The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"R stands for Romeo, J stands for Juliet, V stands for Conqueror, and B stands for Cheers."

"And the 26 interlaced letters should mean that he will commit the crime on the plane using these letters, and on this plane from Tokyo to Hakodate."

Conan spoke his reasoning confidently, while Huiyuan Ai and Lin Jianzhe in the back seat did not seem surprised.

"Ah, I know, he is on this plane." Lin Jianzhe had fastened his seat belt in advance, and was leaning back in a drowsy state.

"How did you know?" Conan seemed to remember something. "He wore a mask and mixed into this group of people. You saw it, right?!"

Lin Jianhe was a little sleepy after being called away by his voice. She sat up straight and supported her head with her hands. "Just make sure he is on this plane, and you can figure out the rest yourself, great detective."

"That's right..." He enjoyed the pleasure of reasoning and catching criminals. If he knew the truth from Lin Jianhe in advance, it would be boring.

The plane slowly slid to the end of the runway. The humming sound from the engine shook everyone's heart. As the plane gradually accelerated, the fuselage began to tilt, and the push-back feeling came from behind. The wings outside the window gradually began to vibrate. Until the smooth takeoff, everything returned to calm.

Several children also started chatting happily, but in the middle of the conversation, Ayumi felt uncomfortable and touched her ears, "Why do my ears feel stuffy..."

"That's because of the air pressure. Just swallow a mouthful of saliva." Among the children of this age, Mitsuhiko seemed very knowledgeable.

But Genta and Ayumi swallowed their saliva as Mitsuhiko said, but it still didn't ease. At this time, Mitsuhiko came up with another way. He pinched his nose and demonstrated to the two, "Try to pinch your nose and exhale like this."

"But remember not to use too much force, otherwise you will feel dizzy." Huiyuan, who had been reading a book, suddenly reminded.

Genta exhaled as Mitsuhiko said, and although it worked, his nose also sprayed out.

On the other side, Ayumi was about to pinch her nose, but she noticed Conan was looking at her, and her face turned red, "Conan, don't look at me."

Conan nodded, not knowing why, "Oh."

Then came Ayumi's joyful voice of "I'm really fine", Huiyuan couldn't help but curl her lips and murmured: "It doesn't look good to pinch your nose and exhale, so I don't want to be seen by the person I like..."

Halfway through her words, she glanced at Lin Jianhe, but this guy fell asleep at some point, his head leaning back on the back of the chair, his mouth half open, obviously sleeping soundly.


Huiyuan still held the magazine in her hand, and sighed helplessly after glancing at the man.

"It's really ugly."

After the plane took off, people in the cabin could move freely. Some went to the bathroom, and some chatted with each other. However, Maori Kogoro took out a signature plate that he had prepared at some point from the interlayer of his suit and held it out to Miss Juri beside him, "Can Miss Juri sign for me?"

Miss Juri was slightly startled, then smiled and said, "Of course."

But Maori Kogoro searched in his suit pocket for a long time but couldn't find the pen he brought with him. At the critical moment, Miss Natsuki behind him handed him a marker pen, "Please use this."

"Then I'll leave it to Miss Juri."

Seeing that Maori Kogoro's mouth was grinning from ear to ear, Maori Ran and Kisaki Eri looked at Maori Kogoro speechlessly. It was obvious that Kisaki Eri didn't want to pay any attention to this unreliable husband.

"Now, Xiaolan, can you introduce everyone to me?"

Ran Maori nodded, and first brought Eri Kisaki to the Junior Detective Team and Dr. Agasa, "These children are Conan's classmates in school, and Dr. Agasa doesn't need to introduce them."

"Hello, children." Although Eri Kisaki looked cold and stern, she was very gentle in front of the children.

"Hello, auntie!"

Several children also greeted Eri Kisaki, and inevitably their voices were a little loud. Hayashi Jianzuru woke up from his dream in a daze, and then saw Xiaolan and Eri Kisaki standing next to his seat.

"These two are relatives who are temporarily staying at Dr. Agasa's house, Huiyuan Ai and Hayashi Jianzuru."

Huiyuan put down the magazine in her hand and nodded slowly to Eri Kisaki, "Hello."

Hayashi Jian

Tsuru sat up a little straighter. Although he was confused, he still smiled generously: "Hello, beautiful aunt."

"Hello, this little friend is really good at talking." It must be said that Hayashi Tsuru's mouth is sweet enough. Just one sentence made Kisaragi laugh.

After Kisaragi and Mao Lilan left, Hayashi Tsuru's sleepiness was reduced by half after being woken up. Then she noticed that Conan was secretly standing behind the curtain outside the cockpit door, eavesdropping on something.

She looked inside and found that the cockpit door was open at this time. A woman in a pink jacket was standing in it and talking to the two captains.

She looked quite happy. That person should be Miss Juri...

Hayashi Tsuru took a look and retracted his gaze, "What are you reading?" Since getting on the plane, Huiyuan has been holding a book in her hand, but now it has become a magazine.

"Women's clothing magazine."

She leaned over to look at the magazine in the man's hand. It was a new women's clothing magazine of the season. Huiyuan looked at the model with a nearly perfect body proportion in the magazine, looking thoughtful.

"What are you thinking about?" Lin Jianhe asked when he saw her staying on the same page for a long time.

In response to Lin Jianhe's question, she slowly turned a page of the magazine and sighed, "Even I sometimes feel troubled by the body of a child."

Lin Jianhe blinked, "It's not bad now. Don't you think your body is much lighter after becoming smaller?"

"According to the brain structure of a certain battle maniac, it is true."

The man only heard a barely audible snort from his nose, and then continued to read the magazine in his hand and ignored her.

"Ah?" Lin Jianhe pointed at himself, "Fighting maniac? Me?"

"Ms. Juri!"

The sudden exclamation and roar attracted Lin Jianhe's attention, and then Conan quickly ran to the front row. At this time, Miss Juri's face changed drastically after eating a chocolate, and she grabbed her neck in pain.


Lin Jianhe and Huiyuan Ai also walked down from their seats, and in just a moment, Miss Juri fell to the ground.

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