Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 572: - no hydraulic

"What is the plane doing?" After about five minutes, Chiyu finally couldn't help it, and looked out the window with a worried look on his face - even though he could only see the air from this position.

"What's wrong?" Haibara Ai, who was reading the manual, asked Chiba.

"Don't you feel it?" Qianyu frowned slightly. "The plane has been... floating up and down, and the speed is very strange..."

"It's normal in turbulence," Haibara said after glancing sadly outside. "It's just a plane after all, it's okay to have a little ups and downs."

"Even if the speed keeps changing like it is now?" Qianyu nodded on the back of her chair. "If it is normal to deal with turbulence, it shouldn't be solved by changing the speed, right?"

"This..." Haibara Ai realized that something was wrong. She pressed her face to the window and looked at the direction of the wing behind. "Come and see? I can't see what's on the wing."

"Yeah," Qianyu replied, then unfastened her seat belt and came to the front of Haibara Ai's seat. " can't see anything from this angle!"

The lifting and lowering of the aircraft uses the elevator at the tail of the aircraft, and it is really difficult to see this in the cabin.

At this moment, a bell from the work area came from behind them. "Passenger 8A calls the flight attendant."


In the seat 8A that Chiyu and the others couldn't see, the young man put down the JAL manual in his hand and looked at the steward who came over.

"What are you doing?" The young man glanced at the person in front of him and asked the steward to approach. "Are the two captains in front playing?"

"Did the explosion just now represent some kind of trouble?" At this moment, a first-class passenger sitting in the row in front of them seemed to have heard their conversation and asked. "Isn't there a hole in the back of the plane?"

"The DC-10 airliner has three engines," the flight attendant was taken aback and explained quickly. "Even if the No. 2 engine is lost, it is still capable of completing this flight, except that it may be more troublesome to operate than when there are three engines."

"..." The passenger in front nodded and turned back, but the young man's brows were already locked. After a while, he unbuckled his seatbelt and motioned for the flight attendant to come with her to the work area.

"What the **** is going on?" The young man glanced around and asked the purser after confirming that there was no one nearby. "You should also know very well that if only the No. 2 engine blew up, it would be impossible not to turn the direction like this, but to pitch and pitch on the output of the engine."

The purser pondered nervously—she knew very well who was in front of her.

This is also JAL's own person, and he is also in the establishment of JAL now. Before she asked if Mu Shuli was still single, it was precisely because she thought that Mu Shuli might have an inexplicable relationship with this little junior brother who was also from JAL.

Maybe he can help?

"The problem is very serious now," the purser replied after taking a deep breath. "It's not just a problem with the No. 2 engine, the hydraulics are no longer available."

"Switch the hydraulic system," the young man frowned. "This plane has three hydraulic systems, you told me that the hydraulic system can't be used?"

"The three sets can't be used anymore," the purser shook his head. "The two captains have confirmed that it is true that the three sets of hydraulic pressure cannot be used."

"..." The young man fell into silence, before raising his head again after a while.

"Listen to me," the young man said in a very serious tone. "You go and tell the two captains that there is a flight instructor for a DC-10 and he knows how to maneuver the plane without hydraulics."

After the flight attendant hurried away, the young man sighed.

The hydraulic system cannot be used, which is definitely not comparable to a minor accident of this level of engine damage. Damage to the hydraulic system means that the aircraft cannot adjust the wings and tail, and normal pilots cannot perform any lifting and steering work in this situation. Even the most basic aircraft take-off and landing have become a luxury - landing at least needs to be aligned with the runway , and this process also requires the hydraulic system to control the aircraft to complete the task.

This has happened before - in 1992, a commercial cargo plane in the Far East returning home from Azerbaijan was hit by a local terrorist organization's Soviet-style shoulder-fired surface-to-air missile shortly after takeoff. In this strike, the left wing of the aircraft was injured, and all three hydraulic systems were leaked on the left wing, causing all hydraulic oil to leak within a few minutes, and the aircraft eventually lost control.

However, that plane did not crash, because the pilot saved the plane with superb handling skills and rich flying experience - as we all know, the output of the multiple engines of the plane can be controlled separately, and if the planes on both sides of the plane are The engine output is not the same, the aircraft will deflect to the side with less output, so that the failed hydraulic system can be replaced to perform the steering task.

At the same time, the comprehensive speed of the two sides also determines the specific lift of the aircraft, and the change of lift can also adjust the flight altitude of the aircraft.

Although this method is crude, it is at least one that can be tried after the hydraulic system is completely lost - it is these pilots who confirmed this technique in the 20 minutes after the accident, which had only remained in their guesses. Feasibility, and then successfully landed in this way. In fact, ordinary pilots basically have no chance to participate in the pilot experience summary report of the incident. Only the top talents of JAL are qualified to participate in the report of foreign So... I am afraid that the entire JAL It's really only him who will take the time to study how to operate this specific operation, right?

This time, it may be a similar situation - as the flight instructor of the DC-10 passenger plane, he is very aware of the line settings of the passenger plane. Although the DC-10 airliner has three sets of hydraulic systems with completely independent hydraulic pipelines to prevent damage to the hydraulic system, there are exceptions to everything. In order to control a series of mechanisms such as the elevator at the tail of the aircraft, the three sets of hydraulic pipelines of the DC-10 airliner will pass directly under the No. 2 engine near the rear of the aircraft. If the No. 2 engine exploded and damaged the aircraft structure below, it is indeed possible to destroy all three hydraulic lines at once like the surface-to-air missile.

Perhaps this time is more troublesome than the accident in the Far East... After all, that time was a cargo plane, and the landing gear of the plane was damaged during the landing process, causing the cargo in the cargo plane to collide and damage. This level of damage was enough to cause casualties for the full passenger plane.

"Captain and the others agreed," just then, the purser walked over and said. "Please go to the cabin immediately."

"Understood," took a deep breath, the expression of the young man in front of him had become extremely calm. "I'll go right now."

Saying so, Sadaji Takamori, the flight instructor of JAL DC-10 passenger plane, walked past the purser.


The basic structure of this case comes from the history that was deleted by me - the situation this time comes from the Sioux City air disaster, and the incident in the Far East in 1992 is an overhead situation, which is equivalent to the situation of the DHL cargo plane attack event plus the status of JAL 123 .

123 and Sioux City have died too many people, so I don't want them to appear here.

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