Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 599: ——From King Kong Terrace to Tree Root Road

After a short stay at the shrine (in fact, it was just the work of Hotaru drinking water), the group left the Xixin Pavilion and continued to walk towards the main hall, the Golden Hall.

"Huh?" Fujiwara frowned as soon as he arrived at the large platform where the Golden Hall of the main hall is located from the micro-entrance of the King Kong Lifespan Institute, which is directly opposite the ninety-nine-fold approach.

"What's the matter?" Hotaru, who had been leaning beside him, turned his head and looked at Fujiwara, who frowned curiously.

"In front of the shrine here..." Fujiwara looked at the guardian beasts on both sides. "It's not a Komain, it's... ah, that seems to be right."

Generally speaking, there should be two Koma dogs (that is, the so-called stone lions that passed through China) in front of the shrine. However, the front of the shrine here is not a Koma dog, but... two raised shoulders. Crouching tiger sculpture?

"What's wrong?" Takeda looked at Fujiwara. "If you worship Bishamonten, it would be more appropriate to place the tiger of the Moo here, isn't it?"

"What do you mean?" Haibara Ai asked Qianyu in a low voice.

"You also know that the deity here is Bishamonten," Chiba explained to her immediately. "And Bishamonten's mount is a tiger, so it's not surprising to enshrine the tiger of the Moo, which represents the changes of all things in the world - the one with the mouth open is the tiger of the Moo, representing the beginning of all things, while the one with the mouth closed is the tiger of the Moo. The mouth is just a moo tiger, which means the end of everything."

"Then what is this six-pointed star under our feet..." Hai Yuanai nodded, but turned his eyes to the ground in front of them. On the ground in front of them, there was a pair of ten stars engraved on the square ground of a special material. The hexagram is set with the eight-pointed star, and the hexagram is set with a small triangle pattern.

"I don't know," Qianyu also put on a confused expression. "Honestly, I can only think of Jews when I see this hexagram."

"This is the cage pattern," Yuma, who was standing beside them and looked at these patterns, turned her head and said to them. "Don't you have this kind of decoration in your house? The cage-eye pattern to ward off evil spirits and ward off evil spirits."

Haibara Ai has only paid attention to professional things since she was a child, and although Chiba has learned a lot of knowledge, she still lacks the understanding of traditional culture, so naturally she does not know the origin of the hexagram here.

The stone floor in front of them is called the "King Kong Bed". It is said that the main hall of Kurama Temple is built on the dragon's cave, which is constantly pouring out energy, and this energy is connected between the universe and the earth, and it is very powerful. And the small triangle engraved in the middle of the cage-eye pattern, the highest sealing technique that symbolizes the complete sealing of the demon, is where this powerful energy converges.

"You guys," at this moment, Fujiwara, who was standing not far away, asked them. "Go in for a visit? It is said that it is quite spiritual."


"Are we going to Kifune Shrine?" Chiba asked as they walked down the other road together.

"Whatever, it's just that there are scenic spots here, so I have to go this way." Fujiwara said as he walked in front. "Many scenic spots related to the Yuan Yoshitsune are here. For example, the front of the back is a stone - uh..."

In front of them is Yoshitsune Gongbei Biishi - as the name suggests, it is said that Yuan Yoshitsune once measured his height here when he was sixteen years old, but...

"Use this to measure your height?" Qianyu felt her eyebrows twitch. "Can I understand that Yuan Yoshitsune was not taller than this stone at that time, so it could be used to measure height?"

"..." Takeda's mouth twitched for a moment. "I think... yes?"

The problem, however, is that this stone is indeed a little shorter. Qianyu estimates that the height of this stone may not exceed 1.5 meters... Well, perhaps it should not be too much for people of that era.

"But...Yoshitsune Yoshitsune's image of Hikaru Shenwu has collapsed," Hotaru said with a chuckle. "Well - to be honest, Sakamoto Ryoma was handsome at the time, but now he looks like a greasy uncle?" (The hairline is very high, the hair is messy, and it is all combed back Orz)


When the group continued to walk down, the surrounding trees suddenly changed - there were tall and dense cedar forests everywhere on Mount Anma, but only in this section it looked a bit strange - all the tree roots were meandering Curl up bare above the ground, making an otherwise flat ground extremely bumpy.

"Tree roots," Fujiwara looked at the rough ground in front of him. "It is said that Yuan Yoshitsune used to practice sprinting here before, so he has practiced a good Qinggong... But this is obviously quite troublesome for us - especially now I feel that the bark here is wet, so Be careful."

Saying so, Fujiwara took the initiative to hold Hina's hand. "be careful."

"Okay~" Hotaru immediately grabbed Fujiwara's outstretched arm with both hands, and stuck out his tongue to him.

"Are you sprinting in this place?" Qianyu looked at the tangled roots, and the corner of her mouth twitched. "Honestly...I admire his athleticism..."

"Yeah," Haiyuan Ai nodded. "This kind of person definitely doesn't need any medicine, and the flexibility is enough to meet the requirements of the most rigorous sports performance That..." Beside them, Takeda hesitated to Yuma said. "It seems to be slippery here, so..." Saying this, Takeda gently extended a hand to Yuma.

"Hmm..." Yujin nodded, then carefully placed his hand on Takeda's. "Then... let's go..."

Just like that, a few people walked down the rugged tree root path.

"Wow—" With an exclamation, Ying's foot on the root of the tree suddenly slipped, and her entire body fell forward.

"Hmm—" Fujiwara's response was quick, and he immediately tilted his body's center of gravity back to balance Hotaru's forward momentum. With a muffled groan, Hotaru, who had already fallen forward, was pulled back into Fujiwara's arms.

"Are you alright?" Fujiwara was about to ask, but found that Hotaru's brows were already wrinkled - she wouldn't show such an expression even if she wanted to act like a spoiled child, and such an expression only represented one thing other than distress.

"There seems to be a more troublesome situation..." Hotaru grabbed Fujiwara's shoulders with both hands, resting on the ground with one foot, while the other was just hanging in the air. "hurts a little……"

"Have you arrived yet?" Fujiwara looked at the shoe that was barely trying to move, but apparently couldn't run smoothly.

"Well..." Ying nodded lightly.

"I really can't help you," Fujiwara sighed softly. "Do you need me to carry you down?"

After Hotaru nodded lightly, Fujiwara glanced at the terrain in front of him, and then placed his arms against Hotaru's back and knees respectively. "lie down."

Following Hotaru obediently falling backwards, Fujiwara hugged Hotaru in a princess hug. "Okay, let's go."

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