The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

She quietly watched Curly, wrapped her feet with cloth, and the blood stopped at the edge of the stream, giving people the illusion that they had crossed the stream. And Aiba Yu carried her on his back and walked down the stream.

"Tell me more about your story." She didn't know what kind of mood she was in when she said this at the moment. She only knew that Curly would not survive.

In such a dangerous forest, not only should we be wary of those thugs, but the beasts in the forest are more dangerous than the thugs. With a broken leg, even if you can walk out of the forest alive, you can't survive in the academy.

She had never experienced war or wandering, and she couldn't understand how Curly felt when she saw the smoke of war, corpses everywhere, and cannibalism.

Just listening to her talk like this, she felt an unknown emotion in her chest, neither up nor down, difficult to suppress, and difficult to explode.

"Thank you, Aiba..."

Curly looked up at the sky, and through the dense tree canopy, she saw the broken stars hidden in it. At this moment, she seemed to have a last burst of light, her face became ruddy, and she was full of energy.

"The academy is such a good place, much better than the slums, even the killing is so merciful. I can still have a decent dream, I want to live, I have seen too many moments of death, I should be used to it, but I don't want to kill people..."

"Actually, you know, I knew early on that you and I would fight at the end of the academy. I knew I couldn't beat you, so I wanted to get close to you and start with feelings. I thought maybe if I became friends with you, I would let you down my guard against me, and I would have a chance of survival."

"So I wove so many lies just to win your trust," Curly smiled bitterly, "Until that day, they actually let me into the cage with a freshman. I killed her with my own hands, she was so small, just like my sister who used to follow me in the slums."

"Her eyes were full of fear, and she looked at me pleadingly."

"But I still killed her..."

The girl's voice became hoarse, and suddenly, Aiba Yu felt a few drops of warm water falling on her neck, and the temperature quickly cooled down after falling on her neck and shoulders.

The string that was tightly tied in her mind suddenly broke, and the smell in her nose became stronger.

She seemed to understand this smell.

It was the breath of despair.

The hands that Curly had placed on her shoulders suddenly slipped down, like two dry branches, unable to withstand the wind, shaking without support with her steps.

The blood of the feet wrapped in cloth had penetrated it at some point, and blood was dripping. Curly's voice was hoarse again and a faint sound came out, "... But there is one thing I didn't lie to you."

"... I really want to be a killer... This is... the only thing I can do..."

Seemingly feeling the dissipation of something, at that moment, Aiba Yu inexplicably wanted to catch it, so he urgently asked, "What's your name?"


The breeze in the air was blowing, the leaves were rustling like silver flakes, the stream was gurgling at the feet, and all things were growing, and everything could be heard.

Aiye Yuu only received a silent silence in response.

At the bottom of the stream was a waterfall, and she threw Curly's body down from the waterfall. Under the current circumstances, this was the most respectable thing she could do.

She suddenly remembered a sentence Curly once said.

[You must die meaningfully. ]

Aiye Yuu didn't know whether Curly's death was meaningful or not. She only knew that at the last moment, Curly threw away all his burdens and had no worries.

"Big Sister! Look, there's blood here!"

"They must have fled to the other side of the river."

The woman who was called "Big Sister" by the gangsters stared at the blood under her feet, and then walked along the stream without hesitation, "They are here."

"Oh, Big Sister is still powerful. We have killed four children. If we kill one more, Big Sister's death penalty can be exempted!"

"Don't be happy too early." The leading woman laughed: "The purpose of this time is to exempt you all from the death penalty. What's the use of five children alone? Since they give us a chance, we can't let them fail..."

The sound on the street suddenly stopped. Because the surroundings were too dark, only the torches in the hands of a few people emitted light. Everyone only heard a "dong" sound, and with a little firelight, they saw that the big sister in front of them suddenly sat on the ground


"Big sister, what's wrong with you?"

One of the younger brothers stepped forward in confusion, and when he shone his torch at the big sister, he saw a very terrifying scene. The big sister opened her mouth wide, and her head and hands drooped weakly. And there was a branch in her mouth. If you look closely, the branch was peeled and even carefully sharpened, and it was inserted straight into the big sister's mouth.


"Big sister!"

Everyone shouted in shock, as if they had not yet realized that their "big sister" would never speak again.

At this moment, there were only a few "whoosh" whistles in the wind, and one after another, branches flew towards everyone, so many that they felt surrounded. They realized that the torches in their hands were undoubtedly used as targets for the people in the dark, so they quickly dropped the torches and stepped on them.

But in the dark, it means more danger. Only a few screams were heard, followed by a muffled sound of falling to the ground. Then the air fell into a deathly silence. The last remaining murderer held the hilt tightly in the darkness, shouting and slashing at the air.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his neck, and then he felt his vision spinning. He heard a sound like a drum, and he was stunned. His hands and feet could not move, it hurt, his head hurt...

Suddenly, a fire lit up in front of him, and then he found that he was lying on the ground as if upside down. And a silver-haired girl stood in front of him coldly with a torch in her hand.

Then, she raised her foot suddenly and kicked the thing that rolled on the ground away.

"A bunch of idiots."

This was the last sentence the murderer heard after he lost consciousness.

Aiye You took off all the badges on them and put them in his pocket. That night, a silver-haired girl shuttled through the forest like an elf, and no one survived wherever she went.

That night, Aiye You figured out one thing.

A killer is also a murderer.

The next morning, the helicopter of the academy arrived in the forest, which meant that all the criminals in the forest had been killed.

Aiye You grabbed the ladder that was hanging down, and left the bloody forest as the helicopter took off.

In this survival game, Aiye You won forty badges. This night was the first time that she completely exhausted her physical strength, as if only by killing all the criminals could the air mass in her chest become thinner.

The academy gave her an excellent award, which was an opportunity to leave the academy.

Although this was a reward, it was meaningless to Aiye You. She had nowhere to go, and even if she left the academy, she knew nothing about the outside world. In fact, she had been living in the family since she was born, like a canary kept in a cage, and had never seen the scenery outside.

After she was six years old, she was sent to the academy, so she had almost no idea about the outside world.

It was not until that day when she returned to the dormitory that Chris got the news from somewhere that she had a chance to leave the academy.

She took the initiative to suggest taking Aiba Yu to where she was working now.

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