Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 941: - nice assistant

MRI room.

"..." Gregory lay on the platform, staring blankly at the machine that was scanning his legs.

"Uh, judging from the current results, there are indeed multiple tumors—there are a total of three found so far..." Qian Yu sat in the workroom and pouted.

Gregory was silent, biting his lips lightly with his teeth, and clenching his hands into fists while trembling slightly.

"Uh, do you need me to make an appointment for an operation? If there is an emergency, it should be arranged immediately, and during this time, you can rest for a while..." Qianyu just said this, but was interrupted by Gregory.

"How difficult was the operation?" Gregory asked a question that seemed relevant.

"Comparatively speaking, it should be relatively low... 3 lumps of about 20 mm, with clear boundaries—" Qianyu made a judgment, but in the end, she felt that it was a bit strange to be swaying in front of diagnostic experts. "Are the mice's tumors malignant or benign? I think their anatomy results are more reliable than my judgment."

"All, but if the boundaries are clear, there is a high probability that it should be benign without infiltration." Gregory made a request after thinking about it. "You, record the location of these tumors as accurately as possible."

"Records?" Qianyu followed a good manner, but didn't know what Gregory wanted to do.


"This is too crazy..." Qianyu muttered softly after Gregory. "Mr Gregory, you really don't think about..."

"Listen to me, do you understand?" Gregory walked in front of him, with the cane that was useless for a long time in his hand again. "Get everything right, you don't need to do the rest."

"But, this is really crazy..." Qian Yu's face was full of grievances. "Although you are a master of diagnostics, you can do this kind of thing by yourself... You can obviously let those people in the hospital do it?"

"No, I have to do this myself." Gregory sternly rejected Chiba's suggestion in an extremely arbitrary way. "They... just them? Maybe they sold my interests for their own jobs: Of course, I'm not saying that they don't care about my interests, but they care more about their own, and the safest way is to One-size-fits-all approach to all nearby muscles, while completely ruining my future while putting a life-saving gold on their own face."

The reason why Chiba has such a big opinion is because Gregory intends to play a bigger vote - privately, to perform a tumor removal operation for himself.

In Chiba's opinion, this kind of thing can be done by a professional doctor, but Gregory insists that he must do it himself.

He had too much muscle removed during the previous operation that left him without normal mobility. And even though this trial drug recovered a considerable amount, it was still below the average human level. Now, if doctors know that this drug has the risk of causing cancer, and at the same time, a large number of cancer masses have been produced, they are likely to grow new growth as much as possible in the spirit of seeking stability, and remove the muscle near the cancer mass. part.

And these may make Gregory's leg muscles that have just improved to degenerate back to the initial misery, or even worse.

That's why he insisted on doing the surgery by himself, because only when he did the surgery himself would he really take into account the idea of ​​[preserving leg function] that he cared about most.

Amid such worries, Chiyu didn't say anything, just followed Gregory obediently and walked towards the car that Gregory was driving here.

This is also the biggest difference between him and Fujiwara, Hotaru and Haibara Ai - if it were the other three, they would never obey Gregory's crazy ideas at this time, but Chiba's gentle personality made him unable to do such a thing. matter.

Perhaps this is also the reason why Gregory is willing to let him do this together.


Meanwhile, Fujiwara House.

"How is your left arm feeling now, is it getting better?" With a large syringe filled to half full with blood in his hand, Ying used the B-ultrasound to examine the position where the large mass originally appeared on the image, and asked at the same time. road.

Judging from what was pulled out, the [mucus mass] blocking the upper end of Curacao's left arm was actually a blood clot that had accumulated there, not the so-called [lipoma] they had guessed before.

"Well, it's much better, I can move around now - maybe I'll be able to leave here in half an hour." Curacao showed a smile. "So, the culprit of everything is... the group you pulled out?"

"Well, a large clot of blood was almost completely pulled out by us." Ying wiped the needle tube, and then covered it with a plastic sleeve. "It may be because of your trauma or other reasons that stimulated the body to release too many coagulation factors at one and formed such a freak, blocked in the left arm, and caused the arm in the form of blood clots. abnormal."

"However, if this is the case, maybe we need to keep you here for a while to observe." Ai Haibara poured a basin of cold water on Curacao. "Judging by the size of this clot, your body is releasing an extremely large amount of clotting factors, maybe even the entire stock in your body. In this case, you're likely to bleed and die like a hemophiliac— Bleeding for days without healing because all the clotting factors have been depleted."

"Then what do we need to do?" Curacao asked quickly. "Coagulation there any drug that can promote its recovery?"

"In the standard procedure, it should actually be to give you a pack of coagulation factors to directly solve the shortage problem," Ying said, looking at Curacao's gauze-sealed wound. "But . . . I might not be sure to take this out, unless Mr. Gregory orders a prescription for a patient."

"The organization also controls some hospitals, maybe..." Curacao warned. "Don't send me to a general hospital...Otherwise those people will probably be able to trace me in the ECU based on my trauma."

"Then you need to contact Fujiwara first. I don't have anything to say about this kind of thing. I still have to let Fujiwara or Belmod make arrangements." Hotaru replied softly.

"Don't be so troublesome, I'm Rum's subordinate, and the power he can use... should still surpass Belmod."

"Then you can call someone who can talk to you, and then arrange you into a hospital controlled by the organization," Ying nodded. "Really, if you have such a backer, say it as soon as possible! Then you should contact us immediately, and then wait for them to take you away. The rest of the matter has nothing to do with us."

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