The runners ran a long distance, and the runners ran a long distance.

"About 65 laps."

"Everyone else is exhausted, but this kid is still full of energy. It seems that he has no pressure at all."

Yao Peng began to doubt whether he had sealed Gu Xuanyuan's blood.

"My Qi is all over his body. I shouldn't use other means."

"Running 50,000 meters without breathing is too abnormal."

The instructor echoed: "Who said it's not? This kid is really a monster."

After surpassing Lin Qingxuan, Gu Xuanyuan soon ran into Ye Xian and Nie Xiuying.

These two people are strong in themselves, and they are in the warrior realm. Their speed is still acceptable at present. They run in an orderly manner and are considered the third echelon.

That is, the group of people who have surpassed 50 laps.

"Let go, the speed is too fast and it is difficult to change lanes."

Gu Xuanyuan ignored his own pace and suddenly accelerated, like a cheetah, rushing towards the two people in front.

Ye Xian and Nie Xiuying didn't look back when they heard the sound, and they knew what was going on.

'Here we go again! '

Immediately change lanes to avoid them.


Gu Xuanyuan passed by the two people in the blink of an eye, raising a gust of cool wind.

Ye Xian yelled, "Gu Xuanyuan, don't let me catch you!"

"If you have the guts, just keep running at this speed. What's the point of accelerating suddenly?"

Nie Xiuying advised, "Save some energy. You're only halfway through!"

Ye Xian complained to Nie Xiuying dissatisfiedly, "He did it on purpose."

Nie Xiuying helplessly, "So?"

"Do you want to be hit again?"

"I told you not to mess with him. Now he's taking revenge!"

Ye Xian said angrily, "You just stepped on him. You're so petty."

After that, Gu Xuanyuan passed by Duan Chengfeng again.

He gave him a cheering gesture.


After more than an hour, Gu Xuanyuan had reached the 99th lap.

His speed was no slower than before.

But he was still the brightest among all the runners.

"I've been running for a long time, but I haven't seen any reduction in the internal Qi!"

"Is it because I haven't broken through the limit yet?"

"Will I faint like the other students?"

Soon, Gu Xuanyuan completed the task of 100 laps.

He took the water from the instructors' position and walked back to the two instructors' position.

He then said to Yao Peng.

"Instructor Yao, I'm done running. Can I go to sleep now?"

Yao Peng didn't expect that someone could run 100 laps in the state of Qi and blood sealing.

"Well, in theory, yes."

Gu Xuanyuan raised his eyebrows: "In theory, yes, but not in reality?"

Yao Peng showed an expression of good for you.

"It depends on your own wishes.

You can go back to sleep directly if you want, but I suggest you run until you can't run anymore.

Otherwise, the effect of the training will not be obvious.

You obviously still have some strength left.

The way to dissolve my energy is to break through the limit.

Although your physical strength will definitely increase if you continue to train like this, and you will definitely be stronger than other students.

But you may not be the one who takes the lead in dissolving the energy."

Gu Xuanyuan understood.

It turns out that no one wants to finish the 100 laps.

He looked at the people on the field again.

There are still 7 or 8 people who are holding on and have not fallen.

Cao Kui, Duan Chengfeng, Ye Xian, Nie Xiuying, and Lin Qingxuan are all on this list.

As for those who are giving up, they no longer exist after the instructor threatened to withdraw from the training camp when Gu Xuanyuan ran 80 laps.

At this moment, Lin Qingxuan couldn't hold on and fell on the road of the 72nd lap.

He was dragged off the track by Instructor Du who distributed the bracelet.

Cao Kui had the highest number of laps among the remaining people, 91 laps.

And compared to the speed of others who were walking normally, Cao Kui's speed at this moment could be called fast walking.

Although his Qi and blood were sealed, the Taiyi Qingmu body had some effect.

Then it was Duan Chengfeng, 85 laps.

The rest of the people were around 80 laps.

