The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.


Chris looked at a little girl with brown hair not far away, her eyes fell on her mask, "This is..."

Lin Jianhe walked away quickly, covering her head with a hoodie, her expression serious. The appearance of Vermouth was completely beyond her expectations.

——She will definitely be recognized...

She walked to Huiyuan and found that a group of reporters stood at the door of the conference hall at some point, surrounded by a man in a black suit.

"So do you know who their target is?"

Conan looked at Hayashi Kaku and nodded, "It's the one Gin mentioned on the phone who will arrive around six o'clock, and the person the police are eager to arrest tomorrow. It can only be the guy surrounded by a group of reporters at the door."

Graybara recognized the man surrounded by reporters: "I see, it turns out that he is the politician who is suspected of accepting bribes and reporting. "

"Since Gin said on the phone that he would kill him before he was caught, does that mean he is also a member of the organization?" Conan asked again.

"I don't know about this, but the truth will be revealed when he is arrested."

While the three were talking, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open, and then several people they were familiar with walked in, Officer Megure and Officer Takagi.

"I used my voice changer to call the police, saying that someone here will want the life of this politician tonight." Conan stared at the direction of the politician and smiled triumphantly, "So, what will you do? Pisco"

Hayashi Kaku was not paying attention to the direction of the target, but instead looked around. In fact, she is most adept at this kind of thing. If she were to deal with this politician, she would definitely not do it in public when everyone can see it.

Either choose to snipe from a distance, or choose a low-key poisoning method.


She looked up at the huge chandelier and the surrounding lights, "It is also a good plan to take action when the lights go out."

"Dear guests present, let's now enjoy these personal slides that Director Sakamaki did not make public during his lifetime."

Hearing the voice coming from the microphone, the three of them realized it together. Sure enough, after the voice fell, all the lights in the venue went out.

"Look, the politician has disappeared."

Lin Jianhe immediately ran around the venue to look for him, but no matter how they looked, they could not find any trace of the politician.

In a hurry to look, Lin Jianhe suddenly bumped into the leg of a person in front of him, knocking off his hoodie. She hurriedly raised her hand to help him, but the person in front of her grabbed the hoodie.

"Little friend..."

Hearing the voice from above, Lin Jianhe's body trembled subconsciously, and his pupils shrank. Until the person in front of him squatted down, the beautiful actress with short golden hair slowly took off her hoodie, looked at Lin Jianhe, and said in poor Japanese: "Did it hurt you?"

Lin Jianhe's expression returned to normal in an instant, and she shook her head calmly, "No."

Chris gently touched the soft silver hair with the palm of her hand, and then pinched a few strands of hair, "Is your hair natural?"

Facing the falcon-like gaze, she pretended not to understand, and scratched her head in distress: "Big sister, I don't quite understand what you are saying..."

"Lin! Where are you?!"

Suddenly Conan's voice came, and Lin Jianhe quickly turned around, "I'm here!"

——Arrived too timely

She seized the opportunity, turned around and smiled sweetly at Chris: "I'm really sorry for bumping into you just now, goodbye, beautiful big sister!"

Chris looked at the two children running away, a smile appeared on her face, and she stood up and patted her skirt.

She was caught off guard by Vermouth's sudden approach, and she didn't pay attention to the situation in the venue at all. The next second, there was a loud noise, and then the lights came on. When everyone saw the person pressed under the crystal chandelier, they all screamed.

Suddenly, a handkerchief fell at her feet. She picked up the handkerchief and cursed fiercely: "Damn it!"

Lin Jianhe gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly. If she hadn't met Vermouth, she could have stopped the assassination!

Suddenly, her hand was held by Huiyuan, and she and Conan were about to go out, "You've done the heroic thing, and we can't stop it. It's too dangerous, and you only have this little evidence.

According to the information, there is no way to find Pisco. "

"I just picked up a handkerchief. It should have been thrown away at the moment when the loud noise came," she handed the handkerchief to Conan, "See if it can be used."

"This handkerchief..." Conan stared at the purple handkerchief for a moment, then he seemed to think of something and smiled confidently, "Look, the handkerchiefs of the guests in the venue are of different colors. As long as the people who got the purple handkerchief are separated, can't the scope be narrowed down?"

"But you can't be sure that this handkerchief is related to this murder case." Huiyuan said.

