The robber picked up the phone and put it in his pocket.

Seeing this, everyone was in an uproar, and the robber picked up the micro phone and put it in his pocket, "If it happens again, I will never forgive you!"

Conan stood up from the ground in pain. He had been blocked by the back of the chair just now. Logically, the two robbers should not have noticed that he was moving his hands. Even so, they should not have come to him quietly. Conan was puzzled and noticed that there might not be only these two kidnappers.

Lin Jianhe, who had been secretly observing the movements of the people in the car, winked at Conan the moment he stood up. He opened his mouth and made the shape of "right".

Conan immediately understood and thanked Lin Jianhe in his heart. After all, the world's top killers are not necessarily worse than him as a detective in terms of observing details.

It can even be said that before he fully noticed it, the other party had already observed that the criminal had an accomplice and confirmed the other party's identity.

This point is worth recognizing.

In fact, in terms of reasoning, Lin Jianhe is indeed not as good as this great detective. The reason why she realized that the robber had an accomplice so quickly is because of their different ways of thinking.

As a righteous detective, he would first think about the robber's purpose, how to ensure the safety of all the people in the car, and how to quickly lead everyone in the car out of danger and catch the robber.

Lin Jianhe is different. She has only one purpose, to protect Huiyuan and these children. Compared with the righteous behavior of the detective, she seems a little stingy and selfish, but she also knows that the people in this car are far from being as simple as they seem.

So she focused her attention on the robbers and passengers, and just observed for a while, and easily found the flaws.

It was the woman who had been chewing gum.

Such people do exist in the crowd, but her behavior on this bus is extremely inconsistent. Compared with the three unidentified people, it is another kind of incongruity. If we say that the aura flowing around her is handy, it is probably the aura of fearlessness and worry.

In addition, the bubbles she blew from her mouth made inappropriate popping sounds from time to time in the bus. They are all the same kind of people, so for the killer Lin Jianhe, this is a signal that is easily overlooked but extremely easy to convey to his accomplices.

Suddenly, the robber's mobile phone rang. After answering the call, the robber smiled triumphantly, "How is it, boss? The cops have left?"

"...Okay, then we will meet at the old place in three days."

After hanging up the phone, the robber pointed the gun at the driver and threatened him to drive on the highway. The other robber pointed a gun at the passenger, "You! That pretty boy with glasses! And you! The guy with a cold wearing a mask! Come out!"

The two robbers called out Dr. Shinde and Shuichi Akai, then took off their ski suits and threw them to the two, "Put on your ski suits and sit on the ground, and wear your hats and goggles."

During this time, Conan kept an eye on the two ski equipment bags placed in the car. What was in them made him frown and feel uneasy.

At this moment, Hayashi Jianhe quietly took out the detective badge and whispered to the children, "Ayumi, did you bring marbles?"

Ayumi held the badge in her hand and replied softly, "I brought two marbles..."

A smile appeared on Hayashi Jianhe's face, "Then lend me the marbles."

At this time, the vehicle had entered the tunnel. Due to the dim vision, Hayashi Jianhe easily took the marbles handed over by Ayumi from Yuanta. Then she leaned forward and whispered to Conan.

After hearing this, Conan nodded in agreement, "Let's do it."

The two put on their ski suits according to the instructions of the robbers. At this time, the car was dim. The sick man and Dr. Akaide were taken to the front of the car by the kidnappers, and Teacher Judy sat in front of her. The objects of her concern had no vision to notice her actions, and the ski bag on the ground also made her a little concerned.

Taking advantage of the dim vision, it was a good time to take action. Lin Jianhe signaled Conan to take action. The next moment, Conan took out the anesthetic needle and anesthetized the woman sitting in the last row.

Then, Lin Jianhe began to take action. She took out the retractable strap made by Dr. Agasa from her pocket, hung one end of it on the armrest, and stretched the other end to the maximum. Put the marbles in it, even if the field of vision is narrow, with

With excellent eyesight, he still made a judgment instantly, loosened the tight straps, and the marbles wrapped in them were ejected instantly.

There was only a scream, followed by the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. With another "swoosh", the second marble cut through the air and flew straight towards the wrist of another gangster.

"It hurts!"

"Who is it!"

As the pistols of the two gangsters fell, Akai Shuichi, who was squatting on the ground, also reacted immediately and kicked the two pistols away with a neat sweeping kick.

Then, the vehicle drove out of the tunnel, and at this moment, Conan shouted: "Catch them! Their guns fell!"

Akai Shuichi took the lead in controlling one of the robbers, and after hearing Conan's words, Dr. Shinide reacted half a beat slower and locked the other robber tightly.

Akai Shuichi and Judy's eyes fell on the two marbles that rolled aside, as if looking for the owner who ejected them. Lin Jianhe had already put the strap back into his pocket, and sat in his seat as if nothing had happened, without any flaws.

Huiyuan still held her hand tightly. At the moment when Lin Jianhe made a move, Huiyuan felt that her heartbeat stopped for a beat. It felt like the day when she learned of her sister's death, as if the air was stagnant.

She took action in this situation, and she was undoubtedly acting at the risk of being exposed. She was really afraid that if the organization really discovered her and Aiba's identities one day, what kind of disaster would they face?

If there was only Aiba, she was sure that she could live well and live forever.

She was just a coward who would only hold back...

If one day, Aiba died because of this... If one day, Aiba died in front of her... If one day, Aiba died because of protecting her...

Huiyuan's heart seemed to be tightly grasped by a huge palm. This feeling of fear was even stronger, with guilt and grief coming one after another, surging like a tide.

"...Aiba, I..."

"The bomb has been activated, run!" Conan went to check the bomb remote control of the accomplice, but found that his arm might have touched the start button because of the anesthesia process. At this time, there was only one minute left before the explosion.

As soon as this was said, everyone was shocked. The driver opened the door and a group of people ran off the bus. After Conan and the Junior Detective Team ran off the bus, they did not find the existence of Hayashi Jianhe and Huiyuan.

Conan was shocked and ran towards the direction of the bus.

At this time, Hayashi Jianhe had noticed the mood of the girl next to him. She sat in her seat like that, motionless, and her red sweater covered her entire face.

"...If I can go to the underworld with you, it seems to be a good choice."

Suddenly, Hayashi Jianhe woke up Huiyuan with a slightly smiling voice. She didn't seem to expect that she was still sitting in the car at this time.

"Do you want to die? I can go with you." Huiyuan opened her eyes wide and looked at Lin Jianhe as if she was a madman. She didn't understand why she could still laugh at this time. Then, tears filled her eyes. She gritted her teeth and cursed angrily and helplessly, "You idiot!"

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