Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 594: - National Public Security Commission; National Police Agency; Hattori Heiji

In a meeting room, a middle-aged man with a calm expression of Chinese characters opened the door and walked out. The three men were sitting at a table in the meeting room on the side away from the meeting room.

"What do you think?" the man on the left of the three asked the person beside him.

"No," the man on the right shook his head. "Although he himself denied this, but after preliminary investigation by the police, it has been confirmed that there is no problem with the test result."

"You mean, is that child really Kang Hui's child?" The older man sitting in the middle said indifferently.

"Although it's a little unwilling to say, but now we have to admit it." The man on the right nodded. "I never thought he would be such a person - I wouldn't be too surprised if it was Tumen (here refers to Tumen Kanghui's father, former senior official of the Defense Department, Mr. Lao Tumen), but Kang Hui's child……"

"Then what should we do now, give up him?" the man on the left asked.

"Wait a minute," the man on the right sighed. "Really, obviously his conditions are good, how could he do such a stupid thing by himself?"

"That newspaper office should be just an ordinary tabloid office, right?" The man in the middle suddenly said. "Don't worry about this for now, I'll ask someone to investigate, how did they get such secret information - if such a small newspaper can also find Kang Hui's child, wouldn't it be necessary to sell it every day? Has our family turned upside down?"

"But... Mr. Nonaka, what if the whole thing is true?" the man on the left asked. "Abandon him?"

"Then I'll let him into my system." The man in the middle stood up and replied. "He is indeed talented, otherwise I wouldn't support him like this. It is precisely because he is talented, so I absolutely cannot let him fall like this."


A few hours later, the police department

"Do you need us to execute it..." Looking at the document in his hand, the young man sighed helplessly.

In this document, he is required to devote the main force to the investigation of Tumen Kanghui, that is to say, most of the forces under his control must withdraw from the tasks that are already being performed and focus on Tumen Kanghui case.

As for the reason why he had to execute it... There is no other, just because the person who sent the letter is a direct supervisor of the National Public Security Commission, the National Police Agency, and the person who sent the letter is his own superior, Hiromo Nonaka, chairman of the National Public Security Commission. (Author: Chairman of the National Public Security Committee and Minister of Self-Government of the new Murayama Coalition Cabinet at the time)

However, this is probably understandable, right? After all, Domen Kanghui is the most popular candidate of the Liberal Democratic Party now, and his father is said to have a kindness with Hiromo Nonaka, so Hiromo Nonaka, who also belongs to the Liberal Democratic Party, will naturally try his best to help Domen Kanghui clear his name.

There is no other way. In any case, at least some of the forces must be recovered first, and some tasks also need to stop sending additional forces or simply stop.

The cases that my current subordinates are investigating include—

The case of abnormal release of sarin gas in Matsumoto City... In this case, its own department is mainly responsible for visiting relevant evidence, not the main investigation department, so it should be fine as long as the task is handed over to the main investigation department. However, because his own people did not take up the core tasks, it would be difficult to provide enough manpower even if they were all withdrawn.

The surveillance of the Aegis ship Speijima... This case may indeed free up enough manpower, but the problem is that the case itself is quite critical. If too many manpower is withdrawn rashly, it may lead to spies taking advantage of it.

But if you don't withdraw your power at all, it is impossible for you to have enough power to confirm this in a short period of time.

Therefore, some of the power must be taken back, but the specific part of the manpower needs to be considered.

Ying definitely doesn't need to withdraw. After all, she's just helping people, and she's not qualified for this task (even if she's qualified, it would be a waste to let her do this job)

In the same way, the intelligence officers who were sent on board as business officials could not be taken back, otherwise the previous series of public relations work would really be wasted.

Then, those who can be withdrawn are the sea line investigators and seaport guards who were previously arranged just in case. Anyway, compared with those intelligence personnel stationed in the core position, it is almost impossible for these places to encounter situations. Arrangement There is a surplus of pure power over there, so try to be foolproof.

With a sigh, the young man grabbed a pen and began to draft the warrant.


"Who?" The middle-aged woman in a kimono opened the door and saw He Ye Zheng standing outside the door. "Ah, Xiaohe Ye? Are you here to find Heiji?"

"Yes," He Ye nodded. "Auntie, is Heiji here?"

"Yes," Hattori Shizuka - Hattori Heiji's mother - nodded. "But he doesn't seem to be in a good mood. When he came home at noon, he locked himself in the room and couldn't come out."

"Huh?" He Ye showed a surprised expression, and then nodded. "So it's like this. We had an appointment to eat takoyaki together today, but he never came, and his phone didn't answer, so I came to him."

"Do you want to go in and find him?" Hattori Shizuka asked. "I made dinner and he didn't come out to eat it. I was worried."

"Okay," Kazuya's eyes narrowed into crescent will definitely persuade Heiji to come out~"

"Hmm..." Hattori Shizuka showed a slightly embarrassed look, looking at the smile on his face, but it was always hard to let go. "If that's the case...then you might as well go and have a look."

"Okay~" Toyama Kazuha, who was proficient in Aikido, changed his shoes at the entrance with a smile and walked gracefully to Hattori Heiji's room.

Unlike Maorilan's karate, Aikido is not an aggressive fighting method, it focuses on an induced defensive counterattack that leverages strength.

But this definitely doesn't mean that Aikido's attack ability is not strong, especially if the opponent is aggressive.

"Heiji, open the door~" Under Shizuka Hattori's subtle gaze, He Ye smiled and said in front of Hattori Heiji's door. "If you don't open the door..."

"I'll tear you apart!" Yuan Shan and Ye burst out without warning. "It's okay to let the old lady's pigeons go, don't even say a word? Do you think it's funny to tease me like this? I'll count three, if you don't open the door again, I'll-"

The fist that had been released from the sleeve was stopped by the door that suddenly opened in front of him in the process of accumulating power.

"I'm sorry," Hattori Heiji, who was neatly dressed and had a backpack on his back, wrote a little apologetic on his face. "I'm going to Kyoto for some things, and it may take a few days to come back."

"Kyoto?" Yuan Shan and Ye were stunned.

"Well," Hattori Heiji nodded, his expression extremely serious. "This time it's business."

"You didn't even tell me?" He Ye dissatisfied.

"I planned to go quietly to confirm the situation by myself, so I didn't tell you." Heiji shook his head with a wry smile. "Okay, I'll go first!"

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