The assassination was temporarily changed by the organization in the afternoon. It was changed to a transaction with the contact person, and the content and the object of the transaction were unknown.

Aiba Yuu sat in the car holding a sniper rifle, listening to the voice of Vodka coming from the headphones, and a drop of sweat slid down his forehead.

——It's bad.

This temporary change of the content of the action is Gin's usual method. Aiba Yuu is now in a dilemma, and she has no choice whether to go or not.

If she goes, she will definitely step into the trap set by Gin for her.

Besides, she doesn't know whether Gin's purpose is to test whether she is a spy or to take her life.

If she doesn't go, it means that she has something to hide, which is the worst option.

"Okay, tell me where to trade."

"The thing is in the left armrest of your car."

Aiba Yuu put away his gun in the car and took a portable pistol. He opened the armrest, and there was a note for the locker quietly lying inside.

[Locker No. 2-22, Mika Hotel]

——When did you put this in the car...

She sneered, stuffed the pickup note into her jacket pocket, and then drove to Mika Hotel.

Before getting off the car, she confirmed the existence of the medicine in her pocket, then got out of the car door and took the elevator.

When she arrived at the locker, she handed the note to the teller.

She got a door card.

[Room 403]

Aiba Yuu pressed the brim of her hat and kept observing her surroundings. She didn't make any extra movements and went straight to the elevator. Because she knew that at this moment, Gin must be somewhere observing her every move.

Hearing a "beep" sound

She opened the door of room 403, and it seemed empty at first glance. She adjusted the headset, "Vodka, where is the transaction partner."

"Wait a moment, Famas, stand there and don't move."


Aiba Yuu froze in the position of holding the headset. She saw the reflection from the building opposite, and the red light that gradually moved up and aimed at herself.

Her heart tightened, and she asked in a cold tone: "Gin, what does this mean."


The person on the other side did not answer the question, and after a few seconds of silence, Aiba Yuu made a judgment. She quickly dodged and hid behind the door. Sure enough, in an instant, a bullet penetrated the glass and hit the position where she had just stood.

She made a prompt decision, removed the headset, and ran all the way downstairs. As expected, she knew early on that the people in the organization would rather kill a hundred than let one go.

Sherry disappeared in the laboratory. Except for her, no one else had a motive. Even though she had the alibi given by Vodka, it could not offset Gin's suspicion.

In other words, even if she really escaped from the suspicion this time, she would definitely be included in the list of suspects if something happened in the organization in the future.

So under such circumstances, Aiba Yu made a decisive choice.

That is to escape from the organization!

When she came in, she had observed the escape route in advance. She first went down the stairs to the second floor, and then heard the noise of the crowd on the first floor, followed by the footsteps of several people walking up the stairs.

She paused, ran out of the second floor, fled to the locker room, quickly took off all her clothes, leaving nothing behind, and changed into the work clothes of the cleaner.

Aiba Yu took out the pill from her pocket and decided to take a gamble. She swallowed it while running. She could feel that those people were getting closer and closer. But the drug took effect too quickly. She only felt a tearing pain in her heart, gradually unable to move, and her head was dizzy.

At the critical moment, she saw a cleaning car parked at the door of a house, so she turned over and hid in the bathroom of the house.

"You go to the third floor, I'll go to the first floor!"


Before she fainted, the last sentence she heard was the footsteps of the organizers getting closer and closer. She secretly cried out that it was not good, but her eyes went black and she fainted.

Aiba You had a splitting headache. When he woke up again, he saw a white ceiling, and then a girl's face appeared in front of him.

"Great, you woke up."

Aiba You immediately tensed up his nerves, first made sure that his hands and feet were not tied, and then felt uncomfortable.


"Little friend, where do you live?"


...Little friend?" She opened her eyes wide, looked at her shrunken hands in horror, and touched her face again. Her heart was filled with shock, and she couldn't help laughing out loud, "Excuse me...Excuse me, can you help me get a mirror?"

