The sun is shining brightly, and the young detectives are walking on the path home.

It was another sunny afternoon, and the members of the Junior Detective Team were walking on the path home. Several children complained about the quietness of life out of boredom, and Lin Jianhe, who was standing by, couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The gunshot wound on her shoulder had almost healed, thanks to Huiyuan's daily supervision of her diet and dressing changes. She moved her shoulder slightly, but was still a little inconvenient.

"Is there anything fun..."

"There are cases everywhere in this world."

"It's really strange that nothing happened around us!"

Listening to the complaints of the three children, Lin Jianhe laughed dryly.

——By comparison, you have encountered enough things.

A group of people walked past a building, and suddenly, something like iron fell on the concrete floor behind them, making a crisp sound.

"What is it?"

Several members of the detective team turned around and found a ring hanging on an S-shaped hook.

"Where did it come from?" Ayumi picked up the ring.

Genta also looked around, "There's no one here at all."

"Could it be that someone threw it out of the window of this building..." Mitsuhiko stared at a building next to him.

Lin Jianhe looked at it and found that the iron ring was most likely thrown down from the upper floor, but the windows of the entire building were closed.

"Whose prank is it! This is very dangerous!"

"But why is this thing hanging there?"

Lin Jianhe noticed that Huiyuan walked to the opposite side, squatted down and picked up something, and she also walked forward to see, "It's the same S-shaped hook."

"Then they were thrown down together." She took the hook, held it in her hand and looked at it, and found that there were still some lipstick marks on the hook.

"This is..."

"Maybe they were hanging together, and then fell to the ground and scattered!" Mitsuhiko thought of something at this time, took the three objects, and presented them in the form of a ring connected between two hooks, and said righteously: "Look! This must be an SOS distress signal!"

"In this case, the person who called for help must be a woman. It is stained with lipstick color." As she said, Huiyuan stretched out her palm stained with lipstick.

"And that ring," Lin Jianhe glanced at the words engraved on the inside of the ring from a distance, "It should be a commemorative ring. If it is a wedding ring, a couple's ring, it should not be thrown down so carelessly."

"What if they had a quarrel and threw it down in anger." Huiyuan asked.

"Generally speaking, there shouldn't be these two extra things, and there's lipstick on them," she said, smiling and reasoning with the children, "I think maybe someone was kidnapped and couldn't move his hands and feet, so he dropped the things with his mouth."

"Really! It says M to A, 1999.3.21, it must be a wedding ring! I think this must be a ring given by someone whose name starts with M to someone whose name starts with A!"

"So that's it! An incident really happened, right!"

"It must be a ring given by Ms. M to Mr. A!"

"Okay! Rescue her quickly, otherwise she'll be in danger! Junior Detective Team! Let's go!"

Looking at the three people who ran into the building excitedly, Conan looked at them helplessly: "Hey...why are you two joining in the fun..."

Gray Bara: "It's boring to go home anyway, just kill time."

"That's right." Hayashi Kasuru also nodded.

The three of them followed suit and pushed the door open to enter the building, only to see Ayumi and the other two standing at the door.

"What's wrong?"

"This building has an automatic lock function, we can't get in."

"Look back."

Just then, someone came down from upstairs, and they took the opportunity to enter the building.

The children instantly assigned the task, which was to investigate the room numbers of all the windows facing the road from the first to the ninth floor, as well as the initials of the couples living in the house.

The group started investigating from the first floor, and the three words "Otake Tsutomu" were written on the number plate of 105.

"OTAKE TSUTOMU, the first letter of the name is T, so it's not this house." Huiyuan said lightly.

Because there were many floors to investigate, it would be a waste of time to act together, so Mitsuhiko suggested that boys and girls should go separately.

Divide into two groups, investigate the odd and even floors respectively.

The elevator reached the second floor, and the boys went downstairs, "Then the odd floors are up to you, we will be responsible for investigating the even floors."

Ayumi raised her hand: "Leave it to us."

The elevator door closed, and they were going to the third floor to investigate. Lin Jianhe put his hands in his pockets, relaxed without any defense, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart that he had completely adapted to this normal life rhythm.

"What's wrong?"

Perhaps because he heard her barely audible laughter, Huiyuan gently turned sideways to look at her.

