Conan’s Denial of Confession

Chapter 102: : The house exploded

Kudo Shinichi caught the apple and found that he was full of black lines after being bitten, but it was not a trivial matter to see Noriko Amemiya showing a rare look of anxiety.

He waved at Noriko Amemiya to signal that he received it, then turned to the doctor and said, "Doctor, please back up, they seem to be in a hurry."

Dr. Ali sweated profusely on his forehead. Is his driving skills very good?

Kudo Shin saw the doctor, stuck his head out and looked back while reversing the car, I understand, doctor, you don't have such a subject in the second test!

Before he could make a sound, he saw Amamiya Noriko opened the car door, dragged a small bag and stepped on Dr. A Li's golden tortoise, and passed over the roof of the car.

Hearing the sound of stepping on the roof of the car, and the resentful voice of Noriko Amamiya: "Doctor, it's time for you to practice your driving skills!!"

Kudo Shinichi: "Indeed!"

He also got out of the car and went to chase after Amamiya Noriko... chase... The figure is almost invisible.

At this moment, Amamiya Noriko had already run far away, and there was a faint figure in the light of the roadside.

"It's too fast, can you be a person?"

Kudo Shinichi lifted his leg and ran. Although Amamiya Noriko didn't say where to go, it was clear that the direction was to go to her own house.

Chieda Riho also abandoned the car and chased after him. He ran and asked what happened.

"Miss said that she seemed to have seen one of the prisoners in the Suzuki Building case."

Kudo Shin heard it suddenly, this was a big case, and his feet immediately sped up a bit.

Chieda Riho was worried about Amamiya Noriko, and naturally it was impossible for him to slow down.

Only Dr. A Li was working very hard in reversing the car.

Amamiya Noriko ran outside the house after a while, but luckily the home was still there.

I didn't go home rashly. I first looked for a parking spot nearby. After turning around, I finally found Calvados' car in a small alley.

It looked like a one-off car, very rubbish, really worn out used car.

But old has old benefits.

There is a small card sleeve in the trunk of most old models, and it is easy to pick off the upper casing with a key or other sharp objects.

After the shell is opened, there is the locking mechanism of the trunk, and then the door can be easily opened with a slight pull.

The trunk is open.

Amamiya Noriko glanced at it, as expected of a winery, low-key, luxurious, high-grade, and close to people's livelihood. The Nokia phone bomb really stopped near her house with explosives.

What is the heart of peace?

Amamiya Noriko picked up a phone bomb and looked at it. She had studied it in Hawaii. The phone bomb is an interesting home-made bomb in the hands of foreign terrorists.

Because the phone used for the phone bomb is basically Nokia, because Nokia has low price, long standby time and good quality.

The only thing that is not so good is that there have been cases where an explosion killed himself on the spot after receiving a spam text message.

Amamiya Noriko put this thing aside, and there is only one Calvados, so it's really not suitable to bring more.

Picked up the trunk instead and packed more C4 bombs.

Commonly used explosives are generally low in sensitivity for safe storage and transportation.

Due to the high sensitivity of the detonator, the storage and transportation of the detonator is unsafe, so the single charge is very small, and the packaging is as independent as possible. The detonator and the explosive are combined before use.

Calvados too, the detonator with the remote detonator and the C4 are separate, she doesn't need to defuse the bomb.

Without the detonator, the remaining C4s will probably pass the security check without any problems. This thing is highly secure and difficult to detect.

Amamiya Noriko carefully combined several detonators and C4 and placed them in a hidden place in the car, and then the remaining detonators and C4 did not move, as if there were no small number of them.

Then she went to confirm the location of Calvados. Her home must be more familiar than the other party, but Amamiya Noriko has not found him yet, and has already found C4 in many places in the home.

Her home is a courtyard of a mansion, covering a large area, and using explosives is simply insane.

Amamiya Noriko directly ignored these explosives, who knows how much they put out. How could she find them all without disturbing the other party.

After a while, Noriko Amamiya found Calvados, and he just finished putting another explosive charge and walked in the direction of the parking lot.

It is estimated that several rounds of explosives have been released during this period of time, and they should have been released.

Amamiya Noriko just waited for him to detonate in the car, and sent herself to the sky.

However, at this time, on the garden wall of the mansion, Noriko Amamiya found two figures approaching the back door of Amamiya's mansion in the dark. Calvados, who was going out, bumped into it, and after sneaking out the explosives, he would definitely not be able to go through the front door, and he also went out through the back door.

And Kudo Shinichi definitely did not choose to go through the gate due to various considerations.

And the prisoner is really close.

Amamiya Noriko held her forehead, and Kudo Shinichi and the prisoner had a heart-to-heart connection, and her arrangement would be in vain.

The two groups of people must not collide together. Calvados definitely draws a gun when he is caught, and according to his urine, the gun on his body is most likely a small weapons arsenal.

