The two sides of the two cities have been busy, and the two sides have been busy.

The city government building in Mika City, Tokyo, was surrounded by reporters from all walks of life. Here, the experience virtual game jointly developed by Japanese game manufacturers and Sindorah Company will hold a grand first public launch.

As a silver luxury car drove over, it stopped in the middle of the red carpet. The car door opened and a middle-aged man came out of the car. His silver hair was tied back with hairspray, his beard was trimmed meticulously, and his purple suit was ironed without wrinkles.

He is the emperor of the IT industry, Thomas Sindorah.

"The chairman of Sindor has arrived at the scene."

"Come, please look here!"


Accompanied by the voices of countless reporters, President Sindor walked towards the Beika Municipal Building without looking away.

This game, nicknamed Cocoon, allows players to enter a capsule like a cocoon, and talk to a game with a sound recognition system in a hypnotic state while playing in the virtual world. It can be said that it is a game that combines the essence of the most advanced technology.

This game provides five stages for players to play freely.

The 50 boys and girls below high school who are selected to participate will become the first batch of cocoon experiencers in Japan.

Maori Kogoro was also selected to attend the press conference, accompanied by Maori Ran, Conan and several members of the Junior Detective Team.

Although Lin Jianhe was not very interested in these, she followed because Huiyuan was also here. When she passed the security check, the alarm suddenly made a bb sound. Then, under the gaze of the staff, she took out a saber from her trouser pocket and handed it to the security personnel next to her expressionlessly.

"Sorry, I forgot to release it while I was participating in a wilderness survival activity."

Under everyone's stunned gaze, Lin Jianhe raised a harmless smile and explained in a baby voice.

After all, no one thought that a first-grade kid could do anything, so the staff just confiscated Lin Jianhe's saber and let her enter the venue.

"Hey, hey..."

Conan looked at Lin Jianhe with a black face, acting cute and stupid, and couldn't help but think of himself. Is he always that stupid...

Others didn't doubt Lin Jianhe's explanation, but she did forget it. As an excellent killer, even if she became smaller, the habit that was integrated into her bones could not be changed. Although she had been stopped at the security checkpoint more than once or twice, it was still difficult to change the habit.

I guess she can't change this habit until all the sabers in the warehouse are confiscated...

After this little episode, Hayashi Jianzuru followed a few people into the venue, and Maori Kogoro behind him complained with a bored look on his face, like a parent following a group of children to an amusement park.

"Really, it's just a video game press conference, why make it so exaggerated."

"I heard that before this press conference, industrial spies had already started their operations in secret." Conan said.

At this time, Guangyan also turned his head, "Do you know, it is said that the appearance of this cocoon will change the entire landscape of the video game industry."

Hayashi Jianzuru walked beside Huiyuan and listened to these kids talking about profound topics with great interest. Suddenly, Genta seemed to see something and climbed to the window on the right to look inside.

"What is that!"

Looking at the rows of capsule-like instruments on the stage, Mitsuhiko suddenly realized, "Could that be the cocoon!"

"I want to play with the cocoon too..." Yuanta put his hands on the glass, his eyes full of envy.

"That's impossible. Although we were invited to the party, we were not selected to experience the cocoon." Mitsuhiko also sighed.

"However, I think it's special to be able to experience historical events in the game. It's quite interesting."

The brown-haired girl in a dark red dress also spoke up, which was rarely seen, and immediately received the approval of Yuanta and Mitsuhiko.

"Is that so!"

"Right, right! It feels like a real time travel!"

"Roar..." Lin Jianhe lifted the silver hair beside his ear. He was not as excited as the members of the Junior Detective Team. He did not even look at the cocoon. He just leaned on the table with vases next to the window. "If there is an assassination theme, I would probably be very interested."

"It's just an electronic toy..."

As a video game idiot, Conan obviously has little interest in this game.

As the few people said,

Then he walked into the venue.

"I'm telling you, if you want to act more like a real person, I don't need to teach you..."

Huihara lowered his voice that sounded very ethereal and reminded Lin Jianhe.

"Hey, elementary school students nowadays should be so arrogant, but you..." Lin Jianhe closed his mouth and was embarrassed to continue. After all, Huihara's face always looked calm, and occasionally he would say two very profound words, which didn't look like a child at all.

The party venue was crowded with people. The people who came were elites from all walks of life, and they represented the future of Japan.

"Wow! You can eat all you can eat here! So lucky!" Yuantai saw that the table was full of various foods, and he picked up a few skewers and stuffed them into his mouth.

"The lucky ones should be those children..." At this time, Ayumi looked at a group of children who were queuing up to receive game badges with envy.

"I guess they are the children who were selected to participate in the cocoon game today."

Mitsuhiko looked at the children who received the badges and couldn't help but sigh.

"The grandson of the deputy director of the Metropolitan Police Department, the grandson of a financial tycoon, the son of a ruling party politician..." Maori Kogoro held a glass of whiskey with ice in his hand, "The second and third generations who carry the future of Japan are all here."

In the queue, a boy in a blue suit and a middle-parted hair proudly showed off to his companions, "I can feel the jealous eyes of others."

"Ah." The fat man in a pink suit laughed empathetically.

Huiyuan's indifferent eyes stared at the group of children who were complacent because of their special status, and a cold voice came out, "It's just like a condensed version of the ugly Japanese hereditary system."

Because of such a mature word that didn't sound like it came from a child's mouth, everyone looked at the brown-haired girl in surprise.

"Hey..." Lin Jianhe laughed dryly twice, but she couldn't stop Huiyuan from continuing.

"With this hereditary system, the wrong history of mankind will continue to repeat itself."

"Graybara, I don't understand what you are saying..." Ayumi's young face showed a puzzled expression.

Lin Jianhe watched from the side. Although she was also a child of a famous killer family, in such an elite family, most of the elders wanted their children to inherit the family business, just like her, and they had to pave the way for the future killer path from an early age. For them, this was a gift and also a deprivation.

If it was a hereditary system like that, perhaps being a killer would be the most painful. Although she had become a top killer, she was always unwilling to face it, but she had to face it.

Lin Jianzuru stroked his silver hair and stared at the elite sons whose futures had already been decided. He didn't know whether he felt sympathy or disdain. "Sons follow in their father's footsteps. If this continues, Japan will never change, and these children will be like puppets, walking on a path they can't understand."


Seeing Lin Jianzuru joining Huiyuan's conversation, everyone was stunned when the two children said such words. At this time, Conan couldn't help but walk to the two of them and remind them, "I say you! Act more like children!"

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