Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 570: - Queen Mushuli

"Is the ticket price really that cheap?" After sitting in the seat, Qianyu asked in confusion. "1 yen?"

"Yeah," Dr. A Li, who was sitting in a seat not far away, nodded. "Today this flight was suddenly selected as a children's promotion flight, so almost all of your fares have been refunded."

"JAL would actually do this kind of thing," Qianyu shook her head with a smile after being stunned for a moment. "I thought only cheap flights would have this kind of deal."

When they came, they had already taken the famous Big Dipper train in Japan, so the doctor arranged a plane for them on the return trip, but they didn't expect to encounter such good luck this time, and they actually encountered a child discount. Day activities, so that they can get on the plane at almost no cost. And more importantly...

"It's really impressive," Mitsuhiko patted his seat excitedly. "This luxurious seat!"

They are not sitting in ordinary economy class, but first class - their seats directly monopolize the entire fifth row and a seat in the fourth row. (The first-class cabin of this plane has a total of 8 rows, the first 6 rows of 6 seats are ABDGHJ, and the 78th row has only AB seats because of the position occupied by the cabinet)

At this moment, the movement in front of them caught their attention.

"Sister?" A flight attendant looked at a beautiful woman standing in front of her in surprise, and only realized his gaffe after a while. "Sorry, may I ask who you are..."

"I remember you are..." The beautiful woman thought for a while before she realized it. "Is there Sunja who is dating the two-year-old Yuan Ye?"

"It's already a student period," a blush flashed on the purser's face. "Sister Shuli, please stop talking!"

"What happened to that wild boy in the end?" The woman known as the tree continued to ask. "You should already be married, right, have you found a better one or—"

"It's that guy," the purser replied with a smile. "In the end, he succeeded."

"What's your personality like?" Shuri continued to ask. "Didn't bully you?"

"It's very busy," the purser sighed after saying this. "He later became short-sighted, so he became a dispatcher - we should accept his dispatch when we return to Tokyo this time."

"That's okay," Shuri nodded. "At least after the flight lands, if the schedule allows, you can still meet. You think about the kind of couple who go to different airlines - tsk tsk, it's just torture."

"By the way, do you need me to take you to see the captain and the others?" the purser suddenly said. "They have seen your performances before, and they would be very happy to see you at this time."

"No, I'll come back later," Shuri shook his head. "They should be checking the pre-flight procedures now, or better not disturb them. It's not too late for me to go in until the autopilot system is working and the flight is smooth."

"Is that Makiri?" Chiba suddenly realized that he seemed to have seen this person before - he had seen news about the performance of this woman's Napoleon-related stage play in Tokyo before in a magazine. "Princess Josephine's star Makiri?"

"Princess Josephine?" In the 4J seat in front of Qianyu's right, Bumei asked curiously. "Who is that?"

"The French Emperor Napoleon I - the first queen of the greatest Emperor Napoleon, and the grandmother of the later Napoleon III." Qianyu explained. "A little older than Napoleon, and although they eventually divorced, she was still deeply favored by Napoleon, and eventually died more than a month after Napoleon abdicated for the first time and was exiled."

"The makeup technique is good," Ai Haibara commented. "I saw this woman just now, she is very good at makeup, if I hadn't known it was impossible, I would have thought she was about the same age as me - this is an exaggeration, her face is supple, tell us It's nothing strange, right?" Haibara Ai's remarks almost scared Qian Yu into a cold sweat, but fortunately, she realized her mistake and immediately added an explanation.

"..." Qianyu glanced at Haiyuan Ai with a playful look, but Haiyuan Ai glared back angrily.

"That's right," the purser suddenly asked at this moment. "Senpai, have you found Mr. Ruyi now?"

"Not yet," Mu Shuli shook his head with a smile after being stunned for a moment. "I still want to continue my acting career, so it's impossible to waste too much time in this kind of place for the time being."

"Is that so?" The chief purser glanced in the direction of the back row with a bit of astonishment, and then said embarrassingly. "In any case, I still hope that senpai can meet someone you like and like you as soon as possible - even if you can't get married for a while."

"Ah—" Mu Shuli smiled and tapped the purser's You are really good, you actually taught me, ah? "


About forty minutes later, the plane took off smoothly and entered the stage of level flight.

"Dong dong," the captain and co-pilot in the cabin were looking at the instrument panel, but suddenly heard a knock on the cabin door. "Da Yue and Zhong Wu, is that you?"

"?" Captain Koshi and First Officer Nakaya exchanged a strange look - this voice did not belong to any of the flight attendants on the plane, but they all felt that this voice seemed familiar. "May I ask who is calling?"

What responded to them was not the sound of the response, but the sound of the door opening. "Captain, this is your acquaintance and my senior sister."

"Her senior?" Dai Yue seemed to have thought of something. "Wait a minute, could it be—"

"In the pasture?" Zhongwu obviously thought of the answer one step ahead of him. "Is it in a tree outside?"

"The answer is correct." The smiling Mu Shuli entered the cabin under the leadership of the purser who was also smiling. "How are the two seniors?"

"It's all okay," Dai Yue loosened his seat belt, and then stretched out his hand to Mashuli, but the latter did not make a handshake gesture after extending his hand, but hung his hand in the air, using The **** is lightly tapped in the air, and the sapphire ring on the finger is particularly conspicuous.

"Ah," Dai Yue immediately reacted, and with a smile he used his **** to support Mu Shuli's hand. "It's an honor, my Royal Highness." Saying this, he gently kissed Mu Shuli's hand.


Meanwhile, in the back row of first class.

"..." A young man was looking at a copy in his hand, and the document printed on it was the official logo of JAL.

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