The relationship between Yuu Aiba and Shiho Miyano changed in the fourth year since they became "partners". Yuu Aiba has become accustomed to this cold and taciturn girl, but sometimes she will see a completely different side of her. That was after meeting Akemi Miyano. The two are sisters, and it seems that only in front of Akemi Miyano, Shiho Miyano is the girl who needs to act like a spoiled child and needs to be loved and recognized. Akemi Miyano's existence is the only light in her life in the organization. They are close siblings and sisters who depend on each other. Many times, Aiba Yuu leaned against the door frame and watched the two talk. It was only at this time that she would hear Miyano Shiho's general talk. It was a language full of many kinds of emotions, and fresh and curious like a child.

Every time at that time, Miyano Shiho was like a living person. And in the past, she made Aiba Yuu feel a resonance.

She and she are a program.

This day, Miyano Akemi brought snacks to Miyano Shiho. It was the most famous dessert shop in the city recently, which was just right for coffee.

It was also because she saw Miyano Shiho drinking bitter coffee all day, like a mature adult, old-fashioned, indifferent and dull. Miyano Akemi hoped that Miyano Shiho could get along with others like a normal high school girl, make friends, have her own little secrets, and have a lover.

She really hoped that Miyano Shiho could live like a normal person, but she clearly understood that this was an impossible thing. That's why she tried her best to do what a sister should do.

At least in front of her, Shiho can be like a child.

"Sister, the desserts here are really delicious, sweet but not greasy. Can you buy them for me next time?" In front of Miyano Akemi, she can always get close to her most naturally, because she is her only sister, the only relative left in the world.

Compared with the dull temperament of Miyano Shiho, Miyano Akemi is much more gentle and elegant. She always has a faint smile on her face, and even every time she sees Aiba Yu, she will be gentle without hesitation.

Sometimes Aiba Yu wondered what the purpose of this woman was. She had no need to please herself, let alone care about her existence. So Aiba Yu often observed the two sisters with different personalities, and later, she gradually agreed with Miyano Akemi's character.

She is indeed a gentle and kind person.

"Xiaoyou, come and have a piece of cake too," Akemi Miyano waved to Aiba Yu who had been leaning against the wall, and then took out a mug, "How about tiramisu? I'll make you a cup of coffee with milk and sugar, right?"

Every time Akemi Miyano came over, she would bring Aiba Yu a portion. However, Aiba Yu had no habit of eating other people's food. For her, it was easy to relax her vigilance towards others and accept other people's food, which was a very dangerous thing.

Because you never know what is added to the food.


But gradually, she was also moved by the way the two sisters get along. She silently accepted Akemi Miyano's invitation. There would be a second time after the first time.

Aiba Yu held a mug in his hand. The always cold and ruthless killer was sitting between the two sisters, but he was a little restrained. His two fingers were restlessly rubbing the edge of the wall. The two sisters were still talking, and her attention was involuntarily attracted to them.

Noticing her gaze, Shiho Miyano put the mug on the table and said lightly: "So you have other expressions."

Hearing this, Aiba You took a sip of coffee, "Same here."

"You two, don't be so frank," Miyano Akemi played the role of a good person and said with a smile: "There are very few people of Shiho's age in the organization, you must get along well."

"But by the way, does Xiaoyou have brothers and sisters?"

Aiba You looked at her and suddenly fell into memories. For her, although she has brothers and sisters and parents. But she is just a weapon to them, "My brothers and sisters were sent to the academy like me when they were very young."

Speaking of her relatives, Aiba You's expression was a little flat, "In my memory, I should have an older sister and a younger sister, and in order to become the top killer. The family will not tell us each other's identity, so even if we meet them on campus, we have no idea of ​​each other's identity."

"And it is very likely that in

In actual combat, they killed each other by mistake. "She did not notice the change in their expressions, but continued to talk to herself: "There was such a pair of sisters in the school. With the existence of genes, the two sisters quickly recognized each other because of their similar appearance. "

"If hell is a hot, unbearable purgatory. Then the place of the academy is a hell that makes people cold to the bone. We all know that the academy did this on purpose, but we couldn't stop it, and we didn't even think about stopping it. "

"Or... we all forgot to resist."

"...What did the academy do?" Miyano Shiho asked at this time.

Aiba Yu looked straight at her, without a ripple in his calm eyes, "In the competition called the life and death arena, the younger sister killed the older sister and won. "

"For the so-called family honor, her sharp blade cut the opponent's throat, and finally killed her own sister with her own hands. "

Even though they had lived in the organization for a long time and had seen too much killing and cruelty, the two sisters were still surprised by what Aiba Yu said.

The originally harmonious atmosphere suddenly became a little quiet because of Aiba Yu. At this time, Miyano Akemi seemed to remember something and decided to leave first. And not long after she left, Aiba Yu noticed the sight of Miyano Shiho and looked straight over.

"I really hate you."

Aiba Yu was not to be outdone, and calmly returned the smile, "What a coincidence, me too."

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