After the skyscraper incident, it was discovered that Kisaragi Mine was plotting something.

After the skyscraper incident, Hayashi Jianhe accidentally discovered Kisaragi Mine's conspiracy, which saved Tokiwa Mio. Although the building was destroyed and suffered heavy losses, it was not too tragic for the Tokiwa Group.

In order to repay Hayashi Jianhe, Tokiwa Mio gave her a big gift, but in order to maintain the mystery, she was not told what it was in advance.

When Hayashi Jianhe returned home from school one day, she saw the pile of the most popular video games and things that all elementary school students would love. She was completely dumbfounded standing at the door of her house.

"Ah, what a great gift." Huiyuan looked at the things that filled half of the room with a smile. There were toys, clothes, books, and even cycling tools. There was probably nothing you couldn't think of, and everything was in Dr. Agasa's house.

For a real elementary school girl, this was indeed an unforgettable gift, but for an adult woman, it was completely useless.

"This doll is very cute..."

Huiyuan walked into the house and picked up one of the stuffed bears, pinching it and shaking it towards Lin Jianhe. She didn't care that Lin Jianhe looked at her helplessly, and turned to look at the whole cabinet of new clothes.

"They are all famous brands, this one is a new product of the season..."

Seeing the clothes, it was obvious that the favorite colors in Huiyuan's eyes were more real.

"If you like it, take it," Lin Jianhe shrugged. He didn't really need these things anyway. "Let Bu Mei and the others take what they like from there on the weekend. We have to empty the living room. We can't pile it up like this."

"Is it okay?" Huiyuan didn't seem to hear what she said later. She took out a lot of clothes from the closet and tried them on in front of the mirror.

"Of course." Lin Jianhe said without thinking.

"But these things..." She put down the clothes and looked at the piles around. It really took up a lot of space. "But where should we move them from the living room?"

"Anyway, move some of them to the basement first."

There were too many things sent by Tokiwa Mio. When they waited for Dr. Agasa to come back, there was still one-third left.

There is really no place to put it...

Dr. Agasa looked at the sudden extra things in the house, and suddenly thought of something and clapped his hands, "Got it, put these remaining things in my bedroom."

"Doctor?" Huiyuan thought that there was almost no space in the bedroom, so she asked, "Where else can you put it in your bedroom?"

"Xiao Ai, you can live in the same room with Jianzuru," Dr. Agasa touched his head, "Ah, no matter what, Xiao Ai, you are a girl, and it is not convenient to live with an old guy like me. It's a good thing that Jianzuru has moved in now, and there is someone to accompany you in the room, right?"

"Do you think it's okay, Jianzuru?"

Lin Jianzuru nodded, "I'm fine..."

--But is she afraid?

She looked at Huiyuan a few more times with some surprise, and couldn't help but increase her desire to protect her. Seeing that Huiyuan stood there without saying anything, and didn't agree or say yes, she thought that the girl was embarrassed, so she rolled up her sleeves with full energy and went to move the bed out of Dr. Agasa's room.

"Aiba!..." Huiyuan wanted to call her, but saw Hayashi Kaku ran directly into the room, and she couldn't stop him even if she called.

Seeing this, she could only vent her anger on Dr. Agasa, "Doctor!"

Dr. Agasa pretended not to understand, "Is there any problem, Ai?"

So, Huiyuan could only sigh and accept the reality like surrender.

"Kaku, I'll help you push it too." Dr. Agasa also walked into the room. What he thought was actually very simple. One was the reason he mentioned before, which was indeed not very convenient, and the other point was that he wanted Huiyuan to have more contact with people of the same age. If she was allowed to spend more time with Hayashi Kaku, who was also a member of the organization, I believe she would soon be able to get out of her sad mood.

And Huiyuan put on an attitude of not caring and went to the kitchen to cook dinner.

"Finally everything is tidied up!"

After about an hour, Lin Jianhe breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the tidy living room, and nodded with satisfaction. And he also moved Huiyuan's bed to the room where she lived. Looking at the two single beds that were very close to each other, it seemed very warm.

At this time, Lin Jianhe realized a problem.

——She would live in the same room with Xiao Ai every night in the future.


She realized the seriousness of the matter only at this moment. Although in the past, in order to ensure the smooth progress of bodyguard work (surveillance work) in the organization, there would be situations where they slept in the same room.

But obviously, the situation at that time was not comparable to the current situation.

