Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 588: --fountain

About five minutes later, the group walked out of the arcade—this time, in every sense, it was a success.

"Okay," Haibara Ai buttoned up and patted the backpack that Qianyu was carrying. "It's ready~"

"Hmm~" Hotaru put her fingertips lightly on her lips, looked at what Huihara Ai was hanging on for a moment, and let out a light laugh. "Looks so cute!"

"Huh?" Qian Yu looked at her back subconsciously, and after realizing that she couldn't see anything at all, she took off her schoolbag, and then looked at the extra objects on it.

It was a very lively and cute Labrador dog doll, which also came from here - but unlike cat dolls and bear dolls, this is a clearly priced item from the vending cabinet, after all, the claw machine here seems to also be There are no dog dolls.

"Well," Qianyu looked at the dog, and then raised her eyebrows. "Well, it seems pretty good?"

Ai Haibara seemed to breathe a sigh of relief after seeing that Qianyu seemed really satisfied.

Beside them, Yuma looked at Haibara Ai, who was relieved and her expression became even happier. She showed a very happy smile and hugged the bear doll in her hand tightly. On the other hand, Takeda didn't seem to notice the details of Haibara Ai's movements, and just stared at Yujin's face fascinatedly.


"Why do you have to come now?" Yuma asked curiously, led by Takeda on the road.

"Ah—" Takeda quietly glanced at the watch in his hand, then pretended not to care. "No special reason, just because I think I should take you there first..."

Behind them, Hotaru showed a slightly subtle expression and turned to Fujiwara. "?"

"I'll find out later." Fujiwara just replied, not planning to satisfy the lover's curiosity right now.

"What do you think he is waiting for?" Haiyuan asked sadly.

"I don't know," Qianyu shook her head. "But it must be for a limited time - otherwise, there is no reason to make such a long-distance trek across the region at this time, and there are obviously so many places to continue shopping nearby."

However, if it is a limited time, then maybe we will see it soon, right? After all, it is already 3:53 pm. If there is a time limit, it is probably what will happen at 4:00 pm. There are still seven minutes, and considering their speed, it is about 300 to 450 meters, which means that if you look forward now, maybe you can see what Takeda wants to show them?

But... Chiba frowned slightly, and used the auxiliary unit to solve the picture in front of her. It seems that there are facilities that can be played at any time, and there seems to be no time-limited things. What is the purpose of coming here now?

Just as Chiba continued to think, Takeda took them away from the facility area—there are only some natural landscapes here... Is Takeda planning to take a detour from here? But it's already 3:57, so if you're going somewhere at 4:00, it should be around here, right? But Chiba really hasn't found anything worth seeing nearby until now.

Could it be that there was a problem with Takeda's judgment of time? Chiba suddenly realized such a possibility, and immediately locked the watch that Takeda was wearing on his wrist.

But the above time is indeed 3:58, which is consistent with the time indicated by Chiba's auxiliary unit.

In such confusion, Chiba was led by Takeda and continued to move forward.

Going further ahead, we will reach another island, right? When the time came to 3:59:30, Chiyu even began to wonder if he had misjudged Takeda's 4:00 judgment - until he put his eyes on his feet and saw that they were stepping on Above the dense metal grille, and just below, there was a black nozzle and Chiba's eyes brightened because she immediately realized Takeda's intention.

They have now entered the outer ring of a multi-ring fountain, and Takeda is leading them straight to the center ring of the fountain.

Could it be this fountain? If it's the result of the program, maybe it will be sprayed at 4:00 exactly... Is Takeda waiting for this?

Chiba's judgment seems to be correct, because Fujiwara has already pulled Hotaru from Takeda and the others to a position almost side by side with them. So obviously Fujiwara knew what Takeda wanted to do, and it was here to do it.

"Catch up," Takeda looked at the hands of his watch, his previously serious face finally smiled at Yuma again. "Fifteen seconds left."

"Huh?" Yuma was obviously still a little nervous, so she didn't realize what Takeda was going to do like Chiba, Haibara Ai, and Hotaru. "What happens in fifteen seconds?"

"There are ten seconds left, you can see it right away," Takeda showed a very gentle expression. "What I want you to see."

Beside them, two other couples, big and small, were already standing beside them with clear smiles, carefully avoiding the area that the fountain might spray when it erupted.

"Five, four, three—" Takeda raised his wrist wearing the watch, his eyes were standing in front of him, his face was half nervous and half blank, and he repeatedly shifted from the second hand of the watch, and said softly.

"Uh, what is this..." Before Yuma could finish speaking, Takeda had already said the last number. But everyone present didn't hear the number because—

"Bang!" The explosion of water flow suddenly sounded in every direction at the same time, and the towering water wall made Takeda and Fujiwara's expressions appear strange even though they had already planned the plan together in advance. After all, even Fujiwara, who had been here before, had only seen this fountain from the outside, and didn't have the energy to feel it from the inside. Of course, Fujiwara was obviously not completely frightened by the towering water wall surrounding it like Takeda. Jump, but just frown slightly.

In contrast, the surprised expressions on the faces of Hotaru and Haibara Ai were also genuine. Although they had already guessed that the fountain was a repertoire prepared by Takeda, they did not expect that the water wall here would be so spectacular.

As for Chiba? The dynamic vision and slowing ability given him by the auxiliary unit made such a jet just slow down in his eyes, so his attention was completely focused on observing the landscape of the fountain.

Of course, he was not surprised at all, which also made him have a longer reaction time than Takeda and and realized earlier that their previous predictions seemed to be wrong.

"!" Chiba immediately embraced Haibara Ai and pulled her slightly towards the center of the fountain while she let out an exclamation.

"!!!" Takeda's reaction was a beat slower than Chiba's, and it wasn't until the spray at the top of the water wall started to fall that he realized that Yuma would still be splashed by the spray where she was standing now. "Be careful!"

Before Yuma could react, Takeda also made the same choice as Chiba, wrapping Yuma's shoulders and neck with one hand without hesitation, and then pulling it towards the center.

But Takeda didn't notice that his heels were just on the edge of the grille, so when he pulled Yujin back, the part that was barely stepping on it slipped, taking Takeda and Yujin to the center of the ring together. position is reversed. "what!"

"Hmm!" With two struggling voices, Takeda felt that his two hands were supporting him behind his back, while Yuma, who also lost his balance, was supported by the other hand and he was lightly supporting Takeda's body. He stabilized his body with the support of his hands.

"Are you an idiot?" Fujiwara sighed, pushing Takeda's body back to a balanced state with force. "Be careful next time."

"I understand your plan to pounce on Takeda-kun," he said with a smile to Yuma who had just recovered, supporting Takeda and Yuma Hotaru with both hands. "But next time, don't be in such a situation where it's easy to fall on the concrete floor~"

"What are you talking about, Yingying..." Yuzhen didn't retort loudly with a blushing face, she just whispered.


I'm sorry, I'm in a bit of a bad state... It was raining and I went out to pick up people, and I was soaked all over.

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