Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 813: - Kafa

"Can you imagine my emotions at that time? She found out too late, the time for abortion had passed, and she could only give birth to that child... I was in the rising stage of my career at that time, if I had an illegitimate child because of this situation Come out, then my future is completely ruined. So I have to legalize this child, which means I have to marry the child's biological mother - even if it means I need to break up with Xiaoguang's mother."

"I did this, but the problem is that after my wife and I got married, she told me that during our brief relationship, she was pregnant with Xiaoguang by accident."

"Look, things are so ironic." When they said this, Pu and Takumi's expressions were a little distorted, and they looked at Takagi, Sato and Conan with a very righteous look--and these three people were hearing such things. After that, I didn't know how to refute him at all. "In order to avoid the illegitimate child scandal, I created an illegitimate child scandal myself, and finally married a woman I didn't love at all, but I didn't even get the benefits I deserved from such a sacrifice."

"Of course, it's still my fault for not being able to manage myself in the final analysis, and I can understand that, so I never blame them - plus my wife is also very good to me after marriage, and I feel that way too. Life is good. However, I didn't expect that my two favorite women and my two most beloved children would go away first."

"Five years ago, Xiaoguang's mother died of cancer; three years ago, Xiaoguang was killed because of that incident; two years ago, my wife died of a sudden cerebral obstruction, and the treatment failed; Accidentally killed in flight... I lost all spiritual support outside of myself. And two years ago, my own professional mission collapsed."

"You know, in the past thirty years, nearly forty years, I have been serving as the exclusive tuner of Tang Ben, and I have spent almost my entire career on him, and working for him is my only one. meaning."

Saying so, Ko and Takumi turned their heads and looked in the direction of Domoto, who was playing the pipe organ on the stage through the window of the box. As he turned his head, he saw why the little cube he had placed on the table earlier—that was the remote control for the manual detonation of the bomb—suddenly flew out.

There is a hole in the window, and on the other side of the hole is another box shrouded in darkness.

So that's the case, is it a sniper... It's really a big battle, it's a big battle that I didn't even think about going anywhere before.

"Anyway... When Don Ben announced that he would stop playing the piano and start playing the organ two years ago, many people said it was a very risky thing for him because he was too old. But who Have you considered, in this matter, am I worse than him?"

"He offered me a very generous offer, saying that he could let me serve as the curator of the Domoto Concert Hall, which was already under construction at that time, and be responsible for related management work. It was indeed very generous, I admit it, but I am very clear that I am not a management type either. Talent, and this is not a job that can raise my passion. Of course, I have every right to choose to end my cooperation with him and become someone else's tuner - I have this confidence to work perfectly with anyone. But the problem is, After working with Donmoto for 35 years, I...maybe I have become dependent on him in a sense. In short, I don't want to work with a second pianist in my entire tuning career. I've completely lost motivation in this situation - my work has come to an end, my family has been cut off, there is no hope..."

"I actually didn't have anything to complain about, but... Later, when Domoto played the pipe organ, he performed very well, without any jerky feeling at all. I was the only one left, and I became the victim of his decision to change careers. Yes. Ah, the world is so impermanent, it's obviously someone else's fault, but in the end I have to pay for it..."

"You have also seen that Don Ben turned into a pipe organ, completely abandoned the piano, and did it very thoroughly - he even moved his family piano to the academy, and replaced all the piano scores at home, as if he had always just It's like an organist who has never touched a piano. It's just... a blatant betrayal of me, an old **** who can only tune pianos, and an old piano that can only play like a piano. , so naked and abandoned. He is in Xintiandi sharing a happy time with the pipe organ - you can see this Tangben concert hall, the pipe organ is basically embedded here, and anyone will see that this concert hall is the Tangben concert hall. Ichiwa's organ concert hall belongs to the world-renowned organ player Ichiwa Of course, if it was just this one thing, I wouldn't do these things. But considering that I still need To avenge my children, I have reason to give up all this."

"But at the time of your child's autopsy, his alcohol content was simply not enough to really affect his judgment..."

"Ah, yeah, there is no alcohol, but you know why I didn't drink any alcohol, but my little light was so drunk and fell off a cliff? Because they made him take another one from the buffet. An exotic drink.”


Conan is not unfamiliar with this word, because it is a common drink in the South Pacific region, and there are even myths related to it - he once heard his father tell it when he was in Hawaii.

The almighty creator created the earth and everything on it, and Pava, the first man in the world, and the creator and Pava shared a wine made from the root of a sacred plant. But during their celebration, the second time Pava's son broke into the ceremony, which the Creator had declared to be only for him and Pava, the Creator tore the child to shreds in a fit of rage. In the end, the Creator, seeing Pava's remorse for the sins committed by his son, was finally merciful, and dropped a few drops of communion wine on the boy's body, and the child was immediately resurrected-to this day, this kind of The holy wine called kaffa is still considered to herald the bond between creator and human beings, and it is still popular in the Pacific South to put a few drops of kaffa on a mat as a common opening ceremony. At the same time, it is often used as a major ceremonial wine when celebrating weddings, welcoming guests, making important decisions or mourning the dead.


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