The old man was in a hurry to get out of bed.

At this time, Lin Jianhe sneezed at home. She looked at Huiyuan sitting in front of the computer desk. After returning from the skyscraper, she was no different from before. Her daily life was to do experiments, surf the Internet, and read magazines.

Although there was nothing unusual, she was still a little worried.

"Aima Kaku, Officer Megure wants us to go to the Metropolitan Police Department." Dr. Agasa received the call.

"What's the matter?"

"I don't know."

After driving to the Metropolitan Police Department, I found that everyone who was in the skyscraper that day had arrived.

Lin Jianhe sat in his seat and saw the photo of the drunkard congressman Oki Matsuiwa on Officer Megure's desk.

He had a bad premonition.

As expected, according to Officer Megure, the body of Oki Matsugawa was found on the 67th floor of the hotel, which had not yet been opened. The murder weapon was a knife, and he was stabbed to death. In Oki Matsugawa's hand, he held a small wine glass that was split into two. Because the scene was in a building that had not yet been opened, the suspects were the five people in the skyscraper that day.

After a round of analysis, the two people who were listed as the most suspicious were Mio Tokiwa and Minemizu Kisaragi. One was because the brooch on Mio Tokiwa's chest was very similar to the shape of a small wine glass, and Minemizu Kisaragi was because the painting materials and utensils used in Japanese painting were similar to it.

Speaking of wine, Conan suddenly thought of something, and looked at Huiyuan and opened his mouth. Seeing this, Hayashi Kasuru spoke first: "Although they named it after wine, they would not leave such obvious evidence."

Conan really didn't know where he had offended Hayashi Kasuru to make her so hostile to him, "Okay..."

"Then who do you think is the murderer?" After Hayashi Kasuru sat down, Huiyuan asked softly.

"Me?" She didn't care who the murderer was, so she didn't think deeply about it, but if she was asked to name someone...

"Kiragi Minemizu."


"I'm not a detective, this is just my intuition as a killer." As she said that, Hayashi Jianhe nodded thoughtfully, because although she had said a few words to Tokiwa Mio in the skyscraper that day, what she remembered more was the gray-haired old man.

The four-eyed detective was there to solve the case, so she naturally didn't want to get involved in this muddy water.

"Graybara-san! Hayashi-san! Let's go investigate the case together!"

At Dr. Agasa's house, Graybara was sitting on the sofa reading a book. After hearing this, she refused without thinking: "I have to clean the house, so I won't go."

"I won't go either." Hayashi Jianhe also shouted. She was maintaining her guns these days. Because of the emergency, she asked Huibara to take out some portable weapons so that they could be used when necessary.

After sending these children away, when Hayashi Jianhe came out again, he found Huibara standing outside his house.


"Go to the movies?"

Lin Jianhe was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Go."

When they arrived at the cinema, Lin Jianhe knew what movie Huiyuan wanted to watch. When the movie was in the middle, it reached a small climax. The heroine's brother betrayed the organization and was shot by the organization. The heroine's cry echoed in the theater.


Lin Jianhe glanced at Huiyuan beside him. The man had no expression. He just stared at the front quietly and seriously. The light of the screen reflected the image in his brown eyes, but there was no ripple.

Lin Jianhe fell into deep thought, clenching his palms tightly.

She was there on the day Miyano Akemi died. But when she arrived, Miyano Akemi was already dying.

Sherry's crying and screaming that day reverberated in her mind, her extremely strong and hysterical screams...

"You don't understand at all."

"You won't understand."


At night, she was a little insomniac, and the feeling of lying on the bed with the saber in her hand made her feel at ease. Lin Jianhe got up and walked to the living room and found that Huiyuan's door was half-closed. She gently pushed the door and the bed was empty.

She frowned slightly and walked to the basement. As expected, she saw Huiyuan talking on the phone.

She suddenly pushed the door in, snatched the phone and hung up under Huiyuan's surprised gaze, "Do you know what you are doing?!"

"......." Facing Lin Jianhe's scolding, she gradually lowered her head, put her hands on her knees and clenched them tightly. After a long time, she slowly said: "I just... want to hear her voice..."

"You are like this..." Before she finished speaking, she opened her eyes wide, and the girl in front of her was shocked.

Tears fell drop by drop, her heart tightened, and she took a step forward to let him lean against her.

"Akira... wants you to live well, she wants you to leave the organization and have your own life," she gently patted Huiyuan's back, her tone soft, "What she wants to see is a real Miyano Shiho who is back to herself, and for this, she gave her life."

