Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 828: ——Leaders and speculators and complainers and blind followers (End of Cocoon II…

"It's like this, including this concert, right?" Ayumi asked suddenly. "I've heard some strange things, like sponsors..."

"Of course, although this concert was organized by a non-governmental non-profit organization, but... everyone knows who is in charge of this organization." Qian Yu nodded, believing that Ayumi's so-called "rumor". "But having said that, although this sponsorship has a national background, it cannot be denied that the hesitation is really annoying-they have the ability to solve these things, but they are so hesitant, even deliberately delaying."

After saying this, he glanced at the whipper who was still beating the Tutsi.

As if feeling Qianyu's gaze, the whipper also turned his head.

But his eyes were straight at a window of the white building behind the two soldiers.

The superior has already told him that this performance must be seen by the Belgian chief of the peacekeeping force with his own eyes. It is best to stimulate the other party's emotions and irrational actions, so as to create favorable conditions for future international public opinion.

But he seemed a little too obvious, because at least Ayumi fully saw that his motives were not pure.

"Is his eyes looking at that building? And the sound of the whip, the strength and position of my finger, is a little absent-minded... Is it for the purpose of performing a show to attract the attention of someone in the building over there?"

"Well, yes, it was probably given to the commander here, right?" Qian Yu didn't even look at where the whipper's eyes were looking. "Romeo Antonius (former dean of the Royal Military College of St. John in Canada, Brigadier General Dallaire), who is here now as commander of the entire peacekeeping force, is trying in vain to beg a small piece like an airport from both sides of the line Neutral area."

Right here, there was a sudden commotion at the whipping platform.

"He pretended to be dead!"

"Kill him! Since he pretends to be dead, kill him!"

When Chiba and Ayumi focused their gazes in that direction again, they found that an old man seemed to be out of physical strength and passed out - but the whipper started whipping him more desperately because of this.

"I have an idea that will have a good effect on those who pretend to be dead." Suddenly, such a voice sounded in the crowd.

A white-haired old man in a military uniform from a long time ago came out with a gun. "For those who pretend to be dead, isn't it okay to make them come true?"

"This is..." The Flayer was a little surprised, but immediately paid respect after seeing the specific style of the military uniform - although this was not part of the plan, he just wanted to do it. "Are you an old man who fought for Hutu's independence?" (That's Rwanda's military uniform around 1962)

"Let's count it as something, I spent the first half of my life giving those dogs that speak French (the Tutsi and quite a few Belgians speak French, while the Hutu are educated in local Swahili) Blindly working..." Saying this contemptuously, the old man turned his head and glanced at the white soldier who was looking at him through the barbed wire. "Since the age of nine, he has participated in the overseas Boy Scouts organization in Belgium, responsible for publicity. At the end of the war, he began to receive American-style Boy Scout training. After the founding of the country, he spent a few years in the army, mainly in security, and then retired quickly—— But there was no war at that time, and I was very distressed because I thought that what I learned would never be used again.”

"But in the end I found the meaning of my existence, which is to protect the people and dignity of our Hutu people, we defeated Ubuhake, we defeated Uburetwa, and we will continue to defeat those who shivered in front of us and thought we could Bloody **** who escaped blood debt!"

(Both Ubu's are early policies, a policy of the Tutsi to the Hutu in a tenant-like manner.)

"It should be fine to give me the life of this old ghost who pretended to be dead and wanted to get away with it, right?" The old man took out a pistol and asked the whipper. "I still really want to take this guy who used to be a blessing in my own hands."

"Of course you can, you are a hero of our Hutu people, and of course you have the right to do so." The whipper was overjoyed and hurriedly signaled that the other party could do it. "Come here, everyone, look carefully, blood debts are paid for by blood!"

"Are there any children who want to come with me?" At this moment, the old man showed a kind expression. "It's better to be a child who wants to take the opportunity to take revenge."

"Can I?" A crisp childish voice entered the old man's ears - just as he was looking for the crowd, he found that the child was finally lifted up by a young man next to him.

"Count my share!" The youth encouraged him to send the child to a place further ahead, and another middle-aged woman naturally took over the child as well. "Count in my poor child!"

