Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 516: - a lot of methamphetamine

At the same time, inside the airship, a group of young detectives were sitting together on the bed in Dr. Agasa's room.

"So, it has been successful?" Ayumi said in surprise. "Have you caught the bad guy on the ground here?"

"It should be soon," Conan replied, looking at the tracking system on the lenses of his glasses. "The tracker's results show that they have stopped, which means they may have reached their nest and the Royal Police (New Zealand is the Royal Police) should be arresting them soon."

"Didn't you still install a bug on it?" Yuan Tai asked. "If you listen to that, you should be able to know, right?"

"It's too far," Conan shook his head. "The sound signal has exceeded the range of my glasses, so all I can hear now is the background noise. Don't worry too much, as soon as they complete the preliminary arrest, they will immediately notify Officer Nakamori and the others, and my Eavesdroppers also get the message."

Beside them, Haibara Ai raised her eyebrows at Chiyu who was sitting next to her (due to the angle, Conan could not see her expression, nor Chiyu's reply.

"It's over." Chiyu's expression was quite relaxed, and she replied with her lips.

Although Conan's glasses can no longer sense the signal of the bug, Chiba's auxiliary unit can still receive the signal of the bug - although it is quite weak, it is enough for the auxiliary unit to complete the translation and convert it into a sound signal So he was able to know before Officer Zhong Sen that the Royal New Zealand Police had controlled the transporter of this bag of drugs.

From now on, the investigation of the entire drug trafficking case has become the task of the police officers from Nakamori and the Royal New Zealand Police-because the officers of Nakamori and the others have done everything they can.


The afternoon before.

Chiba went down the stairs in the staff area step by step and came to the garbage storage area where household garbage is stored.

Although Police Officer Nakamori and the others have not been able to infer where the garbage is, they can obviously be vigilant enough and conduct comprehensive and detailed screening for those apparently abnormal behaviors that try to take something out of the airship.

Then, whether it is considering that the other party may make targeted reports based on the channels most likely to be inspected by the police, or considering the aspects that the police may not be able to take into account and fill in the gaps, go to those who are likely to be ignored by the police. The places are a pretty good choice.

Among them, the things that are most easily overlooked by the police are those things that they have become accustomed to, and are transported out in the way of ordinary daily affairs-for example, Qianyu is currently going to inspect the garbage storage area. of those rubbish.

In the eyes of the police, these garbage are just dirty things that are produced every day. Whether it is the daily attributes or the attributes of the dirty things that are generated every day, the police will not have any interest in these garbage. If it is said that the other party is considering this kind of thinking of the police and then targeting it, then...

Thinking like this, Chiha turned on the lights in the garbage storage area and started searching under the action of the auxiliary unit's contrast unit.

If the other party is going to use a garbage bag as a guise to smuggle methamphetamine, then they're probably going to have some way of separating the bag with the methamphetamine from the other bags (otherwise they may need to screen the bags individually , which is quite a waste of time and easy to cause too much movement to be discovered). And if they were really going to do that, Chiba would be able to use her own auxiliary unit to pick up the trick and identify the markedly distinctive trash bag.

In fact, it didn’t take Chiba to find the bag at all—because they had just carried out a garbage cleanup on the night of the 14th, the crew on the airship hadn’t produced much in just over a dozen hours. Bags of garbage, so not many garbage bags here.

In such a situation, if there is an abnormality in a garbage bag, it is easy to be detected by Chiba's auxiliary unit - most garbage bags are covered with a layer of net pockets for easy transportation for convenient transportation. In front of Qianyu, there was a garbage bag with two layers of net pockets.

"Uh..." Qianyu slowly approached the garbage bag, and then carefully examined the thicker garbage bag. If he's not mistaken, this garbage bag seems... angular?

With such doubts, Chiyu looked around, and after confirming that there should be no monitors nearby, she looked at the garbage bag again, and then carefully tried to find the mouth of the garbage bag, and then checked what was inside. thing.

After about a minute, Qianyu felt a little dry-mouthed - it wasn't that he had not seen priceless drugs before (you can look back at the chapter of Curator Tsugawa, where Qianyu found hundreds of millions of high-purity drugs heroin), but the amount of drugs presented to him this time is far greater than the last time he saw even far more than the last time when the drugs were found in the rice flower library. Estimated amount of drugs that may be there.

If all these ice candy bags are full of methamphetamine... what kind of large-scale organization has such financial resources and energy to be able to release so much methamphetamine in one go? These methamphetamines...if they were all high-quality methamphetamines, the price...was at least a few billion yen, right?

To tell the truth, if it wasn't for the fear of not being able to take action in such an unfamiliar place (in fact, it would be difficult for him to pass the search of the cabin by Officer Nakamori and others who might arrive at any time), Qianyu really wanted to secretly take it. Put a few packs, and at that time, just push the pot of meth disappeared to the mastermind who was discovered later. But in the current situation, I am afraid that he does not have the conditions to do so.

No way, be a good boy and report these things to Officer Nakamori!

Just when Qianyu was planning to restore everything to its original state, pretending that he had never been here before, an extraordinarily conspicuous object caught his eye. "?"

Qianyu frowned and took the thing carefully in her hand. "This……"

In his hand, a snow-white feather stood out.

This is... a bird's feather? But if I remember correctly, there should be no passengers on the airship who keep birds as pets, and there are no meat and eggs that need to be raised, right?

Then this feather... Is there something like a thrown down pillow in this bag as a cover for these drugs?

Not far away, a pigeon with a dark body and hidden in the darkness is watching this side-on its back, an equally dark camera is shooting this side.

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