Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 853: - The so-called Scorpion

The time went back to two o'clock in the morning.

In an inconspicuous small building, Chiba and Haibara Ai sat side by side, looking at a magazine. But suddenly, Qianyu's page-turning movement stopped, and she raised her eyebrows instead.

[Warning, a positioning transmitter has been detected! 】

[Warning, a positioning transmitter has been detected! 】

[Warning, a positioning transmitter has been detected! 】

"It's on," Qian Yu muttered in a low voice. "But then again, didn't it really start at the time that Officer Nakamori deduced after 3 o'clock? I thought the reasoning that sounded reasonable was actually correct."

"[Two o'clock in the morning], since Kaito Kid is turned on, he should be preparing to start his stealing operation at this time?" Ai Haibara looked at the clock hanging on the wall. "Two points... It's true that the content can be deduced from the notice letter, right, it's not something on a whim—"

Her tail was so long that Chiba probably guessed what Haibara Ai was thinking. "What's wrong with the watch—"

And his words stopped after seeing the clock.

Private は Libra の needle に present れ ま し た (I appear on the Libra needle)

Second hand の ない chronograph が 11 を を む hour (when a clock without a second hand reaches the 11th character)

The eleventh character of 【電は馬の網にpresent れました】is 【し】, which is exactly the shape of the hour hand at two o’clock without a second hand.

"I see, that's what those two sentences mean." Qian Yu nodded and said thoughtfully. "Anyway, Kaitou Kid should be heading towards us."

"Using the sticky note that he sent us through the shrine that contains the positioning mechanism?" Haibara Ai said without surprise.

"Yeah, the inside of that small wooden sign... Probably he pretended to be the shrine staff who led us to draw lots at that time, and then took the opportunity to install a tracking device, right?" Qian Yu gently touched her lover's temple with her head and said softly. . "It must be admitted that his disguise technique is indeed very powerful. If there is no auxiliary unit, it is estimated that we will really be deceived by him, and then hand over the treasure to him after the location is detected."

"But now, Kaitou Kid probably thinks that we are all here, and are desperately defending the [Egg of Memories] that was placed here?"

Saying so, Chiba looked at the suitcase beside her.

"Okay, let's hurry up and get ready. It would be too embarrassing to be brought down by a newcomer's indiscriminate means."


"Ah, it looks like I met someone extraordinary today," Kidd the phantom thief glanced at the opponent in front of him, and then glanced at the surrounding scene. "Well... I don't have anyone. Are you the one sent by the Metropolitan Police to deal with me?"

"If you really want to understand that, you are more than half right." The other party just replied.

"It looks like I guessed wrong, don't tell me..." Kaitou Kid seemed to have remembered something. "Are you the one in the legend who, like me, was eyeing the 【Egg of Memory】?"

"I didn't expect the famous phantom thief Kidd to know my name," [ ] - or Shi Kaobing - was a bit mocking. "It's a surprise, I thought that a big man like you wouldn't pay attention to a small character like me who lives in a special field."

"Well, after all, it is the treasures of the Romanov Dynasty that are going to be stolen, and there are some rumors that you may want to do something about it from other sources, so you must also study your habits a little bit," Kaitou Kidd said solemnly. answered. "However, it seems that you are still one step ahead of me and took the treasure?"

"What a surprise, I thought you had already taken the treasure away in advance, didn't you think you didn't know the whereabouts of the treasure?" The other party glanced at the only wooden cabinet in the room and the one lying open in an opened state. Suitcase on the ground. "But even though I didn't get the treasure, if I could kill you here, it would be considered a merit, and maybe I could take your head to someone to get a reward."

Saying this, the other party bowed his head slightly and aimed at the mechanical sight of the submachine gun with a window of the gas mask-no doubt, this was a sign of preparing to shoot.

Kaito Kid immediately tilted his head to the left to avoid the firing line of the submachine gun. The two hands that were originally clenched into fists were also completely clenched, and a large amount of smoke exploded from it with the sound of explosions, shrouding Kidd in the smoke.

[The place where he stood just now is about two meters away from the window. If he is ready to escape from the window immediately, it will take about a second...] Thinking of this, Shi Kaobing waited for a while, then aimed his gun at the muzzle. After the smoke, he fired a group of short bursts of fire at the place that he remembered as the window—the bullet chain drew a few lines on the inner side of the window, which could block almost anyone who wanted to [escape from the window in the shortest time]. course of action.

There was no response, it seemed to be empty. Moreover, the coverage of the smoke is still expanding. In this case, even if you have a gun, you are still in a disadvantageous situation.

There's no other way, let's retreat first.

With a sigh in the bottom of his heart, Shi Kaobing stepped back opened the door and backed out from the door of the room.


When the smoke drifted into the large drawer in the cabinet along the gap, Haibara Ai's breathing was a little hasty: although he had an oxygen rod that could supply compressed air in his mouth, the sound would be a little louder when he was breathing. Once discovered...

Then she felt a warm hand gently clasping her palm.

[Don't be afraid, I'm here. 】——This is the message sent to her by Chiba who is sitting beside her.

Immediately afterwards, Haibara Ai heard the sound of breathing coming from her ear. It was soft and rhythmic, and the cycle was much deeper and slower than Haibara Ai's breathing now.

[Control the frequency of your breathing, follow me, don't worry. 】

In this way, the two people supported in the diffuse smoke until the police who were on standby nearby arrived-in order to prevent Kaito Kid from seeing the possible hiding places of Chiba and the others from the movements of these police officers, these police officers were assigned to work on other tasks. It's impossible to know in advance that their actions against Kaito Kid are under the name of an action team that has absolutely nothing to do with the mission. Until just now, Officer Nakamori, who was told that the phantom thief Kidd had escaped, remotely ordered the police officers to come and provide necessary support by contacting the police officers led by the action team.

"So, the phantom thief Kid has not stolen the egg of memory until now?" This is when Haibara Ai and Qianyu walked out of the building surrounded by police officers with complicated expressions behind them, and got into the police car specially sent by the police officer Nakamori. time to ask questions.

"Well, Conan said that Kaitou Kidd was indeed deceived by our Tiaohu Lishan," Qianyu nodded. "But it seems that the problem now is not just about Kaitou Kidd..."

"Who is the so-called [] who shot?"

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