This is really a day and night together...

"What are you doing in a daze? It's time to eat."

Lin Jianhe nodded and followed Dr. Agasa to sit at the table.

But when they saw the meal tonight, they were both stunned again.

In front of Dr. Agasa was a super large vegetable salad without sauce.

In front of Lin Jianhe was a carrot feast that could be called a red feast.

Stir-fried carrots, boiled carrots, carrot side dishes and carrot soup...

"Ah..." She opened her mouth, but she didn't dare to say anything when she saw the silent girl who was also eating salad.

——It's better not to provoke her again...

"By the way, these are some movie tickets my friend gave me. You can go and watch it with those kids tomorrow."

The doctor took out some movie tickets from his pocket.

"Doctor, aren't you going?" Lin Jianhe put away the movie tickets and asked.

The doctor smiled and said, "You kids go. I have something to go out for tomorrow."

Looking at the movie tickets in his hand, Lin Jianhe blinked.


After eating, Lin Jianhe rubbed her stomach, looking very ugly. This may be the most torturous meal she has ever eaten in her life. She has never eaten so many carrots at once.

The various tastes and flavors of carrots have been deeply rooted in people's hearts, and she will never forget them in her life...

After cleaning up the dishes and washing up, Lin Jianhe walked to the bedroom door and saw Huiyuan, who had already washed up and leaned against the bedside reading a book. Suddenly, he was a little afraid to go in.

"What's wrong? What are you doing standing there?"

I heard Huiyuan say without even raising her eyes.

Lin Jianhe didn't hesitate anymore, went into the room, closed the door, and turned off the light. He also turned on the desk lamp for Huiyuan. After lying on the bed, he secretly glanced at Huiyuan again. The bright yellow light hit her side face, and her outline was clear.

The shadow of Miyano Shiho suddenly appeared in front of her. She curled her lips and smiled, pulled up the quilt, and said lightly "Good night"

Huiyuan looked at her sideways, and a cold voice came: "Good night."


The next morning, the young detectives who received the news gathered at the entrance of the cinema early.

"Ah..." Lin Jianhe waited at the door for Huiyuan to apply hand cream.

Huiyuan put on her coat, "You can go."

Although the two of them went out late, they had a bicycle, which was also a gift from Tokiwa Mio. Huiyuan sat on the back seat, and Lin Jianhe sped up and rode towards the cinema.

When they arrived, the detective team was already waiting at the door.

"You are too slow." Conan complained.

"Huihara-san, Hayashi-san!"

"Sorry, we are late." Hayashi Jianhe parked his bicycle. He was a little tired after riding all the way here. His smaller body was indeed not as good as his prime in every aspect.

Looking at Huihara again, he tidied his hair that was messed up by the wind very elegantly, "What movie are you going to watch with the movie ticket given by the doctor?"

The movie ticket had been put in Huihara's pocket in advance. Hearing this, the children chose without hesitation.

"Of course it's the monster Gemera!"

"Hey, hey..." Conan looked at them helplessly, "Aren't we the detective team? We should watch movies like the Demon Legend Murder Case broadcast by the Thunder God Sea."

"But watching that kind of movie takes a lot of brains." Genta retorted.

Mitsuhiko also said: "Today we should watch a movie that is more relaxing and has more spectacular pictures..."

"What kind of movie do you want to watch, Haibara and Hayashi?" Ayumi turned around and asked.

Haibara thought for a while: "Well, if it were me, I would watch "Einstein's Glory and Sorrowful Years" performed by Geibunza. What do you think?"

"I don't care what I watch, but if I have to choose, I would rather watch "Top Killer Thrilling 24 Hours"" Hayashi Jianhe put his hands in his pockets and said indifferently.

"Einstein... What is that? Can it be eaten?"

Hearing the two say the name of the movie, the young detectives showed helpless expressions.

At this time, Conan suggested: "Okay, let's watch it separately, so that no one will complain."

Ayumi: "No, the doctor also told us to choose a movie to watch..."

"Then let's play rock-paper-scissors now!" Mitsuhiko suggested.




After a few people played rock-paper-scissors, the monster Gemera, who had a large number of people, was elected.

After entering the theater, there were almost no people in the screening room. After sitting down, the movie started to play soon.

This kind of movie for children really has no appeal to Lin Jianhe. Not long after the screening started, he leaned back in his chair and began to doze off.

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