Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 508: ——The search led by Mouri Kogoro

"Have you found anything?" Yuanta asked in the intercom channel in the Sherlock Holmes badge-he was the fattest member of the detective team and the one with the worst mobility, so he was the only one in the entire detective team who didn't go out. Look for traces of meth.

Everyone gave a negative answer.

"I think, even if methamphetamine is really here, it's not somewhere we can find it," Qianyu frowned slightly. "After all, these areas we are looking for are actually places where people often pass by. I am afraid that normal people will not hide methamphetamine here."

"Then what can be done?" Yuan Tai pouted. "I also want to go there to search, but now the police have blocked it and won't let us search there at all, so we can only go here!"

"It's strange that there is no blockade," Qianyu said speechlessly. "They can't take the risk at this time, so it's impossible for us to cause trouble-"

"Hey!" Yuan Tai retorted with some dissatisfaction.

"Don't be upset, that's the truth," Qianyu interrupted immediately. "That's what it was, at least the police always thought, so he couldn't have allowed us to come in and search with them."

"But if we don't search in these low-probability places, we have nowhere to look," Conan sighed. "Let's find out first, the police are not very staffed, and the entire search work is carried out on a per-area basis. That is to say, if we act fast enough, we may be able to cover large areas on the airship one step ahead of them. In some places, there's still a good chance we'll find the meth."

"But our manpower is actually less than the police," Ai Haibara reminded. "So if we can't look for methamphetamine in a targeted manner, our search efficiency will be much lower than the police, and it's almost impossible to find methamphetamine before them."

"So, if we reason, is it possible to find the most likely place to hide methamphetamine?" Mitsuhiko asked. "If the reasoning is correct, is this possible?"

"If you reason properly, you must be able to find the most likely place to find methamphetamine. That's right, although no one knows whether the place where methamphetamine was found may be in the place where the police have delineated the search area." Qianyu said lightly. . "And another question, no one knows how likely it is that there is methamphetamine in this place most likely to have methamphetamine. After all, the space on the airship is so large that there is a possibility that methamphetamine may be hidden in a single area anyway, and the specific probability will not be reached. A very high degree."

"Ah..." Yuan Tai sighed helplessly. "Really, if it goes on like this, there is a high probability that we are doing nothing at all!"

At this moment, a voice that was completely unexpected to them rang in the channel.

"Really, I knew you guys were playing such a boring detective game here." Mouri Kogoro's rather impatient voice appeared. "Fortunately, you are not playing this kind of housekeeping in the place where the police officers are looking for, otherwise I will definitely pick you up one by one and lock you in the room!"

"Uh..." Qian Yu was obviously taken aback by this voice. "Mr. Maori... why are you here?"

"Huh?" Mouri Kogoro's voice instantly filled with dissatisfaction. "Do you have any opinion, little brat?"

"No!" Qian Yu quickly cleared the relationship.

"Then let's do this first," Mouri Kogoro's tone softened a little, but he still gave off a sense of extreme irritability. "I'm here to watch you bastards, don't try to disturb Officer Mumu and their work!"


A few minutes later, the members of the detective team chose to rendezvous after the first round of search was unsuccessful, and began the next round of search work under the supervision of Kogoro Mouri.

"How did you meet Uncle Mouri?" Chiyu asked Genta softly after finding a gap that Kogoro Mouri didn't notice.

After simulating the location of everyone reflected by the information exchanged in the armband communication system, Qianyu felt a little puzzled-theoretically, the few of them should have already stopped most of the routes that might reach Yuan Tai's location. Now, under such circumstances, Kogoro Mouri can reach the location of Yuan Tai without seeming to have contact with them at all. This is a rather strange situation.

"Uncle seems to be coming from the staff cabin." Yuan Tai replied.

"Staff cabin?" Qian Yu blinked.

Ah... If that's the case, it is indeed possible for Uncle Maori to avoid the sight of all of them - the staff cabin is together with the logistics storage area where the airship waste is stored, and the area where Qianyu and the others are located is not in the same direction, It's also one of the very few routes that has the potential to stay out of sight of all of them.

But... why did Uncle Maori come from the staff cabin? Could it be that...he is actually investigating who those methamphetamines belong to?

Chiyu glanced in the direction of Kogoro Mouri but found that Kogoro Mouri was already staring at him at this time.

"Uh..." Qianyu shrank her neck, pretending that he didn't ask anything just now.

When did Uncle Maori become so strong... It's scary to have a high degree of sensitivity...


"Why did you bring us here?" Yuan Tai asked curiously, looking at the somewhat empty observation hall in front of him.

"Of course we have to focus on the blind spots of the Mumu Police Department and the others," Kogoro Mouri said calmly. "Let's look here to see if there is a relatively hidden corner that might hide something. Maybe the mastermind has hidden a large-scale drug around here."

"That makes sense!" Hearing such a "possible drug discovery" result, Mitsuhiko immediately became excited. "Then let's start right away!"

"..." Chiba immediately began to observe the entire observation hall.

If he really wants to say, he actually used the auxiliary unit to scan the scene in the observation hall before - it was at that time that he and Kidd had their first confrontation.

So, compared to that time, is there any difference between the current observatory? The conclusion is that there is almost nothing: after comparing the results of the 3D modeling with the previous scan with the auxiliary unit, Chiba's first rescan found almost no difference.

However, if you want to carry out further inspections, I am afraid you need to walk more in the observation hall and collect more scan data to check - at the same time, since I met Kidd during the scan before, the observation hall itself has many places. The scan modeling has not been completed, so the modeling comparison cannot be performed for the time being.

Mouri Kogoro just watched the members of the detective team spread out, looking for possible clues.

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