"Nothing," she shrugged, "I just think that being with these kids makes me feel younger."

Seeing this person sighing like an old man, Ayumi looked at her strangely: "Mr. Jianzuru, aren't you just a child?"

Lin Jianzuru touched his hair and laughed twice: "I was just kidding!"

"Really, you all like to act like adults just like Conan..."

While the three of them were talking, they walked to Room 305, and there was only one word "Island" written on the doorplate.

"This man's last name is Shima. If we only write his last name, there's nothing we can do."

They went to the next floor until they reached 705, where it said "Ishida Michihiro". Ayumi excitedly pointed at it and said, "Look, MICHIHIRO, its first letter is M!"

"But we don't know his wife's name. Maybe he lives alone." Huiyuan looked at the name tag silently, and then heard the person next to her yawn, "You are so leisurely, our killer lady."

Hearing her tone, Lin Jianhe's yawning stopped, with an innocent look on his face, blinking: "Did I do something wrong..."

After investigating each floor, the detective team gathered on the first floor. Five suspicious families have been investigated so far, but only four have their names marked.

They thought that the mailbox might have the names of each household, but after checking it out, they ruled out one more.

"Then is there any way to find out the names of 205 and 305..."

Lin Jianhe leaned against the wall, "If there is a computer, the information of the entire building can be known."

"Where can I find a computer for you at this time, Lin-san?"

"I have a way." Conan seemed to have thought of something and ran out of the building.

Lin Jianhe knew that Conan must have gone to look through the phone book. She was too lazy to run out, so she stood in the building with Huiyuan so that she could open the door for the children in time later.

When they came back, they found out that the first letters of the surname Shima in 305 were a perfect combination of M and A for the husband and wife.

But there was still a family in 705, but they tried many ways but couldn't find out the wife's name, so they decided to ask the neighbors directly.

Standing at the door of room 704 and pressing the doorbell for a long time without anyone answering, the group ran downstairs to 605. This family was a combination of A and M with the husband and wife's names reversed, so it was excluded by the detective team very early.

The door opened. A tall, middle-aged woman in a green woolen coat opened the door. Seeing the detective team, she looked unfriendly and asked, "What's up?"

——A fierce woman.

"Actually, we are doing a free study of daily life, investigating the names of Japanese people...Excuse me, do you know the name of the lady who lives upstairs in your house?"

"How can I know the name of the person who lives upstairs?"

Lin Jianhe stood at the back and looked up and down at the high heels on her feet, and suddenly asked, "Auntie, are you going out?"

"Ah?" The woman frowned.

"Because you are still wearing shoes at home, aren't you going out?" Lin Jianhe pointed at the shoes on her feet.

"What do you mean?" the woman said impatiently. "Why should I take off my shoes when I just got home?"

"But we have been standing at the door of this building and didn't see you come back." She smiled innocently like a child: "Auntie, are you really the wife of this family?"

Hearing this, several members of the Junior Detective Team also looked serious. Conan also stared at the pair of shoes placed in the entrance. He noticed that the size of these shoes was different from the shoes on the woman's feet.

"You bunch of dead ghosts, go away and don't bother me!"

"It seems that this family is right..." Conan's expression also became more serious. He took out the ring again. "If a woman wears a size 11 ring, would it be a bit big?"

"Perhaps, this ring was given by Mrs. Misato to Mr. Akihiko. We have been getting it wrong."

"Okay! Then we have to go and save Mrs. Misato as soon as possible!"

Seeing that several members of the detective team were about to go out, Conan found an excuse to let

They went downstairs to investigate.

"Lin, you come with me..."


Before she finished her words, Huiyuan's voice suddenly came in. She grabbed Lin Jianhe's hand and pulled her to the elevator entrance, "Why don't you just use your tranquilizer gun? Anyway, you are the best at pretending to be a child."

Conan's mouth twitched a few times, "Okay, then please go to the police first."

After the incident, the police investigated and found that the woman in green was fired for embezzling public funds and wanted to take revenge on Mr. Uehara, but because her husband was not at home, she had no target to change and decided to attack Mrs. Uehara.

When Huiyuan and Lin Jianhe returned home at night, they could not avoid Dr. Agasa's lecture.

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