Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 682: - Revenge (Amuro Toru Bento)

"What are you!" When Numabuchi Kiichiro found Amuro Toru again, the expression on Amuro Toru's face was pure horror, and he asked while running into the distance. "A robot?"

Numabuchi Kiichiro didn't answer, but groped for a while on the back of his neck-because Chiba didn't have a tactile sensor installed, so his ability to sense injuries was weak, he could find that he was poked because of him Heard the sound of something tearing through the skin. As for the fright of the other party, it was probably because the skin was damaged by the other party, which made the other party discover the fact that he could not bleed like a normal human?

Just when he touched the expected wound, he found that there seemed to be a tube inserted into it that was not there - at the same time, he saw that Amuro had hid in the nearest police car at this time. Behind.

And before Chiba, who had realized what the tube might be, manipulated Numbuchi Kiichiro to take it down, the tube exploded.

The connecting tube between Kiichiro Numabuchi's head and the trunk was completely blown off by the bomb that Toru Amuro inserted into the gap between the two, and his head flew up, leaving only his torso standing in place.

"Is he dead?" The people next to him looked at each other in dismay, but they didn't dare to come forward.

Toru Amuro really didn't expect such a situation - he originally thought that the other party should be wearing a bulletproof vest that could cover the whole body, and the face was some kind of bulletproof mask with ordinary skills, so it was only at the beginning. Plan to find an opportunity to shove the bomb into the opponent's body armor.

But now, he found himself in front of a robot.

"Mr. Furuya, are you alright?" The Metropolitan Police officers next to him also came up, paying attention to the safety of Amuro Toru.

"It's alright," Amuro Toru shook his head in shock, stepped out from behind the hiding vehicle, and walked vigilantly towards Kiichiro Numoubuchi, who was standing still after being decapitated. "This machine seems to be broken, and it can continue to stand only because the joints are automatically locked after shutting down. You go to his head, and I will take a closer look at what this guy came from."

Having said that, he took out a flashlight from the police car, and after lighting it, he approached Kiichiro Numbuchi with the help of the light, and carefully examined his wreckage.

"This thing... is a robot? How can it be so flexible..." Toru Amuro frowned as he looked at the sunken protective panel exposed by Kiichiro Numabuchi's neck. "You guys, take back the wreckage of this guy and hand it over to the science department. Don't tell the FBI guys about this, if they ask—"

The sudden burst of explosions engulfed Toru Amuro, and briefly rolled up a large swath of smoke that blocked his view.

"Ah!!!" The screams rang out in the smoke.

When the smoke cleared, Toru Amuro's terrified expression appeared in front of everyone. Beside Amuro Toru's head, his body fell to the ground.

Then, under the terrified eyes of everyone present, Kiichiro Numabuchi grabbed the head belonging to Toru Amuro that he had placed above his neck with both hands, and made a playful gesture of tilting his head slightly.

"Hey~" If he could speak, no one doubted that he would hear such a voice.

"Mr. Furuya!" Amuro Toru's assistant in the armored car in the distance quickly got out of the armored car after seeing the explosion, shouting and running towards the smoke, but he stopped just halfway through, because he Seeing that the headless Kiichiro Numabuchi holds the head of Amuro Toru with his eyes closed: Unlike Kiichiro Numabuchi, the headless Amuro Toru must be dead.

The dragons are headless.


It's hard for Chiba to understand why victory sometimes comes to him when he doesn't even hope for it... How could Bourbon take it so lightly because a robot had its head removed? Of course, the head must be equipped with something like a vocal organ, but it definitely does not include the basic parts that normal operation depends on——

Then, Chiba suddenly realized why Amuro had taken it lightly because Numuochi's head was removed: because in fact, as Amuro guessed, when his head was removed, Numuochi was indeed It has lost the visual system installed in the head. And if Numabuchi Kiichiro couldn't see anything, he wouldn't be able to fight effectively, let alone grab Toru Amuro, who was extremely agile.

But what Toru Amuro could not have imagined was that even if Numoubuchi Kiichiro could no longer catch him, Chiba had other means.

Directly above the explosion smoke, four drones are hovering in the air.

(For the drones purchased in Chapter 351, I should have mentioned that there are three sets of spare parts, adding up to four. When Numbuchi Kiichiro used to map the coordinates of the nearby enemies, the so-called fire control observation system was these The thermal imaging viewing system on the Numbuchi Kiichiro drove the truck not only to cover up his abnormal weight that might be revealed when sitting on a small vehicle, but also to give these four A drone hidden in the cargo compartment of the truck provides cover - in the dark, as long as it is high in the sky, even if there is a thermal imager, it is difficult to effectively destroy these drones. And if the other party does not deliberately look into the sky , thermal imaging may even be deceived by the normal temperature surface created by the under-lined thermal bomb box.

One of the functions of these four UAVs is to use the aerial field of view to achieve multi-angle ranging, in this way to provide the field of vision and coordinate parameters for Kiichiro Numabuchi on the ground, and the second function... just like just now, will carry The small bombs slanted down in a hover-bombing manner to decapitate the opponent by surprise.

At the same time, the four drones that were hovering together dispersed again, and more bombs were dropped by the drones. Of course, this time is different from the previous activity that aimed to directly kill Toru Amuro. The main purpose is to disperse and suppress. As for the reason for this?

Picking up his own head and putting it on the fixing frame of his neck at will, Numabuchi Kiichiro breathed a sigh of relief.

If the head is captured by the opponent, the software system inside may be obtained by the enemy, resulting in a series of very serious consequences.

Next time, be sure to install enough sensing equipment inside, and try to avoid melee combat... otherwise, it would be too dangerous for Numbuchi to enter and exit high-risk areas.

Taking off the Metropolitan Police Department vest that had a heat reaction on his body, Kiichiro Numabuchi disappeared again from the chaotic Metropolitan Police Department crowd.

Anyway, Jinjiu and the others couldn't help themselves, so it shouldn't matter if they don't kill them all?

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