to New Zealand on time, the whole observation plan can be implemented to the fullest extent."

"Yeah," Okita (the chief officer of the observation team of the Tokyo Observatory, last time he appeared in Chapter 440) nodded. "Fortunately, although so many things happened, the trip was basically not delayed."

"Yeah, this is an eventful year," Suzuki Jirokichi also nodded with a complicated expression. "I didn't expect so many things to happen along the way. Fortunately, these seem to be within the controllable range at present, and there will be no follow-up trouble. As long as we supply a little logistical materials, we should be able to start again— —Maybe we can complete the sailing again before today!”


The airship's cargo door.

"Are you still working so late?" A female employee was standing at the door of the employee passage in the cargo hold, looking at another female employee who was delivering food into the sterilizer in the cargo hold, and asked with concern.

"Sister Masako?" The female employee looked at the female employee with a surprised expression. "Now……"

"Yeah, it's already eleven o'clock," Masako nodded. "It's time for me to be on duty, you go back to rest first."

"Well..." The female employee glanced at her watch and found that it was indeed eleven o'clock. "Sister Yazi, please, it should be fine after checking all these goods."

"Well, leave it to me." Masako showed a very bright smile. "You were scared too much today, so go back and rest."

"Sister Masako, are you the one?" The female employee also smiled. "Ms. Masako, your roommates are all infected, and you are the only one left to be frightened. You are the one who needs rest the most."

If the person who visited the female employee's cabin today was here, he would recognize that Masako was the most calm female employee during the entire plague oolong incident.

"I was born with a big heart," Masako shook his head. "Actually, I'm not too worried at all, so I'm calm now."

Just chatting like this, Masako quickly watched the female employee leave the staff passage - now, only Masako is the only staff member who is responsible for sending the goods into the disinfection machine in the entire cabin, and the other staff are responsible for other tasks. .

"Well—" Watching the female employee leave, Masako raised her eyebrows, then looked at a truck box outside the cargo hold.

For some reason, the corners of her mouth evoked a somewhat disturbing arc.


At 11:50 in the evening, after many passengers who had the habit of going to bed early had fallen asleep in their beds, the Pearl Tree airship completed all the supply work and set off again.

"Has the blockade been completed?" Officer Nakamori whispered into the walkie-talkie.

"It's done," replied a policeman on the other end of the walkie-talkie who was guarding a hatch outside an airship with his colleagues at a door that could enter the airship. "I don't see any traces of anyone staying here."

After getting several similar answers, Officer Nakamori took a deep breath. "OK……"

His eyes swept across several police officers beside him.

"Check whether there are people in those cabins that should theoretically be vacant," Officer Nakamori said decisively. "If Kidd still wants to get into this airship, no matter what the method is, the airship from Guam just now is the only possible way. In order to ensure everything is safe, it must be confirmed that Kidd did not get in! As long as he gets in, then the airship is on the There will definitely be one more person. Because the people in the staff cabins are familiar with each other and the passengers are also familiar with each other, so Kidd must not be able to hide in these cabins. The only place he can stay is those without The cabins that people live in, and no one usually goes to check. We are just going to raid those cabins to see if a little thief has slipped up."


Their check this time around was actually quite effective—though perhaps not necessarily a positive one.

"!?" Qianyu looked at the hatch in surprise, because the hatch that had been locked before seemed to be opened from the outside. After a few seconds, Chiba saw the reason—the reason for materialization.

"You are..." Officer Nakamori was also a little surprised when he looked at Qianyu with a dazed expression. "That kid named Tachibana? Isn't your room over there?"

"Uh..." Qian Yu blinked awkwardly. "This... I just can't sleep, I'm just here to sit..."

"Have you seen any strange people?" Officer Nakamori frowned, but he didn't think too much about it, he just asked casually.

"No!" Qianyu immediately shook her head. "I didn't see anyone with an abnormality."

"Is that so?" Officer Nakamori nodded thoughtfully. "Okay, but it's already so late, don't go to bed too late-or you won't grow taller in the future."

"Okay!" Qianyu nodded With a slightly subtle expression, Officer Nakamori closed the door and left Qianyu alone in the cabin again.

"Huh—" Qian Yu let out a long sigh, then looked at a corner beside him—it was one of the blind spots in the room, and if you looked from the door, you couldn't see anything. "Why are you so nervous..."

At this moment, a figure emerged from the blind spot again. "It's nothing, I just heard such a big noise outside, so I was taken aback and thought something was wrong."

With a somewhat resentful expression, Haibara glared at Chiba, who had a rather helpless expression.

"Did you really get caught up in what happened before..." Qian Yu sighed, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. "That's just a small probability event, it's almost impossible to-"

The words froze when the hatch was pushed open again roughly.

And the murderous Officer Nakamori outside the hatch also showed a rather embarrassed expression at this time.

"It turned out to be that little girl..." Officer Nakamori kept staring at Haibara Ai with a rather complicated expression. "This……"

"Officer, you..." Qian Yu felt a sense of being caught for no reason at this time-although theoretically, his relationship with Haibara Ai was quite open and honest, but being stared at by Officer Nakamori at this time made him feel quite uncomfortable. Comfortable. "Is there anything else?"

"No," Officer Nakamori shook his head immediately. "It's just that I accidentally opened the wrong door, that's all, sorry - by the way, you can lock the door, it's safer."

When Officer Nakamori said this, Haibara Ai had already lowered her head, hiding her face under her hair, and the hand on the bed was just clutching the sheet tightly.

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