Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 826: ——Tobeblamedandpa…

"Don't close your eyes, look carefully." Qianyu glanced at Ayumi who was trying to hide behind her, and said this slowly. "Look at what they're doing, guess what they're thinking. If you resist looking at it, you're here for nothing."

"It always feels a bit like a so-called cult plot..." Ayumi said nervously.

"This is not a cult plot, this is a very cult history, or, in other words, a projection of what people did in the history of cult." Chiba looked at the cut surface of the dagger swaying slightly on the window on her chest. "'s almost over."

Saying so, the surrounding environment was swallowed up by the white light.


Many people, and they are all civilians.

This was Ayumi's first reaction when everything around her was completely refreshed.

At a second glance, Ayumi realized that in front of her, many people were surrounding a few people who were tied to the cross on the high platform.

And next to one of the crosses, is a middle-aged man with a leather whip and a scar on his face—judging from his skin color, it should belong to the vast majority of the [Hutu people] in this country—at this moment, He is giving a speech.

"Just seventy years ago, we still had a moment when we achieved our own unique status through hard work. As long as we can work hard and through our own efforts, each of us can become the so-called 'superior'."

"But when the new group of white people came here, it was never like this again!"

"The rich are permanently Tutsi! Those who are fair-skinned and meet their so-called 'superior' criteria are permanently Tutsi! And the others, like their fathers and grandparents, are chained to 'Hutu' as a permanent sign of inferiority."

"The Tutsi, they are obviously lazy, and they only got such a name by relying on their ancestors' Yin Hui, but now they have been privileged for so long under the protection of white people! Sixty years ago, for every Tutsi There are 99 Hutu people. And now? When there are only 85 Hutu people left, there are already 14 Tutsi people. They lie on you, me, and all of us. With blood on our bodies, we make all of us the targets of their exploitation! You said, should the brave and hard-working Hutu people accept this kind of humiliation?"

"Shouldn't be!" The people in the audience responded in unison.

"Those Tutsi, they thought they could ride on our heads forever."

"Those Tutsi, think we can never avenge them."

"But today, we're standing here, at the door of the road of revenge that we've been waiting for for decades."

"But today, we are already standing here, in front of these privileged classes who eat our flesh and drink our blood."

"I have seen it on each of your faces, and I have seen the scars left by the unscrupulous oppression and exploitation by the Tutsi."

"In order to make our compatriots who died in unwillingness and humiliation absolved, and to let the children we raised up stand upright, free from the hard days of being discriminated against and exploited by others. In order to prove that we never gave up, to prove that we have Ability to stand up, we will swear to the world our revival! Even if we sacrifice everything for it, we will rise up to resist, even if we die in the end on the road to fight for our freedom and equality! Because even if we sacrifice, We also want to build a heaven on earth for our children that belongs to them, where they can laugh and laugh!"

"We vowed to take back everything that belongs to us, starting from here, let the Tutsi pay for what they did!"

"Let's join hands to make the Hutu compatriots great again!"

Saying this, the speaker slapped the **** Tutsi with the whip with force—they looked like a family, because these people were not only middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes, but also people who looked like An elderly couple in their 60s and 70s, and two teenage children.

Accompanied by the moans of the old couple and the cries of the children, it was in response to the flogging performance of the speaker, and more enthusiastic cheers from other Hutu people in the audience.


"They... are here to judge these people just because they are Tutsi?" Ayumi looked at these people and said in disbelief.

"Well, yes, it's because they're Tutsi - better opportunities for education, more privileges... The Hutu community has been unhappy with these things for a long time."

"But those children and old people are so pitiful..." Ayumi couldn't bear to see the scene of being whipped. "Obviously... things weren't caused by them, right? Obviously this kind of thing was just caused by some of them..."

"Strictly All of them are guilty, no matter men, women, or children, no matter what they do." Qianyu looked at the man who was still trying to shrink his body and tried to curl up despite being **** because of the pain. child. "Even though some of them have not even grown up enough to take the initiative to act evil, they are still being plundered from the Hutu - which is not the same as what happened to the Jews."

"The Tutsi are a class that has been privileged since birth... no, to be precise, they have enjoyed privileges before birth - they have been preferentially treated by policies and have gained a higher status. Even a child In the womb, the whole country has already received the inclination and favor in exchange for sacrificing the treatment of the Hutu people. So from this perspective, any surviving Tutsi newborn is also not innocent. "

"And for the same reason, the Tutsi also enjoy various preferential treatment when they grow up - they don't need to actively hurt the Hutu people to achieve oppression and exploitation, as long as they don't prevent themselves from enjoying these The treatment already does that.”

"In just 60 years, the proportion of the Tutsi population has increased from 1% to 14% without introducing too much new blood from the outside world. Do you think this is not the most intuitive manifestation of their good life in society? ? It's not like 'only a few people are privileged, and most are innocent.' It's the exact opposite."

"All in all, most of the Tutsi...whether intentional or not, they have stepped on other people to intimidate others - and this is the reason for the general hatred of the Hutu against them."


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