Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 88: - The mysterious unknown, the mysterious blackmailer

"..." Standing beside the little fellows who still didn't know what was going on, Chiba looked at the surrounding environment.

The field width of the equal-force land arena is more than 90 meters (this is a comprehensive stadium), and the range of Tokarev imitations such as the 54 type is basically within 50 meters, and the distance will be caused by bullets falling into subsonic speed. As the drag changes from shock to eddy current, the warhead will deflect in random directions. So draw a circle with a radius of 50 meters with the football as the origin...

There are four Japanese TV cameras within this range...but that's not right! If these four cameras shoot, even if there is a silencer, it can't cover it up... Conan's previous inference about the shooter in the diehard stand is quite correct, then. . .

Qianyu walked down the stairs next to her, recalling the floor plan of the Equal Force Land Arena—since only the cameramen could bring in guns with the convenience of the cameras, and only die-hard fans could shoot, So the camera crew gave the gun to the accomplice hiding in the diehard stand? That said, find a cameraman who has had contact with fans. . .

"All the dispatched documents are from Tokyo! The people in Kanagawa didn't move at all!" At this moment, a voice appeared in Chiba's ears, who had just descended the stairs to the first floor. I saw a man standing in front of a pillar and said angrily in British English.

Purebred Mongolian, about 18 years old, about 175 in height, short hair, Kawasaki Luyin's fan jersey and shorts. Wait a moment. . . Kawasaki Luyin's fan uniform? A diehard fan of Kawasaki Luyin? Is he sitting in the diehard fan zone?

"I'll hang up first." I don't know if the man noticed Qianyu's gaze or for some other reason, he hurriedly hung up the phone and left quickly.

After Chiyu was stunned for a moment, she immediately reacted—keep up.

However, he was lost, and the guy disappeared from his sight like a ghost.

"..." Qianyu looked around nervously, breathing a little too fast - if the other party just escaped, then he would never be so disturbed, but there is no way to escape without avoiding his sight. path of. . . The other party is still nearby! You might even be looking at yourself!

"Qianyu-san?" The vision suddenly changed, and Ayumi was squatting in front of her, looking at herself with concern.

"Ah?" Qian Yu felt dizzy as soon as she reacted. "Ugh-"

"We just came down," Mitsuhiko said. "I saw you sleeping here, what happened to you?"

"Sleep here?" Qianyu covered her head, closed her eyes and opened them again. After a few seconds, her vision returned to normal, but she felt dizzy again. " me up..."

In the end what happened. . . Judging from his own situation, he was probably attacked? ? ? By whom? ? ? Is that the unidentified young man? ? ?

"Da da." Intensive footsteps sounded. At the same time, the broadcast sounded for three minutes of stoppage time.

"Huh?" Qian Yu was stunned for a while, because since it was still in stoppage time, fans shouldn't leave in large numbers. Who is this dense crowd? ? ?

Wait a minute, it seems that Mr. Jin once said that the kidnappers asked him to pay a ransom of 50 million after the first half? Could it be that the location that the kidnappers requested is here?

A few seconds later, as Chiba had expected, the officers led by Officer Sato and Jin, who was carrying a suitcase, appeared nervous. They passed by Chiba and the others.

"Why did the people from the Metropolitan Police Department show up?" Mitsuhiko asked Qianyu slightly suspiciously. "Is there a case?"

"Does it have something to do with you sleeping here?" Ayumi also asked.

"Who made you sleep here?" Yuan Tai waved his fist.

"Forget about it..." Qian Yu shook her head as she watched the police leave. "Let's go to the stairway in the diehard district to guard... I think I saw the suspect just now."

. . .

"Can't we just go to the seat to find the suspect?" Yuan Tai stepped on the stairs and couldn't hold back. "It's so boring to wait like this!"

"I'm afraid there is a capacity of more than 3,000 for the diehard fans at home. As long as the suspect modifies his clothes a little, even if he just takes off his hat, it will be difficult for me to distinguish him." The diehard fans of the home team of the team song, the corners of their mouths twitched.

In the final stage of stoppage time, Sanfrecce Hiroshima, who was behind, launched an indiscriminate bombardment on Kawasaki Luyin. In more than two minutes, even Kawasaki Luyin's top star Miura Chiliang has retreated to his own half to participate in the defense. (I remember I said before that the average salary of local players in the J-League at that time was more than 25 million yuan, but what was the level of Miura Zhiliang star? His salary was as high as 240 million yen, and he could get 50 million to 50 million yuan for an advertisement. A high income of 100 million yuan. It can even be said that he is the Messi of the Japanese Professional Federation.)

How boring is the game? The cameraman behind Hiroshima Sanfrecce Goalkeeper was so bored that he completely and even talked to a staff member in a gray trench coat for a while.

"Everyone?" Conan appeared in front of everyone. "Why are you here?"

"I saw a suspect, and he was probably hiding in the die-hard fan zone behind us." Qianyu explained, at this time, he saw Conan with a headset on his ear. "What are you listening to?"

"The Metropolitan Police Department is preparing to ambush at Exit 18 requested by the kidnappers." Conan pointed to the exit directly behind Hiroshima Sanfrecce Goal.

"That exit..." Qianyu raised her eyebrows. "That's right. Now that Hiroshima Sanfrecce is completely pressed out, no audience will look at the exit of Hiroshima Sanfrecce's goalkeeper. It's very difficult to find transactions here."

"Their ambush is in place," Conan narrated while listening to the earphones. "The 50 million ransom has been placed at the door of Exit 18."

"..." Qianyu narrowed her eyes slightly and focused on the gray trench coat staff member he had seen chatting with the cameraman earlier.

From his position just now, he should obviously take Exit 18, but he went in a circle and walked out from Exit 17, which is farther? Exit 17 is a celebration photo of Kawasaki Luyin winning the championship in previous seasons. If he wants to leave the work area and enter the lounge, he should leave the stadium through exit 16 or 18.

Just after the staff disappeared at Exit 17, news came from Conan - a man in a gray trench coat and a mask came to the door of Exit 18 and picked up a bag containing 50 million ransoms.

Gray trench coat? Wear a mask. . . Chiba's gaze shifted from exit 18 to exit 17.

Suddenly looking back, the man was in the dim light

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