Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 866: ——The works of Kasaka Ki 1

"Password... Did Kasaka Kiichi actually make such a thing at that time?" Jiroyoshi Suzuki asked in surprise. "I thought this kind of thing was a modern talent..."

"In principle, the earliest pure mechanical combination lock was patented by EMills on April 26, 1934. When the correct password is entered, the lower password rack can be pushed continuously, and finally reach the unlocking position. Qian Yu said in a deep voice in the surprised eyes of the new police officers who were not familiar with him. "But... the specific principle is not complicated. Mr. Kiichi Kasaka may have made a version for his own use earlier - setting up such an organ in such a place does not require a high level of parts processing."

"What is the specific principle?" Kogoro Mori crouched down, looked at the cipher disk, and asked. "Is there any structural restrictions on this combination lock, such as how many passwords it must be?"

"No, if it is the version submitted by GEM or a more advanced idea, the number of digits of the password only depends on what kind of password rack the locksmith put in at the beginning - if you have the heart, maybe Kasaka Kiichi has prepared it for us. A super huge password of dozens of digits - so if we can't guess the meaning the other party wants to express, we absolutely cannot enter." Qianyu gave a rather pessimistic answer.

"If the [Egg of Memories] was a precious treasure he brought back from Tsarist Russia, maybe he would use this name directly as a password and try its Russian..." Fei Yingli suddenly looked embarrassed when he said this. "Does anyone here speak Russian?"

"Uh, I won't," Kasaka Natsumi looked a little embarrassed. "I only know Japanese, English and French..."

"I..." Chiba was about to raise her hand—of course, the auxiliary unit could provide such help—but found that the police officer Shiratori had already walked up to Kogoro Mouri.

"Come on, I'm pretty good at Russian." He took over the dial in front of the keyboard and then confirmed to Fei Yingri. "Mrs. Maori, you said it was [memory], didn't you?"

"Yes." Feiyingli nodded.

"Memories..." Officer Shiratori thought for a while, and then began to type on the keyboard.

【волшебникконцавека】After hitting the Russian button in such a regular manner, Officer Shiratori pressed an unprinted button on the keyboard—there was no doubt that it was the unlock key.

"Boom--" The floor made a slight tremor, and a large piece of the floor at the feet of the Shiratori police officer also moved immediately-the area of ​​the moved plank was very large, if not because the detection equipment had been used to determine the area below If the authentic mask keeps everyone away from this floor, some people will definitely fall to the ground because of the interaction of the floor.

"There is such a thing!" Kasaka Natsumi's old butler looked quite surprised. "There really is..."

Not only the old butler, but most of the others were also dumbfounded. But just when everyone was amazed that there was such a mechanism, Chiyu crouched down slightly and looked at the section of the floor that was being submerged into the wall.

[The solid wood floor... The weight of this floor is not light,] Qianyu narrowed her eyes slightly, thinking. [If Mr. Kasaka Kiichi has been dead for decades, what kind of long-term power is driving this mechanism? 】

It was around 1920, and various durable energy sources such as nuclear energy had not been put into use at all, and in any case, they could not persist from more than seventy years ago when they were put into use. In this case, this system must be obtaining energy from the outside world in a special way to support consumption until now. And considering that this castle is in Yokosuka...

When the wooden planks were completely submerged into the wall, the rumbling sound of the mechanism's operation was also silent, replaced by the sound of gurgling water.

[The sound of water? 】

Chiba's expression turned into consternation: This castle is built on a fairly high hill, and it is also far away from the sea. Could it be that there is underground water flowing under the castle?

[No... the hill where the castle is located is at least 50 meters above the ground, and even if there is real groundwater, it is impossible to naturally appear at such a height. In other words, maybe there is some kind of hydraulic device? 】

"Grandpa the housekeeper," Qianyu asked the old housekeeper with such speculation. "Is there any mechanism related to water in this castle? Such as a mechanical device driven by some kind of [unknown power]?"

"If you really want to say it, there should be," the butler nodded after thinking about it. "There are quite a few traps and similar devices in this castle, and their recycling and reloading is made up of mechanical devices. The previous owner once told me how to help these machines back up - just operating some handles, but no details. Tell me the principles of these So it is.]

With anticipation of more hydraulic structures that may be encountered next, Qianyu followed the entire team and slowly walked down the tunnel.

The entire tunnel takes on a spiral shape and extends all the way down—in fact, this is probably the helpless move of Mr. Kasaka Kiichi, who designed the secret tunnel. After all, if it doesn't extend extremely downward like this, I'm afraid there won't be enough room to spread the grand ideas of a master like Mr. Kasaka Kiichi.

Of course, even a master, some things are unavoidable, such as...

Qianyu pointed the small flashlight in her hand to somewhere on the wall, after taking a look, she just shook her head helplessly.

The gurgling water flowed out from a certain gap in the wall, and finally dripped onto the downward steps, converging into a stream of water that continued to extend to the lower steps. In addition, the combination of the unknown number of leaks leaking out of the water flow in the entire passage formed a chaotic sound of water that was not large, and it abolished 90% of the hearing-enhancing function of the Qianyu auxiliary unit.

After more than 70 years of operation, it seems to have been completely maintenance-free for the last 60 years. No matter how complete the mechanism is, it will be damaged during such a long running loss, and eventually...

Qianyu's eyes dimmed for a while, and she let out a sigh in her heart.

In a sense, this Mr. Kasaka Kiichi is still his senior in the field of mechanism production. It will always make people sigh and sigh to see that his once proud work has declined to this point.

But before that...

Chiyu glanced at someone beside her.

What's up with that guy? If it wasn't for the help of an auxiliary unit, he might have really gotten over it...

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