Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 571: --Fault

"By the way, is this kind of plane a little bigger for domestic flight?" Mitsuhiko asked the question while looking at the manual in his hand. "This plane can fly from Hokkaido to Okinawa and back twice. Isn't it a waste to use such a short flight?"

"But the plane is full," Qianyu shrugged. "First of all, regional planes are not suitable for such popular routes, and secondly, there should be no suitable small regional planes in China - the Fokker 70 we have taken before may be counted as one, but it may take a few years for that to enter the country."

"Aren't there any domestic manufacturers that produce this kind of aircraft?" Mitsuhiko asked again.

"Wait a minute, I remember when we took the Fokker 70 to Osaka before, the Japanese engineers on that plane should have given us their analysis report while chatting with us, right?" Chiba suddenly realized that Mitsuhiko should theoretically know these. "Didn't you see what's above?"

"That manual?" Mitsuhiko recalled for a moment, and then said embarrassingly. "I just read a few pages of illustrations, and the words are a bit too many, so I didn't read them carefully."

"Okay, okay," Qianyu sighed. "Originally, the YS-11 turboprop airliner was developed in China, but like I said, this is a turboprop airliner, so it has become an antique that was eliminated by jet airliners before it was put into production... The designers of this aircraft used to design fighter jets, so this aircraft seems to be uncomfortable to sit on, so it has a bad reputation and ultimately failed to fill the domestic feeder market. After all, our Shinkansen is also developing. , so there has been no demand for regional airliners.”

At this moment, a concerned voice suddenly came from the front of them.

"Miss Shuli?" This was the concerned voice of a young girl, who seemed to be acquainted with Mushuli.

"Ah—" Mashuli seemed to be rubbing his face in discomfort and groaned in a low voice. "pain……"

"Where does it hurt?" the girl asked again.

"On the nose," Mu Shuli frowned. "Isn't there something wrong with your makeup?"

"How is that possible," the girl pouted. "These are all the cosmetics you've been using. Could it be that you were allergic to the barbecue last night?"

"Are you allergic?" Mashuli frowned immediately - for such a star who wants to show his face, this matter is quite fatal. If that's the case then it's going to be troublesome. "Really... If that's the case, you'll have to go back and deal with it properly. Although the show is over, it's not a big problem if the paparazzi usually take pictures of this situation."

Just as Qianyu was looking at the front with interest, the conversation between Mitsuhiko and the flight attendant pushing the car suddenly entered his ears.

"I want some dessert!" Mitsuhiko said.

"Ah—" The flight attendant replied with a smile after being stunned for a moment. "We'll start serving desserts after the plane has leveled off, please wait a moment."

"But isn't this what desserts are for you?" Mitsuhiko next to him pointed to the desserts on the dining car and asked.

"This—" The flight attendant looked at the two small desserts and coffee in his dining car, hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"Stop making trouble," Conan just glanced at and realized what was going on. "These should be for the first and second captains, and the things for us will be ready later."

The flight attendant breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Yuanta and Mitsuhiko with a look of understanding.

"That's right," Mitsuhiko nodded thoughtfully. "Remember to tell me when dessert is served later, I want to eat it!"

"Don't worry," the flight attendant quickly agreed. "I'll be sure to let you know when it's served later!"

"Dessert," Qianyu raised her eyebrows. "Eating dessert on a plane...I must admit I didn't do that."

[Have you ever done first class? 】Ai Haibara, who was sitting beside him, sent him such a text message.

[How could it possibly be done... At most, it is business class. First class is too ostentatious, but business class is better. It has a certain amount of private space and is not so ostentatious. By the way, have you ever been in first class? 】

【Is there anything strange? This kind of place has always been relatively quiet, and the space between the seats is also large, so that it will not be touched by those old men, and it will be quiet. 】

"..." Qianyu suddenly turned around, and then touched Haibara Ai with a childish smile. "~"

"Pfft—" Haibara Ai was amused by Chiyu, and smiled and tapped Chiyu's forehead.

At this moment, the plane suddenly encountered a turbulence and flew down with the plane. After a while, the plane stopped descending and began to ascend slowly.

"Aren't pilots very tired when they are always faced with this kind of turbulence?" Ayumi suddenly said. "You have to adjust the flight height yourself every time. Wouldn't it be annoying if there is a lot of turbulence?"

"There is an autopilot Qianyu Tanshou. "The autopilot system can completely handle such trivial matters—"

At this moment, Qianyu suddenly stopped, and then remained motionless with a slightly subtle expression.

"?" Haibara Ai immediately realized what was wrong with Qianyu, and looked at Qianyu with some suspicious eyes, but at this moment, a trace of confusion appeared on Qianyu's face. "What's wrong?" Hai Yuanai asked.

"I—I don't know," Qianyu shook her head with an uneasy expression. "Maybe it's just me—"

Just when Chiyu said this, the plane suddenly shook, and a loud noise came from the rear end of the plane.

"!?" Everyone looked to the rear, and Qianyu even had a nightmare come true expression - he just felt that the plane's tremor was a little weird, and the amplitude was a little big, and it shouldn't appear when it was stabilizing. when rising.

Immediately afterwards, the nose of the plane seemed to begin to descend again, but Chiba always felt that something was wrong—if the plane wanted to remain at the original altitude, no matter what happened, it should not actively reduce the speed and adjust in this situation. high.

Could it be that the explosion just now caused some abnormal situation?

"Passengers, please pay attention," At this moment, the purser's voice came. "This machine has encountered some bumps, please be patient, if there is a problem, we will explain it to you as soon as possible, thank you."

"Is that really a natural situation just now?" Haibara Ai looked at Qianyu with an uneasy expression.

"I don't know," Qian Yu frowned. "Hopefully."

Not far behind them, the young man who was holding the JAL brochure had already put away the brochure and frowned and looked out the window.

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