Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 796: ——Lick dog has no house

"Then...then let's bring the topic back to where we asked you about things," Ying nodded. "Can you describe things like interpersonal relationships at the time? Soft information that might be helpful in the case."

"Mr. Moritomo Masao, the teacher's assistant and team leader, his attitude towards the teacher has always been subtle - that's the kind of thing, he was hired as an assistant, but he often used a very rude way to ask the teacher to do something, Sometimes I even wonder who the two of them are who are their assistants." Gregory said after thinking about it.

"Then, it's probably the idea of ​​Fujimura Shin and Kamada Yoshiko? Or, it's obvious that he has feelings for Kamada Yoshiko. If I remember correctly, Kamata Yoshiko and Fujimura Shinichi should have been A high school classmate, Yoshiko Kamata went to Canada to study archaeology, while Shinichi Fujimura started organizing activities of the amateur archaeology enthusiasts association in his personal capacity. Later, after this event was organized, it seems that Shinichi Fujimura also strongly recommended They brought Yoshiko Kamada on this expedition to add to her resume."

"As for how far it has reached... If my impression is correct, there was a problem with the ice axe purchased by Kamada Yoshiko at that time. It was Fujimura Shinichi who specially exchanged his high-grade ice axe for Kamada Yoshiko, and used her locally. The new ice axe that I bought didn't work well. The first time I used it, the outer skin broke a corner, exposing the core inside. Well... From this point of view, he is a bit pitiful."

"Ms. Kamada Yoshiko didn't mean to respond to him at all?" Hotaru probably guessed the reason.

"Well, but there are more tragic things," Gregory said, showing a very subtle expression. "Well...if he found out, he would be crazy."

"She and Mr. Ito are getting along? Or..." Hotaru immediately made a rather immoral possibility, but realized that if that was the case, Gregory would probably have a look that was not too big of a deal. Rather than the now rather subtle attitude. "Wait a minute, you're not going to make a big deal with her, are you?"

"..." Gregory was silent, and Jae Young's expression changed from initial surprise to half surprise and half admiration (although an 18-year-old girl expressed to a middle-aged uncle in his forties the same way he would to a new entrant It's a bit strange to appreciate it, but if you consider everyone's rank in terms of relationships... well, then Hotaru is indeed qualified to look at Gregory like this), and then nodded. "Well, after all... She also said later that she was not interested in that guy, and she came only because it would help her study."

"Okay," Yingying continued to record with a slight smile. " there anything else?"

"The ice axe she bought locally was very difficult to use. Shinichi Fujimura did a lot of funny things, because the ice axe he used was a different kind of... Although the performance is not very good, it feels very good. Ice axe, so he can't play with this ice-breaker at all - but in the end he was the one who found the remains first."

"Well, it was said in that memoir that he found the first bones on the ground, and later found more nearby."

The conversation continues.


Meanwhile, the lab found something new.

"This abnormal fracture on the cheekbone seems to come from a very, very powerful punch," Chiba said, looking at Haibara Ai while scrutinizing the created skull model. "If it hits this intensity... I remember that the result of the previous investigation was that no one witnessed any signs of injury to Henry Ito, right? In other words, this wound is likely to come from one of the series of events that led to his eventual death."

"Being beaten like this, or beaten the bones like this before dying, maybe there are similar traces left on his facial tissue, check it?" Ai Haibara suggested.

"That face is dry, and the tissue inside has also shrunk. God knows how much it can recover after rehydration." Qianyu is not very confident about such reverse work. "By the way, how is the restoration of the results of the bone strength modeling over there?"

If the data about the bone density of the deceased can be retrieved, then the weapon used by the attacker, the strength and angle used by the attacker can be judged according to the degree of injury on the skull of the deceased, and finally the attacker can be inferred. Of course, it's not impossible to make inferences with lower accuracy from the existing data, but... As for the current data that Qianyu uses the computing power of the auxiliary unit to run with the help of the physical engine, the simulation is based on the normal bone age of the 50-year-old Mongolian race. In this case, the force required to cause such a blow is roughly equivalent to the level of strength that a normal woman can exert - but this does not mean that the murderer is the only woman in the expedition, because these data are from the data of the Caucasian race, The Caucasian race is taller and stronger than the Mongolian race.

"We are still collecting data from other hospitals - and the examinations for bone strength are basically checking the lumbar spine and There are very few examinations for skull bone density, so at that time we can only reverse the following data. Push the upper level." Haibara Ai said so, signaling Qianyu not to worry.

"Well, let's wait for related things first... Before that, should we go get some coffee?" Chiba looked at the skeleton model and suddenly stopped, thus suggesting to Haibara Ai.

"At work?" Haibara Ai frowned and looked at Qianyu with the eyes of a sick person, but found that his face was a little serious. "Did you... find anything?"

"Let's have some snacks first, and we'll talk about it later." Qian Yu shook his head. "Come on, let's go down first."


[As far as possible, ask all the questions that need to be asked, and finally ask if he has ever had a physical conflict with Mr. Ito, such as hitting him hard in the face. ] - Chiba

"..." Ying's eyes twitched for a while, and then she restrained herself from looking at Gregory and replied with a text message.

"What did you find?" Gregory asked, noticing Ying's movements.

"No, Fujiwara met a **** shop on the way back and asked me about my size so that he could buy me new props." Hotaru replied casually.

"Oh, right, let's just ask, which part of the prop did you buy this time?" Gregory asked after taking a sip of water from the glass next to him.

"Later, he asked me how big the skewer was." Hotaru responded very smoothly.

Of course, Gregory wouldn't believe such nonsense -- although he wasn't Japanese, he could still understand the input method, so there was no secret to him about what Hotaru tapped on the keyboard.

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