Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 691: - tracheostomy

"It's not likely to be lupus," said Gregory, who had returned without success from Sayuri Matsumoto's home. "It's hard for something to get worse so quickly, and there's usually joint pain - of course, if you're really concerned, you can get a check up."

"All allergies are all negative, and other heavy metals that have been newly added have also failed. Mercury, sulfur, arsenic, etc. are all negative." Ying spread her hands.

"Although the symptoms are really similar to heavy metals, ... maybe now we really need to pay attention to the possibility of atypical lupus, after all, we have carefully examined the most common ones in most heavy metal cases."

"Yes," Gregory nodded. "So this situation is very—"

The alarm bell rang again.

"What happened again?" Gregory frowned. "It was obviously fine before, why did the patient's family come..."

"Strictly speaking, that one is not a family member of the patient, but her friend." Chiba said as she watched Fujiwara and Hotaru hurried out. "But to be honest, boyfriends who have been robbed can still bless them so sincerely... Anyway, it's hard for me to imagine how he was so generous."

"What?" Gregory turned to look at him. "Stealing your boyfriend?"

"Well, because Takasugi Toshihiko wanted revenge, he broke up with this Miss Takenaka Kazumi. But although Miss Sayuri was very concerned, Miss Takenaka Kazumi did not hate her, but persuaded Takasugi Toshihiko to surrender." Sad to say here, but also smacking his lips. "If I were in this situation, I might have been poisoned directly - and by the way, it can provide more data for our experiments."

Qianyu suddenly had a cold war.

"What do you mean?" Haibara Ai immediately stared at Chiba. "you will not……"

"Uh..." Qianyu quickly denied it. "No... it's just that what you said is too scary..."

"Okay, forget about that," Gregory interrupted their bickering. "I'll take a look again, maybe I'll find anything."


At the same time, the special ward.

"Appears again!" Kazumi Takenaka stood by the door, looking in horror at Fujiwara and Hotaru who were doing first aid. "She seems to be unable to breathe as she described before!"

Fujiwara ignored her at all and checked her trachea according to standard procedures. "The trachea is closed, what about the lungs?"

"It's working normally," said Hotaru, who was wearing a stethoscope. "Intubation?"

"Hmm—" Fujiwara was about to respond, but found that Sayuri Matsumoto's half-lying body suddenly twitched forward, and a large amount of vomit spewed out of her mouth.

"Ah!" Kazumi Takenaka screamed.

"Suck those things out with a catheter... No, wash my neck first!" Fujiwara hurriedly shouted to Hotaru. "I need to do a tracheotomy, and help clear the midline from the thyroid cartilage to the sternum!"

In this case, the patient's vomit must have accumulated a lot in the mouth and throat, and the way of ventilation from the tracheal tube takes a lot of time to remove these things first. Therefore, in order to relieve the difficulty in breathing as soon as possible, Fujiwara could only choose to bypass this part and cut a wound directly from the middle of the trachea to give another passage for air.

Their movements are very fast, and the tacit understanding is very high. When Hotaru has completed the cleaning and iodine disinfection work, Fujiwara has already prepared the scalpel for cutting. "start."

With his voice, the scalpel made a longitudinal incision in the neck without hesitation. "Retractor!"

Hotaru had already waited by the side, and immediately used the retractor to open the incision made by Fujiwara so that Fujiwara could continue the incision - only one incision in the tracheotomy is not enough, because after the skin is incised, there is still more under the skin. Obstructions such as the superficial cervical fascia, the platysma and the deep fascia must continue to be cut to break through to the front of the trachea.

When Fujiwara finally used a scalpel to open the thyroid gland in front of the trachea from bottom to top, and Hina used a retractor to open it to both sides, the trachea protected by the cricoid cartilage finally appeared in front of them.

"Two or four tracheal rings are incised," Fujiwara said, gently incising the scalpel into the trachea by about 3 mm, then moving the knife upwards, breaking off two sections of cartilage, and holding the cannula next to it in his hand. "Expander."

After Hotaru opened the tracheal incision by operating the dilator with the hand that was not holding the retractor, Fujiwara inserted the tracheal cannula. "Check airflow."

"Everything is normal," replied Gregory, who had stood by their side at some point in time. "well done."

It was only then that Fujiwara breathed a sigh of relief—this was the first time he had performed such an urgent tracheotomy on a living person.

But why was she doing everything as usual until a few hours ago, and now the disease is developing so rapidly?

Just when Fujiwara and the others present were thinking about this, Gregory suddenly walked out.

The reason is very Someone he wanted to meet invited him out.


An hour later, in the special ward.

"Your urine test results show that the protein and red blood cell levels are rising further," Gregory said, looking at Sayuri Matsumoto and Kazumi Takenaka, who was feeding her easily digestible pastries by hand. "We call it 'proteinuria,' which means your kidneys are failing."

"Can it be cured?" Kazumi Takenaka asked immediately.

"We..." Gregory said after hesitating for a moment. "It may be lupus, the symptoms are consistent, and the disease is characterized by the lack of typical symptoms, which is extremely difficult to target. The lesions that have been found, including the lungs, kidneys, and throat are one of its characteristic symptoms - lupus erythematosus causes the immune system Overactive and attacking itself. So we'll have steroids for him right away and have cyclophosphamide or something like immunosuppressants on hand at all times."

"She can recover, right?" Kazumi Takenaka asked.

"Theoretically yes, so I hope you can come with me and I'll get you something you might use in the next few hours." With that said, Gregory.

"Then I'll go first?" Kazumi Takenaka asked as she put the last cake in the bag into Sayuri Matsumoto's mouth.

"Yeah~" Although Matsumoto Sayuri was still very weak, she still showed a smile, and licked the **** that stuck into her mouth a little mischievously.

"Yeah!" Takenaka Kazumi exclaimed in a low voice, and then tapped Sayuri's head with her two wet fingers. "You bastard! I won't take care of you when I come back!"

At the door, Gregory quietly watched the two of them frolic.

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