"Count my parents who were executed by them!"

"Including my husband who was beaten to death!"

"Counting the family property that they took away from me like this!"

With all sorts of old hate accounts piled up like this, the child was finally delivered to the front.

"I originally thought it was a bit risky to let children do this, but now, looking at these old accounts that need to be settled, it is better for children to remember these things firmly from an early age." Lifting the child, who appeared to be less than 10 years old, the whipper looked at his tattered clothes. "Son, what did they do to you?"

Just as he was talking about this, he suddenly noticed that there was a delicate ornament hanging around the child's neck that obviously did not match the tattered clothes.

"This is part of my mother's remains," the child's words made the lasher's amiable expression a little stiff. "They took my mother and all they got back was a wad of money and a stone like this."

"Is that... a gem?" Ayumi in the distance couldn't see what it was—in fact, even if she could, she couldn't recognize it.

"No, those are ashes." Qianyu's answer to her seemed a little disturbing. "Accurately speaking, it is an ornament from the ashes, an ornament that was re-carved from the ashes after cremation... Probably after killing his mother, he casually used the equipment of a high-class person to do a little bit of it. Although it is very extravagant, it is also ironic. Death compensation, right?"

Throwing money on someone's face, although objectively speaking, is a very generous compensation, but subjectively speaking, it is quite...

"Come on, child," the old man also sighed, walked to the child who had been put down, and helped the child to open the safety of the pistol, aiming at the man who had been passively charged even now like a corpse. Senior man poses stuck on pile. "That's a Tutsi, tell me, what are you going to do?"

What responded to him was the sound of fire produced by the child pulling the trigger with a gnashing expression. The first bullet hit the carotid artery of the old man, but the arterial blood seemed to have lost its power, but was slowed down by the pull of gravity. Slow down.

After seeing this scene, the lasher's brows furrowed, and then he looked at the old man as if he realized something.

The old man glanced at him with his eyes, but didn't say anything, but finally completed the communication with the whipper who understood it in a tacit way.

Ayumi didn't seem to realize anything, not even the helplessness flashing on Qianyu's face next to her.

But soon, Qianyu's helplessness turned into the embarrassment of being caught.

"Although it may be a little sudden, but the time is over, if Ayumi doesn't go home, it will be too late, right?" Haibara Ai's cold voice came from the sky.

"As for Tachibana-san..." Haibara Ai's voice seemed a little hesitant when she mentioned Chiba. "Forget it, nothing."

Chiyu's expression immediately stiffened, and his body image also turned into nothingness after Ayumi, who was beside him, suddenly disappeared.

【Cocoon】Program operation ends


Two minutes ago, when the veterans began to attract the attention of the lashers and the Do these episodes have any historical origins that can be verified, or rumors? Haibara Ai looked at the screen and asked Hoshino Kaede in this way. "Or is it all Tachibana's imagination? "

"I think, there may be similar rumors, but I didn't listen-" Hoshino Kaede seemed to realize something, and began to use a slower speech rate to buy himself more time to think.

"You should know everything he knows, especially non-professional things, right?" But Haibara Ai obviously didn't like this. "In other words, these are all things he imagined, right?"

"..." Hoshino Kaede was silent, until Huiyuan Ai looked at him, he nodded reluctantly. "I think, maybe yes, but after all, this is to help the little girl immerse herself in the situation..."

"Ordinary people wouldn't be able to build such a scene in this way, right?" Haibara Ai asked rhetorically. "Would you design such a scenario?"

"Well, maybe not..." In the end, Hoshino Kaede was forced to admit Haibara Ai's point of view. "The layout of this scene is somewhat inappropriate for children to watch, and it may leave a psychological shadow."

Just as they were talking here, the child shot.

"If you follow the lyrics, there shouldn't be another scene for Ayumi to watch, right?" Haibara Ai seemed to be very familiar with the reasons why Chiba designed these scenes and showed them to Ayumi, and made such a judgment with a fairly confident attitude. "Well, that's it, I feel a chill on my back just looking at these things for a second longer."


At least this kid's marksmanship is better than Suehiko Ito, right... He can hit dead bodies with a pistol.

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