Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 554: - Confession (End of Big Dipper Train Arc)

"What?" Gabriel was taken aback. "How can you!"

"This is just a normal criminal investigation activity," Police Officer Nishimura said with the same expression. "So, do you intend to continue to quibble, or do you intend to admit your guilt?"

"..." Kagishizawa's face was already pale, and his arms were trembling uncontrollably.

At this moment, Dr. Agasa, Conan, Chiba, and Ai Haibara had already entered the carriage, and saw Kagoshi Rizuki, whose psychological defense line was already close to collapse.

"Sure enough..." Qian Yu sighed and said.

"Yes," Conan nodded. "Next, let's hear why he did this and what he did."


"At the time, I shot and hid here, and when you were close to the box door, I activated the mechanism to close the box door." Gayori, who was already in handcuffs, walked quickly from the door of Box 5 to him and him. On the stairs of Ketaro Izumo's box, he explained to the people around him. "Then I quietly walked up to the sound of you running over, opened the box door, ducked back and locked the door, pretending I've been resting."

"What's your so-called mechanism?" Conan asked. "It's the fishing line in the tackle bag of your boss, Mr. Izumo Keitaro, in your cabin, right?"

"Yes," Kaguri showed a somewhat surprised look. "I did get the job done with fishing line, but how did you..."

"Because you only have this one that can complete the implementation of the plan I guessed before," Conan said lightly with a rather confident smile. "Compared with other props, fishing line has enough strength to allow you to complete long-distance trap control while hiding yourself, so this is the tool you are most likely to use."

"Yeah," Kayuri looked at Conan with an uneasy expression, and then agreed with him. "I was hanging a fishing line on the door handle of box 5, through the hole in the jeans of Yasuji Asama's body and out of the slot in the wall. I just need to get close to you. When I pulled the fishing line, I threw the body of Anji Asama, who had been hanging outside the car, out of the window while pulling the box door. The knot I tied on the door handle was not strong, and I just had to pull it hard. It will be pulled off, so all I have to do is twitch this fishing line vigorously and it will be pulled out by me before you get into the box."

"Sure enough," Conan nodded. "It's pretty much the same as what I imagined."

"By the way, how did you suspect Anji Asama's cause of death?" Kagori suddenly remembered something and asked quickly. "I thought my golden cicada escaped the shell perfectly..."

"You have too many questions," Conan snorted and started talking. "First, there's the window glass issue: if the window glass was shattered when Asama jumped from the car, the shards of the window glass should have been found near where he jumped, but the police didn't. Find traces of it. So I started to wonder if the glass was really broken when you jumped off the car. The same applies to Asama's luggage you dropped."

"Is that so..." Kagori murmured.

"To be honest," Conan shrugged. "If you didn't commit the crime here, I found that this anomaly is actually very difficult, because there is a layer of stone ballast bed under the train tracks outside, and it is actually very difficult to confirm whether there is glass **** inside. But here On the concrete platform, this kind of thing is much more convenient, just need a flashlight to confirm whether there are traces of glass debris on the ground.”

"..." Kagoshi Rizaku's face was ashen, and his body trembled slightly.

"Second point," Conan continued. "You hung him out of the car after you attacked Asama, which caused him to land with no resistance when you threw him down, which led to an abnormal jump on the clinical test. The clinical symptoms of scars. I believe that as long as a follow-up autopsy is carried out on Anji Asama's body, the police will easily find that there are many doubts in the autopsy results of Asama Anji, and then start a new investigation - but it was too late to find out who had resigned. You even fled abroad."

"The third point is how you dealt with Anji Asama's bed. We found that the bed in the box was very neat and was obviously handled carefully, and made Anji Asama not fall asleep, but was always preparing to commit a crime. The illusion of action. But what you may not know is that we found traces of his sleep on the bed - saliva traces on the pillow, not obvious, but there. In other words, there should be someone there The bed has been slept on, so it's also an abnormal condition that shouldn't have been tidy. The only explanation is that someone tried to hide something and made the bed."

"If you keep talking, it's really endless, so now I think it's your turn to talk," when he said Conan took a deep breath, then stared at Kayue Riza's eyes. "Tell me, why are you doing this?"

"In revenge," Kaguri said immediately. "It's to avenge the girl I love - whether it's killing Ketaro Izumo or Yasuji Asama for that."

"Vengeance?" Conan frowned. "What's the meaning?"

"Actually, I used to have a good relationship with Anji Asama," Kagori showed a wry smile. "In fact, she has a good relationship with Anji Asama, and the three of us are good friends."

"Later, I actually found out that she was addicted to drugs..." Having said this, Kayuri shook his head. "I was really freaked out because I couldn't imagine exactly why she was addicted to drugs."

"Less than half a year later, she died, and died in my arms." Kayleze's tone calmed down, as if the dead person had met her by chance. "The last words she said to me before she died were 'I'm sorry'."

"Later, I accidentally discovered that Anji Asama was involved in drug trafficking, so I began to wonder if this old **** seduced her to take drugs and eventually killed him." There were two bags in the pockets. "I went to ask him at the time, but he said it had nothing to do with him. Her drugs did not come from her, but from his colleague, Ketaro Izumo, the owner of the jewelry store."

"It wasn't until later that I found out that they were actually related to offline and offline. It was indeed Ketaro Izumo who provided her with drugs, but proposed the idea of ​​providing her with drugs and making her addicted to drugs, and obtained it with the coercion of drug money. Her body..." When he said this, Kagori was already gnashing his teeth.

"It's the **** Yasuji Asama!"

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