Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 655: - Amamiya

While Chiba and the others were still eating, the atmosphere in the cabin changed unknowingly. "Why are there so many more members of the Self-Defense Forces," Chiba, who had already finished her meal, whispered to Haibara Ai, who had not finished her meal. "And they are all crew members who have not appeared in the exercise before."

"Huh?" Haiyuan Ai glanced at the neighborhood, only to realize that there were several quite reticent young members of the Self-Defense Force nearby at some point, and they seemed to be eating their own meals.

"Five new members of the Self-Defense Forces, and then there is one passenger I haven't seen before," Chiba motioned Haibara Ai to look diagonally forward, and saw a young man dressed in tourist clothes also speaking quite silently. way to eat their own curry rice. "I can understand that the members of the Self-Defense Forces haven't seen them, but the passenger's words... they shouldn't be. When I listened to Sansa Inoue's sightseeing precautions here, I had a good look at the faces of all the participants, but I have never seen this. guy..."

"Will the members of the Self-Defense Force also eat with us here, just like when they were sightseeing on the ship before, in order to increase the atmosphere?" Haibara Ai put forward this idea.

"In that case, we should all see the sea crew that we saw on the deck in charge of interacting with tourists, not such a new group of people." Qianyu shook her head. "The Self-Defense Force is not a circus. How could it be possible to introduce everyone to us all day long."

And while they were still discussing this matter, the restaurant suddenly sounded the alarm. "Woo-woo-woo--"

"!!!" Chiba was taken aback, and Haibara Ai had already wanted to put down the spoon in her hand, but after seeing Chiba's alert attitude, she relaxed again, and continued to use the spoon to eat the last part of the curry rice.

"..." Qian Yu glanced at the other people beside her who were a little panicked, and saw that Haibara Ai didn't take it seriously, her brows twitched. "Gray..."

"Huh?" Haibara Ai seemed very dissatisfied with the interruption of her eating curry rice, and glared at Chiyu, who returned a rather confused expression.

[Miss, please act a little bit like you heard some strange sound! Your reaction seems to be that we are all hallucinating, or you are deaf...]

Facing such a reaction, Haibara Ai just glanced at Chiyu's chest, and then winked at the curry rice in front of her. With the expression on which Chiba was crying and laughing, she started eating again—probably because she was addicted to savoring the taste of the curry rice, so although most of the people present had finished eating, the plate in front of Haibara There are still some curry rice that I can't finish for a while.

[No, curry rice is delicious! And you're ready anyway, why should I do something in vain? 】

Just as Chiba sighed, messy footsteps came from the cabin outside the dining room, and they were still approaching the dining room quickly.

[There are at least six people who can already be determined through the cadence and step nodes... Would this convey panic to tourists? 】Qianyu frowned. [But in fact, even without this incident, the alarm bell would have scared everyone... So what happened? 】

In Chiyu's guess, six members of the Self-Defense Forces ran in—and two of them, who were in the uniform of the cadre, also wore pistols.

"Everyone don't move!" one of the captains ordered. "After our investigation, some of you have used floppy disks to steal top-secret information from this ship. Please cooperate with us immediately for inspection!"

"Top secret information?" At this moment, even Hai Yuanai raised her eyebrows.

In such an atmosphere, the members of the Self-Defense Forces were divided into six groups and began to check on everyone present.

"Huh?" Qianyu suddenly found something interesting.

There were a total of 49 tourists present, including 54 members of the Self-Defense Forces after the five members of the Self-Defense Forces who ate. And if the 54 people are numbered from the door in a serpentine order, then the six self-defense team members start their inspections from 1, 10, 19, 28, 37 and 46 respectively.

Of course, it's not really funny, because the really interesting thing is that if you follow this model, the five unfamiliar self-defense personnel and the passenger who has not seen before will be the last person to check by the six self-defense personnel. .

The way to search is actually very simple - looking through bags and pockets.

"Oh..." Chiba watched as the six self-defense team members rummaged through everyone's pockets one by one.

"What are you looking for, and you're going through your pockets..." Qian Yu's brows twitched. "Electronic storage device?"

"Anyway, we can't find it," Haibara Ai finally finished her last mouthful of curry rice and said while wiping her mouth lightly.

While they were discussing like this, a self-defense team member checked into the father of the father and son that Chiba and Haibara Ai had complained about before.

"This USB flash drive is yours?" The self-defense team looked at the USB flash drive taken out of his father's bag, and asked I remember... It was written on the registration form that you are Mr. Amamiya."

"Well, I'm Amamiya, and I'm an office clerk, so I need this—do I need to check the contents?" Father asked. "There are some documents in my office, and there may be some confidential information."

"There is no problem with the USB flash drive, but can I take a look?" After saying this, the self-defense team pulled out the plug of the USB flash drive.

On the plug, a strange green light flashed.

"It's him!" The self-defense team member was taken aback and quickly took two steps back, while the USB flash drive in his hand was also thrown out subconsciously, drawing an arc in the air and being caught by Qianyu.

[That green light...] Qianyu's eyes were locked on the port of the USB flash drive—the inside of the USB flash drive had been coated with a layer of fluorescent green paint. [This did it get colored? Could it be that there is a paint applicator on the inside of the socket? Hmm... Judging from the coloring on the inside that looks like friction marks, it should be like this. Perhaps it is the unique data protection method on the Aegis ship, using this method to mark the used transmission tool? 】

And while Chiba was thinking like this, a commotion suddenly appeared on Mr. Amamiya's side.

"Don't come here!" Almost instantly, Amamiya's hand suddenly grabbed the girl in front of her, and she used brute force to drag her from the seat in front across her dining table in a rude way like strangling her neck. He pulled it in front of him, while his other hand took out a plastic knife from the bag and placed the serrated part on the oblique front of the neck of the girl who suddenly lost her voice. "I'll kill anyone who dares to move!"


Actually, I really want to complain... The surname Amamiya has appeared in other places in Conan, and I still have an impression, right?

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