Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 688: - ineffective poison

About fifteen minutes later, Rice Flower Central Hospital.

"He? He's completely healthy, which proves that we do have the ability to turn a genetically suitable adult into a child, and the child's tissue health will synchronously fall back to a young state." Gregory held the research report , said this to Chiba and Haibara Ai. "However...I think his new classmates and he will probably be in a situation where they hate each other."

"Let the murderer go to elementary school," Haibara Ai's expression was quite relaxed at this time. "Should we find a way to send him to Texas for elementary school? He'll probably be fine there."

"Let's get down to business," Gregory continued with a smile and shook his head. "If the next clinical phase is successful, I think we can use those drugs - we have some ... African logs, which can provide us with enough material for human experiments."

At this moment, the electronic display in Gregory's office lit up, causing the three present to look there at the same time.

【Metropolitan Police Department First Aid】

"Why did the Metropolitan Police Department give me the living person, aren't you afraid that I will cut open the living person first?" Gregory frowned slightly. "You two... come with me too."

"Ah?" Hai Yuanai said in surprise. "Usually you're not just..."

"Being a doctor is a promising career, especially since I know that the two of you have done this before, at least not worse than the gangsters here, right?" Gregory sat up. , stood up with the help of a cane, and walked towards the door. "Hurry up, get moving!"


Meanwhile, the auditorium.

"At present, it can be preliminarily determined to be poisoning, and the carrier should be the drink that was drunk more than half of the bottle," the forensic personnel reported to Matsumoto Kiyotaka at the scene - it should have been the police officer Mumu who went home to take care of his wife's funeral. The police officer Shiratori was in charge of the on-site criminal investigation, but their superiors were here, so naturally they handed over these responsibilities to the relevant person, the superior and the victim's father. "As for the specific poisons, we currently judge these tablets and capsules with varying degrees of dissolution that you poured out of the tea for the first time."

"Pills and Capsules" Matsumoto Kiyocho frowned. "You mean, the prisoner used multiple drugs to poison at the same time? It seems a bit redundant, right?"

"Yes, it does seem a bit redundant, but..." The forensic personnel were also quite hesitant. "But it does have multiple drugs in it at the same time."

"That," said Maurilan, who was called in as someone who had been in close contact with Sayuri Matsumoto before being poisoned. "The teacher added a lot of things to the jar at the time, saying it was vitamin C for seasoning."

"Vitamin?" Matsumoto Kiyocho looked surprised. "Sayyuri should not take these medicines normally. Her last physical examination result was very healthy!"

"The degree of dissolution varies," Conan asked suddenly. "Excuse me, how different is the degree of dissolution of these capsules?"

"Very large," was the answer from the forensic staff. "One of the capsules has about 70% remaining, while the other capsules are more than 70% dissolved when they are being poured out by the police."

"Considering the number, can we think that these capsules were not dropped by the same person?" Conan asked. "After all, there are a lot of capsules that dissolve. Compared with the possibility of others putting them in, I prefer this batch of capsules that dissolve quickly to be finally put in by Mr. Matsumoto... I mean Sister Sayuri personally put them in. "

"But the one in front may not be," Matsumoto Kiyocho heard Conan's implication. "So the one in front is probably the murderer—"

"Actually, it's also possible that a capsule that was thrown together is different," the forensic staff whispered while looking at the capsules that were placed side by side. "For example, there is a special poison capsule or something."

At this moment, Kiyocho Matsumoto's phone rang, and it was Gregory, who had taken over Sayuri Matsumoto's treatment.

Sayuri Matsumoto woke up, after not doing anything other than inhaling oxygen.


"I just took a sip, and then suddenly my throat felt weird...the tongue swelled up, and then I couldn't breathe," she recounted to Gregory's assistant. "Then I passed out."

"Your tongue is swollen and you can't get air?" Fujiwara stopped his pen and looked at Sayuri Matsumoto with a weird look. "You...are you sure you didn't swallow your tongue?"

"Tongue swallowing?" Sayuri didn't understand for the first time. At this moment, Gregory walked in with Chiha and Haibara Ai.

"I can't breathe after my tongue is swollen, maybe it's swallowing it, but I haven't checked it yet..."

"He said he couldn't breathe?" Gregory frowned, looking at Fujiwara like this. "Next time you suspect that a sober person is swallowing his tongue, he will go to the water department for an examination... Forget it, go to the anorectal department as a handyman."

"Anyway..." Fujiwara also realized his omission and said so. "When I checked just now, there was nothing abnormal in the throat."

"Can you describe how you can't breathe air?" Gregory said, looking at the slightly stained clothes that Matsumoto Sayuri was wearing. "Where is the specific blockage?"

"Uh..." Sayuri Matsumoto hesitated. "I just can't breathe in, but I'm not sure what's wrong, I just feel that my throat feels uncomfortable."

"In other words, there's an intermittent problem somewhere in the respiratory Gregory pouted." Get some blood, get a CT of the chest, and take him to the plethysmography room How's the lungs moving - remember to call the water department back. "


In the body drawing room, there are only Hotaru, Haibara Ai, and Sayuri Matsumoto, who only has a bra on her upper body.

"Don't worry, this box is used to test your breathing ability. Because this is a confined space, it can accurately determine the functional strength of your lungs." Hotaru attached a sensor to the edge of Sayuri Matsumoto's bra— That's why the two boys need to evade - saying so.

"Put on this respirator, we need this to allow you to inhale from the outside world to complete this test." Haibara Ai is also handing the respirator to Sayuri - unlike Hotaru, her work is because she is not tall enough and cannot do it by itself. But at this moment, Hotaru had attached the sensor and took the respirator from Haibara Ai.

"I'll come," said this, Hotaru put on a respirator for Sayuri Matsumoto. "By the way, why are you and that child here?"

"I was pulled by Gregory to make up the number, how about you?" Ai Haibara asked rhetorically.

"Make it up?" Mizuko Ying looked surprised, but she continued after closing the body scan cabin. "A lot of people have submitted their resumes, and most of them have been swiped down... It seems that less than 10 qualified in the end."

"Is your resume gorgeous?" Haibara raised her eyebrows. "Gorgeous enough to defeat so many people?"

"Seriously, my resume is almost blank, because I was originally applying for another internship..." Ying spread her hands. "I actually asked why I was chosen instead of the more capable people, and his answer is..."

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