Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 526: ——Smart is mistaken by smart

At the same time, it wasn't just the two of them who were enjoying the moment - there was one person.


20 minutes before the collision, in a cabin.

"..." Conan held the mobile phone and held the frame of his glasses with the other hand, looking at the surrounding environment quite vigilantly.

He was invited out by a letter from Ayumi, the content of which was that he hoped he could come out and talk to her.

But the problem is, it's not Ayumi's handwriting, and the pen is a mechanical pencil - although some schools allow pupils to use mechanical pencils, Didan Elementary School is not included (Author: In fact, it seems that the elementary schools that do not allow the use of mechanical pencils do not Less, the interview with the nationals gave many reasons, such as affecting the grasp of the pen holding posture, unable to control the strength of writing, etc.) It is difficult for a child who is used to using a pencil to use it fluently. It is relatively easy Broken mechanical pencil.

Moreover, the grammar in that is not something that a child like Ayumi can master... In short, although this letter was written in Ayumi's tone, it doesn't look like it was written by her.

Then, who wrote this, and what did that person write this letter to?

With such a subtle vigilance, Conan continued to walk slowly in the cabin - his footsteps were very clear, without any delay, so that any movement that planned to mix in his footsteps to fish in troubled waters could be exposed as much as possible. .

It's almost at the agreed position, that is to say, if someone really intends to lure him over and attack him, he will basically start at this section of the road.

However, at this moment, a subtle voice came from his ears.

Is that... a girl's gasp?

Frowning slightly, Conan took out a small ball from his pocket - it was the firework bomb he asked for from the doctor just now. As long as the trigger is triggered, it will have a delayed lighting effect.

With a flick of the finger, the ball flew out. A few seconds later, the view of the forward cabin was unobstructed under the illumination of fireworks.

"Ah!" A panicked girl's voice sounded—there was no doubt that this voice belonged to Ayumi. However, there is only Ayumi's voice here... Is there no one else, or is that person mentally prepared for this, so he is not frightened?

The next second, the answer was revealed, because Ayumi just ran out in a panic without receiving any obstacles.

It seems that Ayumi is indeed here, and she is indeed not under any coercion. Could that strange letter really come from her? But how did she write such a letter?

"K... Conan?" At this time, Ayumi, who had recovered from her surprise, had already discovered it. " did that just now?"

"Uh..." Conan's mouth twitched, and he turned on the flashlight on his watch. "'s me..."

At this time, Ayumi was obviously terrified, and her eyes were even glistening with sparkling tears - there is no doubt that this was all due to Conan's fireworks without any advance warning.

"Are you okay?" Conan asked with concern. "I'm sorry, I... I couldn't see the way here clearly, so I threw a fireworks to illuminate it."

"It's's okay..." Ayumi's tears had already fallen, and she shook her head with a little weeping. "it does not matter……"

"Ah..." Conan had a bad look on his face, and then he remembered the business. "That... did you write that letter and call me out?"

"Yes...Yes..." Ayumi was obviously trying to stop her crying. "Yes... I called you out."

"That letter was also written by you?" Conan continued to ask - this is what he didn't understand the most, because he really couldn't imagine how such a letter was written by a child.

"That letter is..." Ayumi shook her head again. "I asked a waiter sister to write..."

"Why did you ask the waiter sister to write it?" Conan frowned slightly. "That older sister wrote it... a bit strange, so I was a little nervous when I came."

"Conan-kun," Ayumi had already suppressed her crying, but her voice changed a bit. "That...can I invite you with me?"

"Huh?" Conan was stunned.

"I invite you..." Having said this, Ayumi became a little nervous and her hands were clenched. "I invite you to come and see Sumek Levi!"

"Uh," Conan was stunned. "But isn't the movie theater already in--"

"I found a good place!" Ayumi shook her head vigorously. "A great place to watch the stars, so I want to watch it with you!"

"And... me?" Conan pointed to himself in disbelief.

"Yeah!" Ayumi began to nod forcefully again. "Yes!"

"Um..." Conan hesitated. "How about we call everyone over?"

"No!" Ayumi immediately refused. "I just want to watch it with you Conan!"

At this time, the expression on Ayumi's face changed If she had gradually recovered from crying before, her expression had once again felt like she was about to cry.

"Don't, don't..." Conan felt like a dad coaxing a baby. "I'll accompany you! I'll accompany you to watch the stars!"


Ayumi admits that she played a little trick - although she was really frightened, she did play a little trick on Conan.

Conan is a very good boy, so he will not be fooled by those inferior scams that may be able to deceive Mitsuhiko and Genta. But... what if it's a flaw that doesn't seem deliberate and seems hard to find? As a boy with a very sensitive mind, Conan can definitely find the problem, and he won't think it's a flaw that she can think of.

The key to creating such a flaw that Conan doesn't think Ayumi can create is to allow Ayumi to create a flaw that she can't—in other words, let someone more knowledgeable than her create a flaw.

If you want to do this without causing others' doubts, you must create flaws in a reasonable and natural way. For example, if every flaw between the lines is desperately shouting "I am the flaw!" to the person reading the letter, then in all likelihood someone like Conan wouldn't be fooled. However, if every flaw is perfectly integrated into the whole article, it will not seem like an article full of mistakes is made to express these flaws, but some of the flaws will be revealed in the process of writing an article naturally. Flaws, then Conan may be deceived.

Therefore, Ayumi asked a waiter and asked her to write a high-quality invitation letter for a favorite opposite **** in her style using a mechanical pencil that Ayumi did not use.

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