Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 631: --Causal loop

"Bride?" Hattori Heiji was stunned. "What are you talking about?" "Bride of the bride, Liujiaojin," and Ye Tan handed. "The Ball Song!"

"Bride hexagonal octopus?" Heiji looked at Kazuha in surprise, and then looked at Conan. "Are you sure it's not my elder sister Liujiaojin? The word elder sister corresponds to elder sister Xiaolu. Santiao doesn't have its own corresponding lyrics, right?"

"Huh?" He Ye's expression was equally surprised. "let me see…"

Saying so, she actually sang like this. "Maruzhuyi Erashi Yuike, the bride Rokko occidental - should be the bride, right?" When He Ye asked here, he suddenly found that Hattori Heiji's expression was a bit wrong. "Heiji you...what's the matter with you?"

Everyone present clearly saw that Heiji Hattori's expression was very exciting, and Conan, who was closest to him, could even notice that his hands were shaking slightly.

"Heye, where did you learn this song?" When Conan even wanted to pull Heiji's sleeves to wake him up, Heiji suddenly spoke, and her voice trembled abnormally.

Others may not know it, but he knows it better - the versions of the ball songs he had seen before were all "sister", but when he met his first love, she was really the bride.

If it is said that "sister" is the meaningful version, and "bride" is just a misread version, then this error must be quite rare and only appear in a separate system of false teaching. In other words, that first love was almost certainly Kazuya (I don't know why, I always call it Hattori Kazuya...) who received the same ball song teaching system. As long as you can continue to trace back from He Ye, it is very possible to find the first love of the year directly through this linear relationship system.

"Who taught me?" He Ye replied after thinking about it. "I learned it when I came to Kyoto with you. That's the time... when you were interviewed by that newspaper and posted a photo of you when you were a child... I learned it there."

"..." Hattori Heiji didn't know what kind of expression on his face at this moment - happy? surprise? — All in all, it’s probably a rather twisted and complicated situation.

Immediately afterwards, Conan also realized what happened from Heiji Hattori's bewildered and distorted face. "Hello... Hattori?"

"..." Hattori Heiji's face was still shaking.

"Heiji, what's wrong with you?" He Ye also realized that something was wrong.

"No... I'm sorry," Heiji Hattori finally said. "I-I suddenly have a stomachache, I'm going back first..."

Having said this, he left in a hurry, and Conan also hurriedly left behind Heiji after making a very helpless gesture to Mao Lilan and He Ye.

Heiji's room.

"Heiji?" Seeing that Heiji didn't close the door, Conan walked in just like that. "you-"

His words stopped because he saw Hattori Heiji's face.

At this moment, Heiji's hand was covering his face, only revealing that mouth with an inexplicable smile.

"Huh?" Heiji lowered his hand slightly, revealing a pair of eyes that were still glistening with tears.

"What's wrong with you?" Conan was startled.

"I'm just..." Heiji's expression was still so distorted - the expression on his eyes represented his disbelief at this time, while the expression on his entire face was a smile. "Hahahaha-"

After laughing enough, Heiji's face was filled with a somewhat bewildered expression.

"You know what?" This expression matched Heiji's dancing body language. "I never thought that the whole thing is actually a logical and self-consistent cycle!"

"Cycle?" Conan was stunned.

"Well," Heiji said in a hoarse voice, wiping away the tears that were probably from laughter. "You know why I liked He Ye in the first place?"

"It's not because of this first love, is it?" Conan was startled. "But Yuan Shan didn't say before that when you were very young..."

"Of course our relationship didn't start at that time, but if we liked it, it really started in Kyoto." Hattori held his forehead with one hand, his eyes were still blinking, obviously very uneasy. "To be honest, it was the time I saw her at the temple that I realized how beautiful such a girl is - thinking about it now, it's probably the kind of temperament hidden in her eyebrows and so on... I didn't realize it until after that. Realized that like Ye and that girl, there was that kind of... a fairy-like feeling."

"In other words, you used her answer as the standard answer to measure her without knowing it, so you came to the full answer that she is yours?"

"I actually thought she was quite troublesome before, especially the few days when I was handcuffed and handcuffed with her. I had a very bad time. Later, when I was in Kyoto, I found out that in fact she was with the one I saw. Like the girls who arrived, UU is very beautiful, and she is actually not as bad as I thought." Heiji nodded. "I didn't expect that the one I used as a benchmark was actually He Ye... This is really..."

"So, how are you feeling now?" Conan asked tentatively.

"I don't know how to describe it, but..." Heiji scratched his hair. "It's actually like this! I never thought that that guy is actually He Ye... Maybe it's more appropriate to call it a surprise?"

"Surprise?" Conan was stunned.

"Yes," Heiji nodded. "Actually, I once thought about a question, which is between that girl and He Ye, who would I choose - don't look at me with this expression, this question was a few years ago, and I still had a problem with He Ye at that time. Not that deep feeling, so it's normal to be confused about this kind of thing."

"You know, the impression that girl left on me was that when she was playing the ball, the only label I put on her was: This girl is so beautiful! That is to say, my impression of her is perfect, nothing but perfection. Flaws. In comparison, He Ye... is an annoying guy at all, but although I have a headache, I am really happy with her. So I was really confused at the time, if I had to say that I would definitely choose that girl , I was really in a dilemma at the time, and I didn't know what to do. I didn't expect it to be like this, so I feel like this now... Such a truth really makes me feel bad!" Heiji laughed again. stand up. "Really... it's just a Japanese dog!"

"Then do you still plan to take her to see Miss Qianheling?"

"I already know it's He Ye, so why should I go to see Miss Qianhe Ling again? Am I familiar with her?"

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