Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 871: - leather man

"Is this... Miss Xia Mei's grandmother?" Flipping his hands to relax his arms, Kogoro Mouri looked at the abnormally complete corpse in surprise. "I remember that Miss has been dead for at least 75 years, right? How can the body be preserved so well..."

"Maybe there is something like desiccant in the coffin?" Officer Nakamori guessed. "The environment here is so humid. If there is no such thing as desiccant and the coffin itself that is sufficiently sealed, the body would have been completely decomposed long ago. How could it be so intact."

This is a very luxuriously dressed young woman, as if she was just resting peacefully. The most striking thing is his chest, hidden under the clothes, the two perfectly shaped hemispheres of amazing size.

Is it true that this kind of thing can form such a beautiful hemisphere even when it is completely lying down?

"How is it, what did you see?" It was found that several people were looking at the contents of the coffin and looked at each other. In the distance, Jiro Yoshi Suzuki couldn't wait and brought everyone over. "If you have something amazing, you have to share it with us!"

"A very well-preserved female corpse... It's really intact in every sense." Qian Yu stared at the corpse with a hesitant tone. "Well... it's even a little too intact. Is this really an early corpse that's been dead for decades, not a modern human who just died?"

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly changed from amazement to tension, but compared to what happened next, it was nothing.

"It shouldn't matter if I touch it. If it's a recent corpse, the moisture content can't deceive people. It's different from the feel of a tens-year-old mummy." After getting everyone's permission, Qianyu finally Carefully stretched out a hand, intending to touch the cheek of the female corpse.

But the "female corpse" opened her eyes and looked at Qianyu calmly.

"!!!???" The audience was horrified, and almost everyone who could see this scene showed a shocked expression.

"What's the matter?" Noticing that the people here were quite rude, Suzuki Jiroji seemed to realize something and walked over quickly.

"Ah..." Qianyu clearly saw the situation in front of him, but even he who had the auxiliary unit was just stunned and couldn't say a word: because the situation in front of him was beyond his cognition once again. scope.

"Why don't you talk, what exactly is in this coffin?" Suzuki Jirokichi, who failed to get the expected response, was a little impatient and asked again with a louder voice. "Say something, don't—"

His words also choked after seeing the existence of the new intrusion into the field of vision.

The "female corpse" in the coffin just propped up her body with one hand in front of them, and those wide-open eyes without any fluctuations were stomping on Suzuki Jirokichi himself, who showed a panicked look.

However, at this moment, Qianyu suddenly relaxed, and her face changed to a look of crying and laughing. "This thing..."

He stretched out his hand, and in the eyes of others as if looking at a monster, he gently pinched the female corpse's face and shook it from side to side.

"This thing is a puppet! It's just a puppet covered with a layer of biological skin! Come and touch this thing, its face is still hard!"

Yes, this lifelike thing is just a puppet covered with a layer of skin after all. When this was exposed by Qianyu, everyone finally relaxed.

"It was so laborious to lift the coffin just now. It must be partly because of the factor that is accumulating energy for the puppet's moving mechanism, right?" Officer Shiratori had probably guessed the reason here. "Something like a clockwork, just now you carried the coffin so hard, you were winding up the clockwork, and in the end it was just a clockwork.

Your work drives the puppets to make such complex movements. "

"As for the eyes..." Qianyu put her hand on the puppet's eyeball and moved it gently. "It's just two **** that are worn on the shaft in the eye socket, and the eye opening action is just a half circle of the two balls."

"So this is really--" Conan also stretched out his hand, but it was the two hemispheres that he touched. "Ah, hardwood floors, no wonder."

"..." Qianyu showed contempt and condemned the bad high school student beside her in her heart. "Anyway... I don't know what kind of mind Mr. Kasaka Kiichi has to do this kind of work in the coffin."

While thinking about these things, Chiba's hand stayed on the ball and did not make any movement. But it was precisely because he didn't do anything that he felt the slight tremor from his fingers.

[It seems to be the frictional feeling of being scratched by a wire rope through a sharp corner. Could it be that the action just now triggered some kind of wire-driven switch? 】

Thinking of this possibility, Qianyu's nerves immediately tightened, but almost instantly, the tremor disappeared, replaced by the sound of bells ringing from the top of everyone's heads.

"Jingle Bell!"

The light of several flashlights immediately hit the direction of the sound, but what they saw was only a small parachute slowly falling from the air - there was a small opening above the parachute, and a bell was tied to it. Because the wind kept blowing through the breach, this part of the parachute cloth vibrated violently, causing the part of the cloth to which the bells were tied to vibrate repeatedly, and even the bells rang.

[Is this design so that we can perceive this bell? ] Chiba probably guessed the designer's purpose for doing this, but couldn't figure out the reason for it. In the end, he gave up his speculation about the other party, and turned to observe the thing hanging under the It was a small box, the most common kind of small box that could hold some items. It seems that this parachute is mainly to ensure that the contents in it will not be damaged during the high-altitude throwing process.

"Hmm..." The speed of the small box with the parachute hanging on it was not very fast, and it couldn't be easier for Chiba to catch such a small box. And when he opened the box, he found a note hidden inside, with a few neat lines of Russian printed on it.

[Dear Mr. Kasaka Kiichi, when you see this note, it means that one of your friendliest friends has indeed escaped your so-called "glorious death" and is reborn from the ashes. And as your reward for nearly giving us all a taste of this, I thought I should have some gifts for you as well. 】

[Directly above you, there are two pipes - if you look at the coffin now, the left and right sides of your head will drop the same thing at the same time ten seconds later. Allow me the full honor to introduce you to these two fragile treasures. 】

[One of them is one of your hard work, part of the egg of memory made for your "son". 】

[And the other thing... Compared with Mr. Xiyi, you also noticed that your own youngest son is missing, right? 】

"Squeak!" When Conan had just read the note in Qianyu's hand, and didn't have time to say a word to Qianyu, who was already looking up, the sound of the valve opening was already from the two places where Qianyu's eyes touched. sounded clearly.

Two objects, one large and one small, fell at the same time from two holes about five meters away. The small one was an egg, and the big one...

When Qianyu stared at the skull's eye socket, the skull's eye socket was also staring at him.

A huddled, infant's skeleton!

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