She could not forget the way Akemi held her hand tightly when she arrived that day, and the words: "Shiho, please."

She would definitely abide by this agreement.

Feeling that the clothes in front of her were tightly grasped by someone, and the girl's crying sounded in her ears, she knew that she had endured for a long time. In fact, they are different, but also the same. They are both poor people whose fate is determined at birth, but the difference is that the person in front of her is far less strong than her.

The girl's fragility is fully reflected in Huiyuan, and after Miyano Akemi's death, she fell one by one like dominoes. Becoming unprotected and vulnerable.

Everyone needs the sunshine in their life, even she in the dark, longing for it in her heart. But from those countless days and nights, she gradually fell in love with such a woman. Although she is not as dazzling as the sun, she has the softness of moonlight. Under her cold and indifferent body, she also has a hot beating heart.

Because of her existence, she understands the meaning of life.


The next morning, Huiyuan prepared breakfast early, and Lin Jianhe observed her while eating breakfast.

"What's wrong, looking at me like this."

"No, nothing."

She bit a fried egg in a panic and took another sneaky look. She was somewhat relieved in her heart. It seemed that crying last night relieved her a lot of pressure.

"I say, should we go to investigate with Ayumi and the others today?"

In order to prevent Huiyuan from calming down and thinking about sad things, she suggested so.

Unexpectedly, he got the agreement, "Okay."

After meeting up with the members of the Junior Detective Team, they stood there waiting for Conan who had not arrived yet.

"You are too slow." Hayashi Jianzuru said dissatisfiedly.

Seeing Huiyuan and Hayashi Jianzuru, Conan was also a little surprised, "Why are you here too?"

Hayashi Jianzuru raised his eyebrows: "We are also interested in Mr. Hara's games, is it not okay?"

"Okay, okay..."

Watching Hayashi Jianzuru and Conan bickering, Huiyuan smiled silently behind them. And seeing this scene, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko who were paying attention to the few people.

On the way to Hara Jiaming's apartment together, Ayumi walked beside Huiyuan and deliberately slowed down her pace.

Seeing that she had something to say, Huihara asked first: "Do you have something to say to me, Yoshida-san?"

"Ah," Ayumi poked her finger nervously after her heart was seen through, "Huihara-san...did you have a quarrel with Hayashi-san?"

Huihara looked at her curiously: "Why do you say that?"

Ayumi glanced at Hayashi Jianhe's back and said, "Because I feel that you two seem a little different today..."

She probably understood what Ayumi meant. For anyone, crying in front of the other person is a very embarrassing thing. She was the same, so when she woke up and saw Hayashi Jianhe, she also had a strange feeling.

Maybe it was this change that the sensitive Ayumi noticed.

"No, we are very good friends." Thinking of the scene last night, she felt much better because of what Hayashi Jianhe said, so she smiled unconsciously on her face.

Seeing her like this, Ayumi was slightly stunned and blinked in the direction of Hayashi Jianhe.

Several people arrived at the downstairs of Yuan Jiaming's apartment, but they never thought that after opening the door, they saw Yuan Jiaming's body lying on the ground, shot dead.

The police arrived quickly and conducted an investigation and inspection based on the crime scene. The broken small wine glass that fell beside Yuan Jiaming seemed to prove the possibility that the murderer was the same person.

But for some reason, Conan stared at the small wine glass that was given as evidence and thought about it.

On the way back, Lin Jianhe walked in front, and Huiyuan followed slowly, "I'm sorry for last night. I know it's dangerous to do that, and I know I have to change this habit. Although I say that, as long as a person feels lonely and scared, he will unconsciously pick up the microphone."

"Like I said last night, I just want to hear my sister's voice that lasted less than ten seconds."

"Silly," Lin Jianhe chuckled, "When you feel lonely and scared, come to me. And the great detective, and those children, how can you be alone."

Huiyuan lowered her head and smiled, "I have cancelled the phone message, and I won't call again."

"Speaking of this, I have something to give you." Lin Jianhe

As if remembering something, he handed over an mp3.

"This is..." When she saw the mp3, Huiyuan was slightly startled. She had a guess in her mind, but she was not sure.

Following Lin Jianhe's instructions, she put on the headphones and pressed the play button.

The familiar voice appeared in the headphones.

"Hello, this is Miyano. I'm not at home now. Please leave your name and message after the beep..."

After feeling the other party's gaze, Lin Jianhe touched his nose, "If you have anything in your heart in the future, just say it to this mp3."

As if she had found a beloved thing, Huiyuan finally showed a smile from the heart and held the mp3 tightly in her hand.

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