The old man was very busy, but the old man was very busy.

"I am following the instructions of the old master, Mr. Zhenzhao. I do a little pruning every day to keep the appearance of this place."

Mr. Gardener explained, "I heard that this seems to be the last words of the old master when he died fifteen years ago, and Mr. Zhenzhao has never violated it."

Dr. Agasa asked, "You said the old master, who is that just now?"

"It is the wife's second husband, Mr. Aman, because Mr. Zhenzhao died of illness six years ago." Mr. Gardener said and fell into memory, "What about our wife? She also burned to death in the fire four years ago."


Hearing this, Lin Jianhe, who was standing aside, moved his eyes to a stone tower not far away. The stone tower was charred, as if it had been burned.

Sure enough, the gardener also pointed to the stone tower, "That place is the wife's former bedroom. That year, the wife returned to this long-lost castle to celebrate the birthday of the eldest wife. She felt here in the middle of the night, but before dawn that day, the flames were burning up. Not only the wife, but also the friends she brought back with her, and the servants who had been serving the eldest wife for many years, more than a dozen people were swallowed up in such a fire."

Several people walked and listened to the gardener's words, and walked into the castle. Entering the castle, what caught their eyes was a portrait facing the gate. It was a portrait of the deceased eldest master, and the portraits hanging on both sides were portraits of Master Zhenzhao and the wife.

"Master Zhenzhao was invited to marry into the family. He has great respect for the eldest master who is also a historian. Our wife is often jealous of this matter. In the past, she often complained about Master Zhenzhao."

As Mr. Gardener finished speaking, the eldest wife slowly came over pushing a wheelchair.

"She often said that Dad was just an intellectual with a lot of crooked ideas. Right."

Hearing the eldest wife's words, Mr. Gardener turned around and bowed in a panic, "Eldest Madam."

"In fact, I have heard this before, but he was not angry at all when he heard this kind of thing, but was very happy instead." The eldest wife didn't seem to care much.

Mr. Gardener took off his hat again and said apologetically: "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have reminded the first lady of these past events."

"You don't have to be too nervous, I've long been accustomed to the days without him here. It's like the change in the size of banknotes and passports. You may not be used to it at first, but after a long time, there will be no difference," the first lady sighed: "Time is something that will disappear with time, no matter joy, anger, sorrow or happiness."

As she spoke, the first lady noticed the strange guests and asked: "Who are these people?"

"Oh, this..." Mr. Gardener introduced, "They are the master's friends, and I heard that he is also a scientist."

"Scientist? That's great, then I would like to ask you to help us solve it and see what mystery he buried in this castle."

"Mystery?" Dr. Agasa was puzzled.

"I heard that the first master once said this when he was dying. As long as he could solve the mystery of this castle, he would give him his most precious treasure." Mr. Gardener explained.

"Grandma, is your face injured?" Suddenly, Lin Jianhe's child-like voice sounded.

The eldest wife was stunned for a moment, and then she seemed to remember something and ignored Lin Jianhe's words, "Oh, by the way, my daughter hasn't come back yet. Isn't she supposed to come back today? She said she would come to celebrate my birthday."

"But...but the eldest wife!"

"When she comes, ask her to come to my room immediately, and she will be able to see my daughter right away." The eldest wife did not give Mr. Gardener a chance to speak, and pushed the wheelchair upstairs.

Seeing this, Mr. Gardener sighed, "She has become like this since the fire. She has suffered too much."

After the eldest wife left, Lin Jianhe looked at the direction she left thoughtfully.

"What's wrong?"

Faced with Huiyuan's question, she shook her head, "Her face is a little strange."

"Face?" Huiyuan was confused.

"It's okay," she shook her head again and smiled, "Just think I'm overthinking it."

"Hey! Uncle, is there any room where I can see the chess in the yard clearly?" Conan asked.

Hearing this, Conan knew that he had another direction, so he followed the gardener's lead and arrived at a room. Lin Jianhe opened the window and could see the chess in the yard from above.

See the whole chessboard.

No matter what code or password is seen, Conan is the most engaged. Lin Jianhe looked at it from above and then looked away. She was not interested in anything that required brainpower unless it was necessary.

"You can see everything from the windows here!"

"Really?! I want to go over there and take a look!!"

Looking at the energetic appearance of these children, Lin Jianhe could not help but admire them. After all, even if her body became smaller, her mind and desire for everything in the world would not be like that of a child.

She walked to the bookshelf, which was filled with rows of books and some decorations.

"This is..."

Her eyes were attracted by a golden scimitar with a scabbard, and she couldn't help but reach out and take it down and hold it in her hand, "Oh..."

She sat on the ground against the wall and pulled out the scabbard. The heavy feeling in her palm made her instantly sure that the scabbard was made of pure gold, and the scimitar was also well maintained, and there was a silver light flashing when it was unsheathed.