Hearing the instructor's words, Gu Xuanyuan sighed helplessly: "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Without waiting for Yao Peng to reply, he returned to the track.

"Who thought you could finish the race?"


Gu Xuanyuan came back to run, and the rest of the people were a little surprised.

But after a little thought, they understood the reason.

They didn't think too much about it, mainly because their physical fatigue didn't allow them to think about anything.

Gu Xuanyuan's 120th lap.


Met Ye Xian, and Nie Xiuying could no longer hold on and fell down in the 90th lap.

"Okay! Haven't fallen down yet?"

Ye Xian was now in the 92nd lap, and her consciousness was a little fuzzy.

Hearing Gu Xuanyuan's slightly sarcastic tone.

She wanted to fight back, but she really didn't have the strength to speak.

She rolled her eyes and ran staggeringly.

Gu Xuanyuan didn't speed up to overtake Ye Xian.

She kept a similar pace and followed Ye Xian.

After running for a while, Ye Xian finally reacted.

'Didn't Gu Xuanyuan overtake me just now? '

'Where is he? '

'I'm so tired! '

'How many laps have I run? '

'I'm so thirsty. '

'I feel dizzy. '

Finally, all her physical strength was exhausted, and she was about to fall down with confused thoughts and questions in her head.

Seeing this, Gu Xuanyuan immediately accelerated forward and embraced Ye Xian in his arms.

‘This girl is quite strong! ’

‘I think this wave will increase my favorability! ’

Instructor Du came over at this time.

“Tsk tsk, you kid, you have bad intentions!”

Gu Xuanyuan looked up: “How can you have bad intentions if you happen to help a classmate who fainted?”

Instructor Du was speechless by the boy’s thick skin.

‘What a coincidence, you have been with him all the way. ’

“It’s not easy to chase a girl from the Ye family!

And now it’s the training period.

Go your way.”

Gu Xuanyuan was not happy about this.

How can you slander someone’s innocence out of thin air.

“Who said I want to chase her!”

“Instructor, you slander me!”

Instructor Du did not speak, but moved his eyes to the position of Gu Xuanyuan’s hand.

Then he shook his head with some disgust.

As if to say: "You are reluctant to let go even after hugging her, and you still say you have no idea?"

Seeing this, Gu Xuanyuan immediately put Ye Xian gently on the ground.

Emphasis once again: "I really don't want to pursue her."

Instructor Du nodded perfunctorily.

But the subtext is [I don't believe you].

Seeing that Gu Xuanyuan was not ready to run.

Instructor Du teased: "Why don't you send her off the track?"

Seeing that he really couldn't explain it clearly, Gu Xuanyuan gave up.

Then he ran.

'I, Gu Xuanyuan, am a genius, and I still need to pursue others. '

'Entries, I am greedy for other people's entries. '

'It is obvious that Instructor Du's thoughts are not pure. '

Instructor Du saw that Gu Xuanyuan didn't even look back.

Muttered: "Young people are thin-skinned, I can understand."

Then he carried Ye Xian off the track.

Duan Chengfeng was the third to last to fall, exactly 100 laps.

Yao Peng looked at Duan Chengfeng and the two people who were still holding on.

He sighed: "This time, with Gu Xuanyuan stimulating them in the front, the results are amazing!"

You know, no one in the previous class finished 100 laps.

Duan Chengfeng just fell down at 100 laps, and Cao Kui is still holding on.

It is definitely related to Gu Xuanyuan.

Running to the back is not a matter of physical strength.

It is a matter of willpower.

With Gu Xuanyuan, this pervert, finishing 100 laps early is still a great stimulation to the people behind.

At 115 laps, Cao Kui couldn't do it.

At 168 laps, Gu Xuanyuan fell down.

Instructor Du: "I thought he could run 200 laps."

Instructor Luo who came from the gravity training room: "168 laps, the number of laps on the first day of training camp will be this number in the future."

Yao Peng: "This kid is really weird."

"Let's go, move them to the gravity training room."

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