The first time, the first time, the second time.

Suddenly, the lights dimmed, and then a thing that looked like an eggshell rose on the stage. That was the physical game capsule called "Cocoon" that everyone was looking forward to today.

"Now! Please enjoy this next-generation game console 'Cocoon'!"

"This capsule controls the five senses of this person, whether it is touch, pain or smell, all the feelings are very real!"

The staff standing next to the cocoon sat on the cocoon, then put on the helmet, and the host continued to explain: "Players will be in this world. It uses a system that stimulates the central nervous system through electricity, which is completely harmless to the body."

As the staff entered the cabin, several members of the Junior Detective Team were obviously depressed.

"It's so boring just watching."

"It's better to play the game in person."

"Everyone is here," Dr. Agasa and Conan came over. Seeing a few children, Dr. Agasa suddenly suggested, "In this case, let me give you a riddle!"

Hirashi Jianhe shuddered when she heard it. She held the coffee in her hand and smiled a few times with twitching corners of her mouth: "Hahaha... I'll go get a cup of hot drink."

- And eat a few more pieces of cake by the way.

But her plan was not implemented before it was extinguished by a basin of cold water. Huiyuan followed her, "I'll go too."

Hirashi Jianhe wanted to cry but had no tears. It was obvious that Huiyuan had the same idea as her and wanted to avoid this cold joke. The two walked to the depths of the venue one after the other. At this moment, Lin Jianhe noticed some bronze statues placed in the center of the venue.

"This is President Sindra's most satisfying collection."

"He even brought it here specially. It seems that he really likes this thing."

Lin Jianhe heard the conversation between the two and his eyes fell on the bronze statues. These bronze statues maintained various types of fighting postures and held a sword in their hands. But Lin Jianhe's eyes fell on one of the scimitars.

Huiyuan noticed her sight and couldn't help but tease, "I saw your favorite thing again."

Suddenly, a football flew over and knocked the scimitar down from the hands of the bronze statue. With a clang, several people's eyes were attracted and found that it was the arrogant young masters before.

"Oh no..."

"Hideki, don't play football here."

"Okay..." The boy picked up the scimitar on the ground and put it back on the bronze statue.

"It seems that's his father." Huiyuan said lightly.

Lin Jianhe also nodded, but at this time, she narrowed her eyes slightly, and her eyes fell on the other bronze statue that was blocked by the bronze statue of the scimitar.

The bronze statue also held a sword in his hand, but the blade was not like other knives and swords. The dark red marks on the blade did not look like rust, but more like coagulated and dried blood.


Lin Jianhe questioned his guess. It was probably made to show the craftsmanship...

"Graybara-san! Hayashi-san!"

Looking at the children waving at them in the distance, Lin Jianhe no longer paid attention to these things and walked over with Huibara and the others.

"Look! We got the badges! This is for Huibara and Hayashi!" Yuantai handed two badges to the two.

These children are also smart and brave. They exchanged five badges with the gold card of the masked hero. Huibara took the badge very calmly, "It might be good to participate in the most popular topic nowadays."

"Thank you." Lin Jianhe also pinned the badge on his lapel.

"Please go to the main venue of Cocoon."

Following several members of the Junior Detective Team, Hayashi Jianhe and Huiyuan also went to the main venue, but at this time, Hayashi Jianhe saw a staff member hurriedly running towards Kudo Yusaku. She frowned slightly, and for some reason, she suddenly had a bad premonition.

When they arrived at the main venue, the rows of stages composed of cocoons had appeared in front of everyone. After passing the security check, the children ran excitedly to the game cabin.

Hayashi Jianhe chose to lie down in the game cabin next to Huiyuan, and also saw the figures of Conan and Mao Lilan not far away.

"50 people, all on board."

"Brain wave transmission device, installed."

"Capsule cover, closed."

"The main hardware starts to connect."

"Enter the area code, connect the linker, micro-trim the coordinate points, punctuation correction is completed, and lock..."

As the game startup sounded, Hayashi Jianhe's consciousness also fell into another space. One light lit up, and when consciousness appeared,

Already in another space.

This place is very empty, but there are several different stairways around. When the members of the Junior Detective Team saw Conan, they immediately ran over.

"Why are you guys here too!"

"We spent a lot of effort to enter the game!"

"It's really in the game. I feel very free now."

The children were extremely excited, but Huiyuan poured a bucket of cold water on them at an inappropriate time.

"Don't say freedom, now our hearing, touch, smell and taste are completely controlled by the computer..."

As a scientist, Huiyuan is obviously much more cautious than these children and adults. She always feels that this game console has something terrifying.

Lin Jianhe clenched his palms. Indeed, in this place, everything is no different from real life. If you die in such a world, I'm afraid you will feel the same pain as in reality.

"My name is Noah's Ark, hello, kids."


Suddenly, a young man's voice came from the sky, "Now I'm going to play five game promotional videos, please choose the world you want to play. Here, you can experience the most realistic game experience, but there is one thing you should pay attention to, this is not just a TV game, this is a game about your life."

"After everyone is eliminated in the game, you can never return to the real world. So please play the game seriously. If one person successfully passes the level, then you will all return to reality, and those eliminated children will also be able to wake up. This is the game rule I decided, do you understand?"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

"What's going on..."

Noah's Ark said again: "After everyone is eliminated, I will release electromagnetic waves to destroy your brain. In other words, this is a bet on RB's restart."

Noah's Ark said what he said next, Lin Jianhe almost ignored it. Since leaving the academy and the organization, she rarely had such a moment of life and death to decide the future.

What's more, these children and Huiyuan were involved...

All the cells in her body seemed to be ignited.

"Okay... okay..."

The first stage was built with the theme of pirates.

The second stage was the Paris-Dakar Cross-Country Race.

The third stage was the ancient Roman Colosseum.

The fourth stage was Solomon's Treasure.

The fifth stage was London at the end of the 19th century.

Seeing Conan's expression gradually becoming solemn, Hayashi Jianhe felt that something seemed to have happened, "What happened."

Conan looked at Huiyuan and Hayashi Jianhe and said seriously: "Mr. Jiancun, the game developer, was just murdered."

"He left a death message before he died."


Hayashi Jianhe opened his eyes wide, "Jack the Ripper?!"

"Jack the Ripper, a serial killer at the end of the century, a murderer of a mystery that has not been solved so far." Huiyuan thought sadly, "So you think, in this last story, there are clues about the murderer?"

"Yes." Conan affirmed.

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