"That's great."


Hearing the voice, Lin Jianhe looked up and saw Huiyuan standing in front of him. While speaking, he looked at the knife in her hand and bent down, "Isn't this your favorite weapon?"

In the organization, Aiba Yu's code name is Famas, but she also has another code name, called "Silver Scimitar", because she is famous for using a knife. But looking at that face so close, even when she raised her eyes, she could clearly see herself in the other's eyes. For a moment, Lin Jianhe was a little dazed and nervous, and forgot to answer.

"Isn't it?"

Staring at those eyes, Lin Jianhe nodded mechanically: "Uh... That's right..."

"Come on! What are you two doing! You will fall down!"

Suddenly, Ayumi's roar startled the two people's hearts. They looked up at the same time and saw Ayumi shouting at Mitsuhiko and Genta next door through the window.

"What an idiot!"

Then Conan quickly ran to the next room, "What are you two doing!"

Genta sat on the windowsill and took a breath with lingering fear: "I almost fell down just now..."

Rin Jianhe and Huiyuan followed closely, but after entering the room, they saw a fallen chair and books scattered on the ground, as well as the confused expressions of Genta and Mitsuhiko.

"Where is Edogawa?"

"I don't know, he was here just now..."

Huiyuan also stared at the scattered books, "Could it be..."

"He probably fell into the secret passage." Lin Jianhe said without thinking.

Looking at Huiyuan's gaze, she explained: "From a long time ago, these rich people liked to build secret passages in the castle. In fact, you can see at a glance that the layout of this castle is very problematic. The actual area used is less than the area we see, which proves that there must be underground secret passages built in this castle."

For these, Lin Jianhe is an expert. Because they need to master all kinds of assassination work, they also need to fully master the place where the target lives, in case the mission fails, the target escapes through the secret passage, or hides in the secret room. These are specially trained.

"Then we..."

"Shh, someone is coming," Lin Jianhe put his finger in front of his lips, "We will go to find Edogawa at night."

As soon as she finished speaking, someone walked in at the door. This person was the son of the eldest master. After seeing the books scattered all over the floor, he stepped forward to pick up the books.

"You can't play a prank."


"But Conan!"

Ayumi was very anxious. Seeing this, Lin Jianhe gently touched her head, "Don't make a sound, Edogawa went to the bathroom."


"That's it." Lin Jianhe smiled and confirmed.

This matter cannot be known to these children, it will be dangerous.

At dinner time, Conan still didn't show up, but Lin Jianhe still evaded the question by saying "he said he went on an adventure somewhere."

"Then I'll pack some food for Conan, otherwise he'll be hungry when he comes back!" Ayumi asked the maid sister to get a plastic bag.

"You're really good at lying." Huiyuan beside her said softly.

Lin Jianhe held a knife and fork in his hand and smiled bitterly: "This is a special case, otherwise I wouldn't want to lie to these naive children."

After dinner, everyone walked towards the room where they would live tonight. After leaving the door, it started to drizzle in the sky. Several people walked towards the main hall, but on the way, Ayumi was still absent-minded.

Maybe in her opinion, Conan would not be a person who would leave without saying a word.

Seeing this, Huiyuan walked to her side, "Don't worry, Edogawa Conan, he is definitely not the kind of person who is useless and needs you to worry about him.

A boy who is kind to me. If anything happens, he will find a way out for himself. If you have time to cry here, you'd better hold the bag tightly to prevent the bread from getting wet in the rain. "

Lin Jianhe followed Dr. Agasa. She didn't say anything to comfort people. Huiyuan's words made Ayumi feel relieved.

But then, Ayumi quickened her pace and caught up with Huiyuan, "Hey! Why do you know Conan so well?"

"Huh?" Huiyuan was puzzled subconsciously.

Ayumi held the plastic bag tightly and said with some concern: "Could it be that you like Conan, right?"

After asking this question, not only Huiyuan, but also Lin Jianhe who was following behind was slightly stunned. Her footsteps stopped unconsciously and she looked quietly in the direction of the two.

She also wanted to know the answer.

Looking at Ayumi's nervous look, Huiyuan smiled, "Don't worry, to be honest, I have never felt this way about that boy."

"Really? ! Great! "Hearing this, Ayumi smiled and ran towards Mitsuhiko and Genta with the plastic bag.

After Ayumi ran away, Huiyuan did not turn around, but looked at Hayashi Jianhe behind her.


Hashi Jianhe was slightly startled.

Suddenly, Dr. Agasa beside him coughed a few times: "Children nowadays are really smart."

"That's right..." She looked up at Dr. Agasa, and when she looked in the direction of Huiyuan again, she found that he had walked away.

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