The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.


Seeing her come out alone, Conan knew that Huiyuan might be eliminated. He looked at Hayashi Tsuru with a slightly worried look.

"I'm fine, let's go." The shadow of her hair hid her eyes, and her eyes were fixed on Zhuxing behind Conan.

Just then, there was a cry of surprise from the crowd, and a man in a cloak ran towards the four people. Mao Lilan took a stance and kicked, but Jack the Ripper dodged it flexibly.

Hayashi Tsuru caught up with Jack the Ripper almost at the same time. He was extremely fast, almost purposefully, and escaped on a train that had just started.

Lin Jianhe followed closely and caught up with the train, but in the blink of an eye, Jack the Ripper disappeared.

He explained the reason to the conductor, and soon, all the passengers were gathered in a carriage. There were no less than twenty men, women, young and old sitting inside. Looking around, Lin Jianhe's eyes fell on one of the red-haired women.

At this time, Conan also began his reasoning. He told the story of the second victim, Honey Charlest, with the information and evidence collected from Holmes. At the scene of her death, there were two rings of different sizes. Honey Charlest abandoned her husband's son and went to London ten years ago. Before leaving, she put a ring of the same style on Jack the Ripper's hand.

Jack the Ripper was the child abandoned by Honey Charlest. Ten years later, Jack the Ripper discovered that Honey Charlest was his biological mother at an event held in Whitechapel. Hatred grew from the root, and under the interweaving of love and hate, he killed his mother with his own hands.

The smaller ring had been worn on his hand for ten years. You can imagine how strange that finger must be.

"You! You are Jack the Ripper!"

Conan pointed at the red-haired woman. Lin Jianhe had already grasped the pistol behind him. Just as the crowd was rioting and retreating, she was about to draw her gun, but saw Mao Lilan rushing up.

"Let me deal with him!"

"Don't go over there! Sister Xiaolan!"

At the same time, Jack the Ripper put his hand behind him and was about to throw a smoke bomb. With a "bang", Jack the Ripper screamed. The smoke bomb also raised smoke when it landed, instantly covering the entire carriage.

"Damn it." Lin Jianhe rushed up and opened the window. When the wind blew away the smoke, Jack the Ripper and Mao Lilan disappeared from the spot, and there was a pool of blood where they were standing.

"I injured his hand."

"Look at the bloodstains, it should be..." Conan determined that Jack the Ripper took Xiaolan to the roof of the train according to the direction of the bloodstains.

The three climbed onto the roof together again, and Lin Jianhe walked at the end of the two. Sure enough, at this time, Mao Lilan was tied up by Jack the Ripper, and he asked her to hold his hand. In this way, if Jack the Ripper fell off the train, Mao Lilan would also die.

"Come on, if you are not afraid of her death, come and fight me!" Jack the Ripper held a knife in one hand, and the cold blade was against his throat. Even if his wrist was shot, he still smiled crazily.

Lin Jianhe took a step back with his right foot and clenched the gun in his hand, "Do you want to compare, is your knife faster or my bullet faster?"

"No! Xiaolan is still..."

Conan was anxious, and he wanted to stop Lin Jianhe. But in the next moment, everyone's eyes widened.

"You must win..." As she said, she rushed towards the tip of the knife.

"Ran!" As Conan shouted, Ran's body gradually began to glow, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

With a "bang", Hayashi Jianzuru pressed the trigger, blood splattered, and a shot hit Jack the Ripper's heart.

As Jack the Ripper fell, Conan knelt on the ground as if he had suffered a huge blow after killing the murderer.

At this time, Zhu Xing grabbed Conan's collar, "We should pass the level now, what should you do in this state!"

Conan's eyes fell on Hayashi Jianzuru, and he seemed to understand Hayashi Jianzuru's mood when he walked out of the opera house.

This is really painful.

The train is unmanned and is heading towards the terminal at the fastest speed. If it is not stopped, it will only hit the wall and fall into pieces. And their efforts will be in vain, and everyone will die.

"You go and break the connection between the carriages with a pistol, so that we can stop."

Hayashi Jianzuru glanced at Zhu Xing, "Break it,

But I still have one thing to do now. "

As she said this, she strode towards Zhu Xing and punched him in the stomach before he could react. Huge colic swept through his body, and Zhu Xing fell to his knees and coughed violently.

During this period, Lin Jianhe still stared at him coldly, and Conan seemed to know why, but did not stop him or say anything.

"You irritating guy, no matter what your purpose is, I must let you taste the pain that Huiyuan and the children have experienced."

After saying this, she walked towards the connection of the train without looking back. Now there are two bullets left in the pistol, and she must use these two bullets to break the connection of the train.

She took a deep breath, aimed at the target and fired two shots without thinking, only to see that although the connection was damaged, it was still a little short.

Conan and Zhu Xing also jumped down at this time, looking at the only remaining connection, thinking.

"One person survived, which is also considered a pass. "The safety valve has completely fallen off, with only the iron sheet left connecting it. If it were in this carriage, it would be difficult to disconnect the two trains. However, if one person went to the opposite carriage, perhaps the two carriages could be separated.

Lin Jianhe jumped to the opposite carriage without thinking and waved his hand calmly: "It's up to you next, great detective. "

After that, she kicked the hook hard, and as the rails bumped, the two overlapping hooks began to disengage.

"Lin..." Conan stared at Lin Jianhe in a daze, and then clenched his fists.

As the two trains separated, the train was moving quickly, and Lin Jianhe looked at the bright moon in the distance.

The whistle sounded shrilly, and the train rushed to the terminal at full speed. At the moment the train hit the terminal, she thought of everything before Huiyuan disappeared.

-If this is real death...

Will I die so calmly...

The last thing that echoed in Lin Jianhe's ears was the shrill whistle of the train rushing towards the platform.

At the same time, the murder case in reality has also come to an end. The murder weapon is the sword inserted in the bronze statue, and the murderer is President Sindorah.

Because Hiroki discovered the secret of President Sindorah, under the coercion of Sindorah, he created the artificial intelligence Noah. Ark, and after completing this program. Hiroki jumped off the building and committed suicide. The program Noah's Ark was also passed to his father Jiancun, so he learned the real reason for Hiroki's death.

And President Sindora's blood flows with the genes of Jack the Ripper. As the president of a large trading company, Sindora killed Jiancun because he was afraid that his identity as the descendant of Jack the Ripper would be exposed.

When Lin Jianhe woke up again, the game cabin had been opened, and the crying of children and parents was noisy in his ears. It was the tears of joy after surviving the disaster.


The squeezing feeling caused by the last train collision seemed to still have embers, and the glare brought by the ceiling light made Lin Jianhe raise his hand to cover it. At this moment, she saw the brown-haired girl standing next to the game cabin.

Under the backlight, she couldn't see the expression on her face, but vaguely saw the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and then she stretched out her hand.

"...Welcome back."

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