Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 556: - verification of rumors

"How long are we going to stay here?" Chiba asked, looking at the convenience store in front of her. "I mean on this mountain."

"What's wrong?" Conan asked.

"It's just a little tangled," Qianyu shrugged. "If anyone really wants to do something on this mountain... don't you think it's stupid for us to stay here for a long time?"

"Then we may really have to stay for a while," replied Dr. Agsa. "Yusaku entrusted us to investigate all the situation here, and asked to leave at noon tomorrow or after finding out the truth."

"Tsk," Qian Yu's mouth twitched. "The news...I'm a little worried, especially until I figure out what's going on."

"Don't worry, we are in the room," Conan was not particularly nervous. "If it's really the voodoo powder you're talking about, those people are scary at best, and all we need to deal with is the messenger who manipulates them. Not to mention that we are in the room, as long as we are on guard. , at least not directly raided."

"Don't we need to explore in the forest?" Chiba asked again. "If we don't search the forest, we're going to have a hard time finding anything. But if we search the forest, the risk factor is a bit high."

"There are coordinators already in place," Dr. A Li glanced at Qian Yu, and said with relief. "Don't worry, we have already agreed to conduct the search in the daytime of the next day - Ben ... originally planned to search today, but considering that we have delayed so much time today, it is better to start the search tomorrow."

"Excuse me, who are you?" At this moment, the door of the convenience store was opened - a clerk had already seen them, and came out curiously. "Is there anything I need to buy?"

"Ah—" Conan replied after hesitating for a moment. "Well, we want to investigate the rumors of zombies appearing on the mountain here... Does anyone know about this."

"Why do you ask this?" The clerk frowned. "I'm the one who saw the zombies..."

"Are these true?" Conan was taken aback. "Did you really see zombies?"

"Yes," the clerk nodded. "I saw the process of zombies walking towards me at that time."

"What's it like?" Conan's enthusiasm was much higher than before, so he hurriedly asked. "What kind of scene did you see then?"

"I saw it at the time..." The clerk replied after thinking for a moment. "The head of the zombie has been broken to one side. If you count the head, it may be about 1.9 meters tall, and it is a strong body. He walks with a limp and drags one leg when walking."

"How did you drag one leg?" Conan asked again. "Is it that simple limping, or is it simply not normal to have one leg on the ground?"

It is also possible for those beasts with only instincts to limp, because pain limits their smooth movement. But if you can keep your balance and just walk with one leg in an abnormal way, that's not something only instinctive walking dead can do - especially for bipedal humans. .

"Limp," the clerk replied. "The way the legs land may be more normal, but it's still dragging one leg."

"..." Conan fell into deep thought.

"Can they do such a thing?" Qianyu asked in a low voice to Haibara beside her.

"I haven't tried it," Ai Haibara shrugged. "But if you are trained, you might be able to barely keep walking, but..."

"No one would waste time on this kind of thing, right?" Qianyu nodded. "If you really want to use it as a walking dead, you shouldn't waste so much time on one person. Anyway, if you put them back, there will be many problems. It's better to kill them all... Then again, in the face of such a crazy murderer If so, is there really no problem for us to stay here? I'm even more worried after thinking about these things!"

"Look at it slowly, anyway, you and I shouldn't have too much trouble." Hai Yuanai said lightly. "Among all of them, you, I, and Conan should be the strongest in combat."

"Why?" Qianyu raised her eyebrows. "Yuan Tai is not weak in theory, right?"

"I brought what you gave me," Hai Yuan said sadly. "And you brought those things too, didn't you? We have no reason to worry at all."

The thing that Haibara Ai was referring to was the finger tiger that Chiba gave her before. If there is this thing, it can at least cause serious damage to the walking dead and the manipulator. The things that Qianyu brought are other special props, which are also quite usable here.


After getting back into the car and heading towards the villa on the mountain, Conan's expression was quite bad.

"What's wrong?" Ayumi asked Conan, what are you worried about? "

"Well," Conan nodded solemnly. "To be honest, I thought it was some kind of rumour, because if there were such incidents, there's no reason we hadn't heard of them at all - at least the local press here should have pulled them out long ago. It's been reported. But now...if any clerk actually saw the zombies, the incident is quite subtle. Especially considering the amount of pork that was lost before, it's obviously a fairly large group of people who need to eat so much pork."

"Cooking smoke?" Qian Yu suddenly remembered something and said. "Wait a minute, if they need to cook, they definitely need to have a location where they can do it, and it's got to be big enough."

"Considering that this place is completely forest, there is almost no possibility of underground excavation, so the whole cooking work must be done on the ground, at most a natural cave or a building that has long been standing in the forest. Inside. There is no doubt that such a place must be quite conspicuous, and we must see it whenever we are in the vicinity."

"Then let's go see it tomorrow," Mitsuhiko said. "Today we'll get things ready-"

"No, we'll go today," Conan said. "Let's do a little search for a part of the forest before night falls, and then perform the rest of the search task tomorrow."

In the woods on the roadside where their vehicle just passed, a grass suddenly trembled.

Then, a man with scars all over his body and a hideous appearance stood up - his head was bent at a strange angle, and there was nothing in his eyes except a cloud of turbidity.

"Roar—" He let out a low growl.

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