Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 59: ——Mazi's Umbrella Dance Tutorial

"Hey? Is that the famous sleeping Kogoro?" Baidi was shocked. "How could he!"

"Of course I'm here to investigate the teacher's affairs," Miyoshi Mazi shook his head, and then focused his eyes on the traceless umbrella in Qianyu's hands. "Is it raining today?"

"Three good sisters?" Qianyu asked tentatively. "I made an appointment with you before, and I came here today to study with you..."

"You are—oh!" Miyoshi Asako looked at Qianyu, and thought about it before she could react. "It's you, the little guy who asked me to learn umbrella dance at that time~"

"Umbrella dance?" Xiaolan was surprised. "Chiba, do you want to take part in the Clang-Sang Matsuri?" (Sang-Sang Matsuri: A four-yearly event in Tottori City where participants dance with umbrellas with small bells. The 45th will be held in August 1994. Annual Chong Chong Festival.)

"Uh..." Qianyu didn't know how to answer for a while. "personal interest..."

"Ala," Miyoshi Mazi helped Qianyu, who came to learn umbrellas from him. "I only know Qianyu-kun's name so far, so what about the three of you?"

"Little brother." Miyoshi Mazi leaned down and looked at Conan who was confused.

"Mr. Kogoro Mori, the famous detective." Afterwards, Miko Miyoshi looked at Kogoro Mori again.

"What?" Baidi was shocked. "he is--"

"And you," Miyoshi Mazi showed a captivating smile, and put his right hand on Xiaolan's shoulder. "This very, very plump lady."

"???" Qianyu raised her eyebrows - there are so many compliments, there's no need to pick such a sentence that doesn't quite match the truth, right?

"Plump?" Conan was surprised, looking at Xiaolan repeatedly.

"Huh?" Xiao Lan's face immediately burned red like a steam boiler. "Feng... plump...?" The last voice was that of a gnat.

"See for yourself!" Miyoshi Mazi looked at the surprised look in Xiaolan's eyes, and put her other hand on Xiaolan's shoulder.

next moment. . .

"Ah!" Xiaolan suddenly found that her clothes and skirt swelled up. Then, the first button of Xiaolan's clothes was directly torn open due to the swelling, and the skirt also flew. More than a dozen pigeons flew from Xiaolan's clothes. The lining and under the skirt flew out.

"When was this hidden..." Qianyu looked at the flying pigeon and was thinking, but heard Xiaolan questioning Conan badly.

"Have you seen it?" Xiaolan's expression was quite terrifying, which was a very rare situation. . . Has something happened?

"What?" Conan was also confused.

"Magic or something," Miyoshi Mazi looked at Baidi. "At least it has to be this logical, understand?"

"Yes..." Baidi said affectionately and lowly.

"Qianyu-kun," Miyoshi Mazi then glanced at Conan again. "Come with me and take your umbrella."

"Okay." Qianyu took the umbrella and left the corridor with Miko Miyoshi.

"What skills do you want to learn?" Miyoshi Mazi opened the door of a room and asked as he walked in.

"Can you teach me how to change directions at a high speed and do not require too much force?" Qianyu thought for a while and said.

"Let's try it out first." Miyoshi Mazi turned on the lights in the room, and saw that this was an empty practice room. "Just use your umbrella."

"What?" Qianyu asked.

"Stab at the highest speed, and try to change direction during the process." Miyoshi Mazi found a chair, sat down, and looked at Qianyu.

"Okay." Qianyu picked up the umbrella, took a deep breath, and stabbed out!

During the piercing process, Chiyu twisted her wrist hard, trying to flip the umbrella from left to right, but because her wrist strength was not enough, after halfway through, Chiyu's arm was stretched to the limit.

"Since you don't have enough arm strength, don't change direction like this!" Miyoshi Mazi thought for a while, stood up, and asked Qianyu for an umbrella. "After all, for a child like you, this umbrella is still very heavy. You can take a more effective way of flipping it. Look at me."

Miyoshi Mazi picked up the umbrella and stabbed forward. Halfway through the stab, Miko Miyoshi began to change direction, but unlike Chiyu's twisting her wrist, she chose to swing her entire arm, allowing the umbrella to rotate during the attack, and then use thrust to change the direction. "Understood? Try it."

"Hmm..." Chiyu tried to do it again, and she found that it was very effective to change direction in a high-speed stab. "What's the rationale for this?"

"If you twist like that," Miko Miyoshi chuckled. "Equally your fingertips are the fulcrum, the fingertip to the umbrella tip is the resistance arm, and your wrist to the fingertip is the power arm. That makes a very laborious lever - ah, forget you're a kid …”

"I can understand, please continue." Qianyu motioned Miyoshi Miko to continue So for a child like you, this lever is very difficult to reverse. Miyoshi Mazi's slightly surprised eyes flashed past, and then he said. "Therefore, you can swing your arms a little as I did just now, and pull the umbrella handle to make it turn with the position of your wrist." Because the center of gravity of the umbrella itself does not change during manipulation, it will save a lot of effort. "

"In other words, don't forcefully resist the inertia of the umbrella?" Qian Yu thought thoughtfully.

"Follow your heart, this is the principle of nature," Miyoshi Mazi applauded. "But it is also necessary to follow the umbrella with your hands. Try not to try to force the entire umbrella itself, but try to rotate the umbrella without competing with the center of gravity, so that the umbrella can be operated most effectively and make up for the lack of strength. weakness."

"Understood." Qian Yu nodded.

"Sister Mazi - Huh? Chiba-san?" A familiar voice sounded from behind.

"Huh?" Qian Yu looked back curiously, only to see a little girl sticking her head out from behind the door and looking at her. "I remember you should be... Fumino from Class A?"

"It's me~" Wen Nai showed a bright smile. "Did you come to play?"

"Uh..." Qianyu raised her eyebrows. "I'm here to find sister Miyoshi Mazi to learn umbrella dance."

"Let's go out and play together~" Wen Nai invited with a smile. "My mother just asked Sister Mazi to accompany me to go shopping, to prepare for tomorrow night's birthday party~"

"..." Miyoshi Mazi thought for a while and smiled. "Qianyu-kun, what I just said is the core essence of dancing umbrellas, you just need to go back to practice more and ask me if you have any questions. How about buying something with Wen Nai?"

"Uh..." Qianyu thought for a while. "Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

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