Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 651: ——Frank Fujii Seven Seas

meeting room. "Excuse me, according to the plan, where would Captain Sasaura be today?" Manager Matsumoto asked Captain Tateishi after taking his seat.

"According to the plan, he should have been on the ship, but he was not scheduled for today's mission. In other words, he should have been on the ship."

"But we found his body in Tokyo, so for some reason, he went to Tokyo and was killed there. According to the information we have so far, he should have no relatives in Tokyo, so we speculate that he Most likely someone was called to Tokyo and killed."

"So what's your reason for coming to the ship to investigate?"

"According to what we know, Captain Sasaura should be the intelligence officer of the Wakasa Regional Team, and he has a lot of information about the Aegis ship, right?" Manager Matsumoto said. "According to our autopsy results, Captain Sasaura's death should have been around 4 to 6 this morning, and his watch was leaning towards the figure of 5:30. And we were shocked that although we were The body of Captain Sasaura was found in the park, and he had strangulation marks on his neck, but he actually died of drowning, and we also found algae on his clothes. On our way from Tokyo, Forensics personnel also found that the water found in the lungs of Captain Sasaura contains aquatic organisms commonly found in the area of ​​Maizuru Port. In other words, we believe that Captain Sasaura may be here in Maizuru Port, or even on the Aegis ship attacked, then pushed into the water, and eventually transferred to Tokyo - for whatever purpose, I think that's a very likely scenario."

"You mean, he died of drowning here, and then was transferred to Tokyo?" Captain Tateishi frowned. "But, if you say that, is there..."

"Yes, that's why we came to investigate," Manager Matsumoto nodded. "We speculate that Captain Sasaura may have had a conflict with someone on the ship - considering his identity as an intelligence officer, I think it may be because someone was found stealing information, so he fought with him, But unfortunately, he sacrificed and was eventually transported to Tokyo to hide his eyes and ears. To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that what was found in his body was sea water, and the park where the body was thrown was a freshwater lake, we would have been deceived by these hands and feet."

"So, what do we need to do to cooperate with you?" Captain Tateishi nodded.

"Captain Sasaura's workplace on the ship, can you show us?" Manager Matsumoto said. "If there is a conflict, I think it's probably near the intelligence studio."


Meanwhile, the captain's room.

"Beep beep, ding--" With the pleasant password input sound and electronic bell, the door was opened like this, and the second female assistant, who was worried about Qianyu and Conan before, just walked in casually. In her captain's room.

6556-st-30, this is the password for the captain's room. In theory, only the captain would know about it, but the second female officer seemed to be very familiar with it, so she used this password to open the captain's room. s room.

The lights in the captain's room were not even turned on, so the second female assistant came to the table in the captain's room in the dark, and sat down on the sofa chair directly and accurately, as if her fingers had just clicked under the seat. The roar of the computer case rang out. In fact, she is still very familiar with all the arrangements in the captain's room, from the desk to the toilet, and this move is just trivial.

But even though the computer was turned on as she expected, the second woman's face changed, and the hand she had left the computer case after pressing the power-on button also touched it again.

The computer case is hot, someone has just used this computer!

The second female assistant immediately stopped the movement of her whole body, held her breath, and at the same time nervously switched her perspective in the darkness, waiting for the lighting provided for her after the computer screen turned on.

But, there is no light. Although the computer is turned on, the screen does not light up.

【what happened? 】The second female assistant was a little puzzled, but immediately thought of a possibility, so she pressed the power button on the computer screen. This time, the screen immediately lit up.

And what catches her eyes is an unusually hideous face that is illuminated by the glimmer of light as the computer screen lights up.

Just before the second female assistant could react, she received a crisp slap on the side of her neck. "Snapped!"

Under the watchful eyes of the attacker, the second female assistant just collapsed on the sofa chair.


3:05, outside the intelligence room.

"Okay, this is the door of the intelligence room where Captain Sasaura works," Captain Tateishi said as he led Manager Matsumoto and Officer Megure to the door of the intelligence room. "Today is not the working time of Captain Sasaura, so his intelligence room password has not been authorized for today's access, so I think if there is a conflict somewhere, it should be here."

"Aren't you going to let us in?" Manager Matsumoto said, looking at the combination lock. "You have to understand that there may also be a place for a fight inside."

"Captain Sasaura should not be able to enter, and it is even more impossible for others," Captain Tateishi shook his head. "Unless you say the killer is today's intelligence officer, I don't think it's likely that a fight will take place inside."

"But if it's the person in charge of intelligence, it's very likely to happen inside," Manager Matsumoto insisted. "We need enough reconnaissance power to help you get answers."

Their argument could not continue because someone interrupted them.

"Captain, why are you here?" Such a surprised question came from behind them - this was a young man in a uniform of the Self-Defense Forces. If Captain Tateishi remembered correctly, this should be the situation of the CIC battle. An operator at the center.

"Can't I be here?" Captain Tateishi asked. "Or, what happened?"

"CIC just received it..." The operator said hesitantly, the hesitant look on his face was evident. "Received a computer login operation request from your captain's room!"

"Me? Captain's room?" Captain Tateishi was stunned. "I haven't been to the captain's room for almost half an hour? Could it be that..."

Having said that, Captain Tateishi turned his head and looked at Manager Matsumoto and Officer Meguro again—his face was flushed. "Let's go to the captain's room!"


At 3:06, the captain's room.

"Bang!" With such a sound, the door of the captain's room was slammed and the light in the captain's room was also accompanied by the sound of electrode discharge after the light button in the room was pressed. lights up.

In addition to the two members of the Self-Defense Forces who rushed in by rolling sideways, there was also a very calm woman sitting in front of the computer desk who was exposed to the light. Although her body was almost completely blocked by the computer screen, the face was still enough for everyone to recognize her identity - this is the second female assistant.

"Why are you in the captain's room?" The two self-defense team members who rushed in at the beginning were stunned. One of them saw that the one in the captain's room was actually a member of the Self-Defense Force, and that he was still wearing the rank of Second Colonel. asked silently.

"You don't need to know," the second female assistant seemed to be very calm. She didn't feel the panic of being caught at all, she just turned her eyes from the computer screen to them, and ordered them like this. "go out."

"Fujii Erzuo, why are you here?" The captain then walked in, frowning after seeing the female Erzuo's face.

"Captain, I'll explain this matter to you later..." While saying this, Fujii Fujii stood up, but the consequences were everyone present - whether it was the two self-defense team members, or The captain, or the manager Matsumoto and the police officer Meguro who walked in with the captain, were all taken aback.

"Fujii Nanami Erzuo, don't you think you need to explain?" With a rather trembling voice, the captain stared at Fujii Nanami's body.

"I said it, and I will explain it to you separately later." Fujii Nanami frowned and replied. While saying this, she stood up from behind the computer and walked in front of the crowd.

Her body, which was wearing nothing but a black uniform top, was completely exposed in front of everyone.

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