Conan: "That's right, but the possibility is not completely zero."

"Anyway, let's go out first. "From just now, Lin Jianhe felt that someone had been staring at her, and she also knew that it was Vermouth's gaze.

It would not be a good thing for her and Huiyuan to keep them here.

"Uncle police, it should be okay for us to go pee..."

With the help of Conan pretending to be a child, they got the police's permission to leave the hall, but when the door of the hall was opened, a group of reporters swarmed in and instantly squeezed the three people apart.

And Huiyuan's mask was rubbed off by someone passing by when she was unsteady on her feet. With the flash of the camera, the figure in the dark saw the girl's face.


After finally squeezing out of the crowd, Lin Jianhe looked around for Huiyuan's figure, and finally, in the crowd a few meters away, she met Huiyuan's eyes.

She smiled and was about to walk over there, but before she took a step, the smile froze on her face. A figure appeared behind Huiyuan, then picked her up and covered her mouth and nose with a handkerchief.

"Ah! ! "

I saw Huibara's eyes slightly widen, and then she fainted and slowly closed her eyes. Lin Jianhe quickly ran over there, but there were too many people around. At this time, she clearly felt what an obstacle it was to shrink her body.

She finally got through the crowd and followed the back. The other party's route was not to leave the Haido Hotel, but to go inside.

Realizing this, Lin Jianhe breathed a sigh of relief, stabilized his emotions, and slowly followed.

"Hin! Huibara! Where are you! !"

Conan's voice came from the detective badge. Lin Jianhe turned down the volume and put his mouth close to it, "Ai was captured by someone. That person should be Pisco"

"Did you see his appearance clearly? "Conan was excited.

Lin Jianhe followed Pisco to a sparsely populated corridor and saw him enter one of the rooms. In a moment, he walked out again. At this time, she really saw the man's appearance.

"It's an old man, he looks more than 60 years old, tall..." Lin Jianhe used his own eyes to tell Conan all the information about Pisco that he saw, and then hid in the dark. After Pisco left, he came out and walked to the room where Huiyuan was locked up.

"Okay, the next step is up to you, Edogawa."

"Contact me in time if there is any situation!"

She walked to the door of the room. Because she was not sure whether there were other accomplices inside, she first lay on the ground and looked inside through the crack of the door. After seeing Huiyuan lying inside, she took out a paper clip from her jacket pocket, straightened it, twisted it into the shape of a key, and began to adjust the angle towards the keyhole.

In a moment, there was a "click" sound, and the door of the house opened. She immediately ran in and shook Huiyuan who had fainted on the ground, "Ah! Ah! !"

She looked around and found that this was a wine cellar. There were all kinds of wines on the wine racks around, and on the table in the room, there was a computer, which was playing the game screen created by Dr. Agasa.

This should be Pisco checking MO.


"...Aiba" Huihara woke up from coma, and after seeing Lin Jianhe, he rubbed his aching head and slowly sat up.

"Lin! Huihara! Where are you now?" Conan's voice came from the badge.

"We are in a wine cellar," Lin Jianhe walked to the door and looked around the corridor. There was no sign of anyone, "Did you hold Pisco back?"

"Well, I called the police and told them that among the seven people with purple handkerchiefs, there was the murderer who killed the politician in the name of Kudo."

"Okay, then we can do a simple investigation," she was going to investigate the computer, but found that Huihara was already sitting in front of the computer, "Did you find anything? "

"Wait a moment," Conan's voice came out again, "You said you were in the wine cellar

, among those wines, is there a kind of wine called Baigan?"

"Baigan?" Lin Jianhe heard the words and walked to the wine rack, and quickly found it, "Yes, yes, what's wrong?"

On the other end, Conan smiled mysteriously, "Gray, is your cold healed?"

"I slept on the floor for a while, and it seems that I have a fever." Huiyuan said helplessly.

"That's great, you drink that bottle of Baigan quickly."

"Drink Baigan when you have a fever?" Lin Jianhe refused instantly, "What's the use? I have a fever too, can I drink it?"

"That's even better! Lin, you drink that bottle of Baigan quickly!" Conan's voice was even more joyful.

"You won't play tricks on me again..." Although he said so, Lin Jianhe also believed that Conan would not do something useless at this critical moment.

Gray originally wanted to stop her, but before he could say anything, he saw her open the bottle cap and take a few gulps.

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