"Mirror?" Mao Lilan was stunned for a moment, then picked up the mirror from the bedside and handed it to the girl.

When she saw her childlike face in the reflection of the mirror, Aiye You finally couldn't help laughing out loud, "Success! Really successful!"

"Little friend..."

This new feeling was undoubtedly the taste of having a new life again. Aiye You rubbed her eyes and smiled widely, "Sister, did you save me? Thank you."

"It's not about saving anything. I just passed by and happened to see the cleaning lady find you fainted." Mao Lilan waved her hand, "But why did you faint there? Where do you live? Do you have your parents' contact information?"

"Lan! Is that kid awake? "

Before waiting for an answer, a girl wearing a headband appeared at the door of the ward. She looked the same age as the girl in front of her, but not as gentle as her.

"Sonoko..." Mao Lilan shouted with some complaints.

"Hey, kid, did you run away from home?" Suzuki Sonoko saw Aiba Yu sitting on the bed and bent down.

The expression on Aiba Yu's face suddenly became a little painful, and he pulled Mao Lilan's sleeve with his hand, "Sister, I seem to be a little dizzy..."

"Ah, wait for me, I'll call the doctor over."

After Mao Lilan left, she looked at Suzuki Sonoko who had been noisy since she came in, "Beautiful big sister, I'm a little hungry, can you buy me a rice ball?"

Sonoko touched her cheek a little embarrassedly, "Pretty... pretty, you little kid are quite good at talking. "

Speaking of this, Suzuki Sonoko also walked out of the ward.

After sending everyone away, Aiba Yuu looked at the small-sized patient gown on her body, pulled out the needle on her arm, and ran to the stairwell in slippers.

In the surging and noisy streets, a girl in a hospital gown walked in the crowd. Everyone who passed by turned back to look at this strange girl, but the girl walked with her head down as if no one was around, thinking about something.

Now that she has become smaller, her identity has undoubtedly changed. She is no longer the killer Famas in the Black Organization, and she can no longer have any contact with the people in the Black Organization.

Instead, she needs a brand new identity and a place to stay.

These two things are not too difficult for her. Her identity You can hack into the system and do it yourself. Just wait for the application to be submitted and wait for the identity to be distributed.

As for the place to stay, she had a residence outside without telling the organization, and she was going there now.

But she was not sure whether the people in the organization knew about this place. Famas just escaped from the pursuit of the organization, not dead, so the people in the organization would definitely do their best to find Aiba Yu and eliminate her.

The place to stay now is probably an unsafe time bomb.

Just in case, Aiba Yu still passed by the apartment and took a look. There were no suspicious vehicles parked on the road. She changed into a black sportswear. At this time, there were a few elementary school students walking in at the door of the apartment. Seeing this, she followed them.

"Hey! You! Wait for me!"


The three looked back and found that they were completely unfamiliar faces.

Aiba Yu held the hand of one of the girls, "Really, why did you leave without saying a word! It's so easy for me to find you!"

"Who are you?" Yuanta asked.

"Do we know each other? "Ayumi also said.

As they talked, they walked into the building. After entering, Aiba Yuu seemed to have discovered something and let go of Ayumi's hand, "Ah, sorry, I think I recognized the wrong person. "

As she said that, she ran into the corridor again.

Mitsuihiko looked at the back figure going away and muttered, "What a strange child..."

Aiba Yuu was observing all the way in the corridor to see if there were any minor details, until he walked to the door of his house, confirmed several anti-theft checkpoints that had been set up, and confirmed whether there were any extra traces on the combination lock.

Everything was the same as when he left, so he unlocked the door.

Everything at home was normal, and Aiba Yuu quickly picked up his backpack, took away the cash and bank cards in his safe, and took a few self-defense weapons and tools for daily use.

In the short term, this place can no longer be returned...

Not long after Aiba Yuu left, a pure black car stopped downstairs of the apartment building at night, and several men in black went down and returned to the car not long after.

"Gin, it seems that she has been here. "

Gin coldly

He snorted, "It doesn't matter. She won't be able to run away for long."

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