Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 551: - Estimates and discrepancies

Well, if that's the case, maybe the ingenuity is really still here... Thinking like this, Chiyu walked between the 5th and 7th boxes, raised her head, and looked at the sliding rails of the doors of the two boxes. Slot - However, he didn't see anything. It may be that there is nothing here, or the murderer has taken away the things here.

Thinking like this, Qianyu walked back to the door of Box No. 5 and looked at this compartment.

This compartment is quite tidy, and it can almost be said that there are no traces of people living at all - either the murderer has deliberately hidden his traces, or it means that the murderer has other compartments. If it is the latter, it means that the murderer did not jump from the car at all. Otherwise, once the car arrives at the station, the box that has not been cleaned will be paid attention to, and the information inside will be collected by the Hokkaido police for investigation.

At this moment, Conan suddenly patted him on the shoulder.

"!?" Qian Yu was taken aback and looked at Conan in a bit of astonishment.

"What are you thinking?" Conan asked. "Didn't you hear what Officer Nishimura said just now? Let you, me, and Haiyuan come with him."

"Where to go?"

"Go back to Honshu on the railcar on the auxiliary track - they found the murderer who jumped from the car, even though it was just a corpse... Don't look at me like that, he is indeed dead."

To be honest, Chiyu really hadn't seriously considered the possibility of jumping to his death, especially when it was confirmed that the Big Dipper train was only running at about 50 kilometers per hour when the murderer jumped--a situation he could imagine. It's that I accidentally broke my neck when jumping from the car or died under the wheel when the buffer rolled over, but the former generally only happens to novices who have no experience in jumping, and the latter... It's hard to imagine that the murderer would not issue anything. A scream that everyone can hear.

Speaking of which, why did this Nishimura police officer let himself and Haibara Ai go with him? Inviting two — three kids if you count Conan — is a little weird.


Seikan Tunnel has a spare tunnel on both sides of the main tunnel used for normal traffic, which is specially suitable for the rapid movement of emergency repair teams throughout the tunnel. This time, Officer Nishimura ordered the Hokkaido police to mobilize a repair vehicle on the Hokkaido side to take them to the place where the body was found.

"Where is the corpse?" Conan asked. "How far is it from the tunnel entrance?"

"According to them, it should be near the 3-kilometer mark on the Honshu section," replied the Nishimura police officer. "At our current speed, it used to take about 20 minutes - oh, by the way, I have here the description of the case they sent to the telegraph system on the train, you can take a look." Saying this, he put his Three of the four sheets of paper were handed over to Conan, while Conan kept one page for himself, and the remaining two were handed over to Chiba and Haibara Ai.

Qianyu took the document, and then looked at the content description above - there is not much content, but it is a little subtle, the general is as follows.

1. The murderer is a middle-aged man with two fake mustaches on his face and a wig on his head.

2. No particularly obvious knife and gunshot wounds were found on the body. It is preliminarily judged that the cause of death may be the on-the-spot death caused by the neck landing when jumping from the car. As evidence, there are a lot of scars on the face caused by friction with the ground.

3. There is severe deformation that can be observed in both arms, and it is inferred that the forearm has been fractured.

"Where's the gun?" Conan asked. "Did you find a gun?"

"Gun?" Officer Nishimura frowned, confirming that the document in his hand did not mention this matter before answering. "I don't think I found it? Otherwise, unless they are pigs, it will definitely be written."

"What I'm curious about is what happened to the glass," Qianyu said suddenly. "Although I don't know what the specific results will be, I think the bullet is at most a few holes and some cracks in the glass. If you want to break the whole glass, you still need to break the glass yourself and then jump. "

"The friction wound probably also includes scratches from the glass, right?" Conan speculated. "If that's the case, it probably explains why he fell to his death - he hit the glass directly with a shock-resistant posture, but after breaking through the glass, he couldn't adjust his posture, and finally his neck fell first."

"It sounds very likely," Ai Haibara replied. "But the question is, where is the gun? I thought the killer might have smashed the window and threw the gun out before jumping out, but in your opinion, he didn't have time to throw the gun first. ."

Chiyu suddenly frowned. "I think it's better for us to talk about it at the scene..."

"What do you mean?" Conan raised his eyebrows.

"I feel like I thought of something, but I don't know what I thought," Qianyu shook her head. "Go over there and see what's going on, and then see if I can remember what I was thinking about."


After 20 minutes, they arrived at the location of the murderer's body, and saw that several policemen had already surrounded the body, and they were recording at this time.

"I'm here," said Officer Nishimura. "Then leave the rest to us."

The policemen over there didn't say anything, they just silently made way for them.

"Huh?" Qianyu made a stunned and raised her eyebrows, while Conan next to him frowned, then glanced at Qianyu and Haibara Ai.

Although it felt a little strange, several people still surrounded the body.

"It feels like we're just like hyenas," Haibara frowned. "It's just like scavengers to do an inspection around a corpse that has been inspected by others."

"Well..." Qianyu just responded casually, because he was now looking at the murderer's face intently.

"Is this Anji Asama?" Police Officer Nishimura narrowed his eyes for a moment and said. "This guy... why is he here?"

"Asama Anji?" Haibara Ai frowned. "This is Anji Asama? Isn't it disguised as Anji Asama?"

"He is Anji Asama disguised as someone else," Officer Nishimura shook his head. "Anyway, I think..." Having said that, he pinched Anji Asama's face. "It shouldn't be a disguise, this is his face, and he is Anji Asama."

"Chiba," Conan took off Anji Asama's clothes directly, and began to check the condition of Anji Asama's broken arms through his shirt. "Have you found anything?"

"..." Qian Yu looked at Conan's skilled inspection technique in amazement, and shook his head after a few seconds. "I'm still thinking about the problem that Huiyuan mentioned just now, and the upgraded version of that problem."

"If Yasuji Asama broke the glass, where is the glass? If the bullets really broke the glass by magic, we should be able to find traces of gunshots on the wall if we walk forward. There were traces of glass splattering nearby."

Saying so, Chiba stood up. "Would you like to walk forward with me? According to what you saw at the time, it should be about a hundred meters ahead."

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