The more you go, the more you will be punished.

In order to avoid retaliation, Gu Xuanyuan thought of something.

Suddenly asked a question.

"Instructor Feng, what if someone falls down?"

Feng Ting seemed to see what Gu Xuanyuan was trying to do.

Chuckling: "Whether it is active or passive, count 100 bouncy balls at a time."

Gu Xuanyuan was speechless: 'Does active falling count as a team thing? '

'I just asked redundant questions! ’

But Feng Ting hadn’t finished her words: “But this 100 is recorded on all your teams.”

“Let me say one more thing.

The purpose of training is to improve oneself.

It is certainly refreshing to consume others.

But it is just like the rules of reaction training now.

How do you know if it will come back later?

How to do it specifically, weigh it yourself.”

Everyone’s heart was condensed.

After this reminder, rationality returned, and the idea of ​​revenge instantly retreated to the second place.

‘Instructor Feng makes sense.

But the matter of snatching cards cannot be forgotten. If you really meet Gu Xuanyuan and Cao Kui, you have to discuss the conditions and benefits.

After all, training is also for improving oneself. There is no need to do things that harm others and benefit yourself. ’

Gu Xuanyuan was delighted when he heard this.

‘Instructor Feng, you are a good person! ’

At the same time, he began to reflect.

‘It’s really tit for tat. The instructors should not want to see vicious competition.

Then the strategy of the treasure hunt mission also needs to change.

You still have to rob people, but you can't do it to the extreme.

You can't catch a person and fleece him multiple times, otherwise he may lose his mind.

Also, although the total amount of cards issued is 3,000 scoops, the amount collected today is obviously less than 3,000 scoops.

The school got a bargain for nothing, so we have to make the most of the resources. ’


Soon, everyone was divided into groups, put on energy-absorbing suits, and stood on the platform.

Gu Xuanyuan happened to be in a group with two miserable kids whose cards were robbed.

One of them was robbed twice by him, named Ding Lijun.

The other was robbed once by Cao Kui, named Qin Chao.

"You two, let's make a deal. As long as you don't hold us back, I'll take you two to kill a level 3 monster tomorrow in the treasure hunt mission, and [50 scoops] will be divided equally between you two."

Ding Lijun and Qin Chao thought that it would be better to promise not to snatch their cards tomorrow than to kill monsters.

But Gu Xuanyuan refused to agree.

Promised that he would snatch them from them at most once a day in the future.

Said that this was the biggest concession.

Although the two could damage Gu Xuanyuan in this wave and cause him to suffer a lot of losses.

But the treasure hunt mission might also be targeted by Gu Xuanyuan and directly disabled.

That would be a complete hostility, which would not be good for anyone.

At the moment, Gu Xuanyuan is willing to make concessions and give 25 scoops, which is already good.

There is no reason to disagree.

Qin Chao replied: "Okay!"

"But if we lose too many points because of our lack of strength, Brother Gu can't target us."

Ding Lijun also nodded.

Gu Xuanyuan patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry, just do your best. We are classmates, so it won't be that serious."

Then, the artillery batteries around adjusted their directions and prepared to fire.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

"Thump, thump, thump!"

Countless elastic balls flew towards everyone at different angles and speeds.

Gu Xuanyuan saw the dense, airtight elastic balls coming at him.

He was also shocked.

He couldn't help but complain: "What are you playing?"

"Even if my blood and qi are not sealed, I can't escape!"

And Gu Xuanyuan was not the only one who complained.

Everyone thought that this reaction training was beyond the standard.

"This is too unreasonable!

Shouldn't it be like the gravity room, step by step?"

"Oh my god, with this density, why should I deliberately not dodge? Even if I dodge, I will still be hit!"


The crowd complained, but their attitude towards the response was extremely serious.

They immediately made a dodging strategy and did not give up because they were sure to be hit.

Even though they were sure to be hit, they had to make a decision and choose the dodge plan with the least hits.

"Dang dang dang!"

Almost everyone was hit by the bouncing spheres.

However, soon, everyone found that the situation of artillery fire and nowhere to escape only appeared in the first wave.

Compared with the first wave of bouncing balls, the latter was much better.

There was a clear interval between the arrival time of different spheres.

Although there were still cases of being hit, it was not

That kind of situation where there is nowhere to hide.

Yao Peng was watching the situation of the crowd through the glass at this time.

He chuckled and said, "Every year, the reaction of these little guys to the first wave of elastic balls is the most exciting!"

Then he looked at Gu Xuanyuan who was trying his best to dodge.

Although most of the elastic balls in front of him were dodged, most of the elastic balls behind him that were dodged by the other two students were hit.

Gu Xuanyuan was like this, and the other students were even worse.

Moreover, there were three people standing on the platform that was originally enough for one person to practice military boxing, and there was not enough space for movement, so they couldn't move at all.

"His reaction ability is also the best among all the students.

This kid really has no shortcomings!"

Feng Ting also praised at this time: "It is really amazing that he can dodge most of the elastic balls that come from the front for the first time."

"However, if you want to avoid being hit at all, you still have a long way to go."


The reaction training lasted for a total of 2 and a half hours.

Everyone went through this high-intensity dodge.

The physical and mental energy has been exhausted.

Even the thrown objects have a conditioned reflex and will subconsciously dodge.

Everyone fell on the platform tiredly, and it took half an hour to recover.

Go to the arena for dinner.

Compared with the nutrient solution and monster meat in the morning.

And find lunch in the forest at noon.

Dinner is the only comfort for students in the devil training camp.

It is in the form of a buffet.

All kinds of meat, vegetables, desserts, everything.

There is enough nutrient solution, which can be used as a drink.

Then rest for another hour.

At 7 o'clock, we started to go to the physical training ground to prepare for long-distance running.

No one asked the specific number of laps.

Because after what happened yesterday, everyone already knew what the standard of long-distance running was.

Run until you can't run anymore.

Each of us has our own goals in mind.

What needs to be done is to surpass yesterday's self.

Gu Xuanyuan did not start running immediately like other students.

Instead, he came to Du Ming and asked.

"Coach Du, isn't it too monotonous to run like this? Can we order songs on the radio?"

Du Ming looked at Gu Xuanyuan with a strange look in his eyes: "Order songs? You have high requirements."

"I just don't know, are you ordering for yourself, for everyone, or for someone else?"

Gu Xuanyuan felt that there was something interesting when he heard this answer.

He also knew who Du Ming was referring to.

He immediately stopped his distorted thoughts: "Play songs, it's okay to play songs!"

"You decide what to play!"

Du Ming nodded when he saw that Gu Xuanyuan really had no evil intentions: "You can play songs, [1 scoop] all night, whatever you want."

"Bye, you."

Gu Xuanyuan said.

He turned around and left, as if he had made up his mind.

'What kind of black-hearted training camp is this? They want me to play a song for 1 million. '

'Tomorrow I will definitely recycle all the cards, and not waste any resources. '

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