Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 511: - 1 paragraph

"It shouldn't be her," Chiyu shook her head when the two finished their investigation and walked out of the cabin where Miss Kawasaki was. "At least it's probably not her."

"Are you sure?" Haibara Ai didn't seem to have any doubts, just curious.

"Her answering pattern is relatively normal," Qianyu shook her head. "The language patterns between different response sentences basically do not change, so it is likely that she gave very natural answers in a very relaxed state, and the time-consuming of her surprising actions is also judged by the auxiliary unit. In the expected time, it's basically a genuine look of surprise. At the same time, she was relatively slow to answer when I asked if it was possible that someone had sneaked something into the spaceship, if she did If there is a question, the first reaction at this time is most likely to answer immediately, trying to push the blame on someone we don’t know who it is.”

"If that's the case, it's fine," Haibara sighed. "But now is the most troublesome situation, there is only a fog in front of us..."

"Yeah..." Qian Yu also sighed. "Let's go to some of the other staff members who were there at that time to investigate. If this doesn't work, it can only mean that this road will not work, and we must investigate in a different direction."

"I can understand this aspect of investigating other staff members very well, but what does it mean to change the direction of thinking?"

"Literally," Qianyu shrugged. "If it is impossible to catch the planner first and then ask where the methamphetamine is, we will go back to the previous model, find the methamphetamine first, and stop the entire drug trafficking behavior. Maybe after finding the methamphetamine, we can directly pass the residue of the methamphetamine itself. The clues have found the mastermind."

Even so, if you want to infer the planner from the methamphetamine, it is actually quite a difficult job, and it can even be said that it is impossible to infer who planned it.

But there is really no other way... As long as there are other means, there is no way to do this. In any case, the only thing Qianyu can do now is to think of a way to see if he can find the drugs, and then slowly think about whether it is possible to find the mastermind.

So, how to find drugs?

When he thought about it before, he had already come to the relevant result-a place to hide methamphetamine must meet the following two conditions, firstly, it is convenient to hide, and secondly, it is convenient to take it.

But let's not talk about the problem of convenient hiding, it is actually an impossible thing to carry easily. If the amount of methamphetamine is really large, no matter if the methamphetamine is carried out of the airship in the form of human body, it will be faced with not being able to carry much, and it is easy to be found out of shape because of the body shape. An empty question.

The work of bringing drugs onto the airship is easy as long as you can move your hands and feet during the security check, but taking drugs off the airship is not such an easy job, especially when you bring them down in batches. unless--

A strange light suddenly burst out from Chiyu's eyes.

If you want to think about how to take the methamphetamine off the airship, there may be one place that is difficult to check, and that is...


Meanwhile, a hospital in Guam.

"What did you do before?" a doctor looked at his colleague who was changing his work clothes and wondered. "Why are you so late?"

"Sorry, sorry," the colleague said with a wry smile. "I had a bad smell on my body before, so I had to take a shower before going to work-by the way, how long has that airship been gone?"

"It should be 12 hours," the doctor replied, glancing at the wall clock. "What's the matter, there should be no infectious diseases on that airship, right? There should only be these two infected cases."

"I know," the colleague nodded. "I have read the medical report. Although one of them is still in a coma, his body is not in serious condition. He is still recovering. The one who needs to rest is actually awake."

"No matter what, you have to deal with it properly," the doctor sighed. "But really, the briefing we got before they landed was really scary. I almost thought we were going to have patients that could fill the hospital. Fortunately, there were only these two in the end."

"Yeah," the colleague nodded. After changing his clothes, he carefully sniffed his hands. After spraying some alcohol on his hands with a watering can, the nervous expression on his face was relieved a little.

This time, it should be able to wipe out the smell of those unpleasant things, right?


"Huh?" Ayumi was stunned. "Can't find it anymore?"

"Yeah," Qianyu nodded but she didn't look for it anymore. Officer Nakamori and the others had already searched all the places, and they finally determined that there should only be that package of methamphetamine on the airship. "

"How is that possible?" Yuan Tai said dissatisfied. "Either there is no methamphetamine in this kind of place, or there are many, many packs of methamphetamine, how could there be only one pack?"

"For this point, Officer Nakamori has put forward an assumption that is quite reliable in my opinion," Qianyu said calmly, spreading her hands. "That is, this package of drugs is actually the drugs that Fujioka Takamichi and the others took away secretly before, and it is not their main target at all. If they plan to use a part of the hollow area inside the Buddha statue to entrain a small amount If there are several bags of methamphetamine, do you immediately think that the presence of methamphetamine on the airship is quite reasonable - they plan to bring methamphetamine to meet the team that stole the Buddha statue on the ground, and then put the methamphetamine into it as soon as possible, and then smuggle it. auction."

Yuan Tai opened his mouth in astonishment, and after a while, he nodded vaguely.

Ayumi's face was full of confusion, and her little head only shook slightly.

Mitsuhiko's face was gloomy and uncertain, and he looked suspiciously at Qianyu's eyes, and his own eyes also contained a trace of daze.

Haibara Ai's expression only jumped for a while, and then calmed down like an old monk was in a state of tranquility, just looking at Qianyu quietly.

As for Conan, who appeared out of nowhere after being missing for a long time, and was then forced back into the team by Yuanta with brute force, at this time, he looked at Qianyu with a half-smiling expression - Qianyu naturally saw Conan expression, but he completely ignored him.

Not far from them, Kogoro Mouri was chewing a piece of chewing gum, and while listening to the movements of Qianyu and the others, he stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the airship, quietly looking at the blue sea below.

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