There may be any gun pistols and sniper rifles. Can Kudo Shinichi and Chieda Riho stand up to it?

Amamiya Noriko jumped off the wall and directly pulled the two people away from her home.

Kudo Shinichi was speechless by the petite wrist of Amamiya Noriko. With too much strength, he whispered, "How is the situation?"

"Thanks to you, my house is going to blow up."

Amamiya Noriko gave him a roll of eyes.

Chie Riho turned her head when she heard the words, but Amamiya Noriko said in a timely manner: "It's okay, everyone has arranged to leave, but the lights and TV are still on, the house was bombed and rebuilt, it happened that I was tired of living too. Well, I gave a few minutes' notice in advance to arrange everything that should be arranged."

Kudo Shinichi didn't quite understand the situation: "Where's the prisoner?"

"I should have been pinning him in the car by now."

Amamiya Noriko took out her mobile phone and called the fire emergency first. She didn't know what happened to Calvados now.

So many explosives must be shared with a detonator, Calvados presses several explosives in his car to explode together, as long as he is in the car, he will die.

I hope this sister Bei's fan brother doesn't have the habit of watching explosions.

Calvados really didn't have the habit of watching explosions, but he missed Belmod's appearance. He didn't know how she was in the United States. He was very worried about the moon and snow on Christmas Eve, and her in the United States. Do you see the same.

It seems that the time difference is a bit wrong, it doesn't matter.

Looking at the Amamiya mansion with lights on, he slowly took out the detonator, his eyes under the sunglasses were indifferent, this time it was just a small warning to the Amamiya family.

Although their family is very large, it is still delusional to want to compete with the organization!

"I really hope Belmod can see this firework too—"

Calvados's mouth twitched slightly, sighing, and pressed the detonation button.


In front of him were the dazzling explosions of fireworks. The huge firelight and thick smoke were extremely eye-catching at night, but at the same time, a huge impact came from behind him. Calvados was instantly swept by the heat wave and fell to the ground, and the walls were scattered with rubble. to the ground, while a broken Nokia phone fell from the sky and hit the back of his head.

His car was parked in the alley, and in order to watch the explosion, he did not get into the car in the alley, but watched the explosion at the Amamiya house at the entrance of the alley, but his car was not far behind at the corner of the alley.

The moment he felt the explosion behind him, his hair stood up. If he hadn't suddenly stayed here to take a last look, if he had returned to the car, I'm afraid his body would have been shattered by the explosion.

After resting on the ground for a while, Calvados struggled to get up. The burning pain in his back told him that the injury was serious and the headache was severe. He couldn't help but look at Nokia next to him, and stretched out his mobile phone to make a call.

At the same time, it was very difficult to get out of here by leaning on the wall.

The man who quietly planted his bomb on his car might still be around.

The snowflakes melted away by the heat wave of the explosion slowly began to fall again after a while. Noriko Amamiya stepped on the snow on the ground, and the intoxicating and delicate face reflected the firelight to the place where there were still traces on the ground.

Looking at the traces on the ground, it is obvious that Calvados was affected by the explosion, but he should not be dead, and still has the ability to move, and the traces after that have been eliminated well, and it is impossible to see which direction he went.

If the investigation continues, Amamiya Noriko has the confidence to catch a half-crippled Calvados, but listening to the siren of the fire and rescue vehicle in the rear, for the sake of sister Bei and her brother, let him go first. .

Kudo Shinichi came over after that, looked left and right, crouched on the place where Calvados lay, stretched out his fingers to wipe the snow, and sniffed around his nose, "There is blood, it should be bombed."

Amamiya Noriko looked at his professional movements, as expected of the nose that you can easily smell the smell of tears and eye drops, but, "Why did you lie down on the ground and get a seal if you didn't get bombed?"

Kudo Shinichi: "..."

He then roughly deduced the prisoner's height and weight based on the traces on the ground. There were traces of the cap pressed against the snow, the cap was worn, and there were tiny fragments of sunglasses in the snow. This person should be dressed in a cap and sunglasses.

Judging from the traces on the snow, the left hand was injured more seriously, and the traces on the ground to climb up were shallow.

If Noriko Amamiya knew about it, I would probably give Kudo Shinichi's subtle reasoning a little compliment, because before these physical features, the police could have carried out a preliminary search to find people with the above features nearby.

As for the question of which hand was injured in the end, Amamiya Noriko glanced at the traces left by a nearby mobile phone: "He may be taking pictures of the bombing of my house to the goddess, licking the dog."

In the future, let him confess twice before killing him.

Kudo Shinji stood up and looked at Noriko Amamiya, is this the real Noriko, can feel the aura full, stronger than the angry Xiaolan.

"It's fine if you're okay, but what if your family is gone now?"

"This is indeed a problem." Amamiya Noriko's sincere Kudo Shinichi: "My bed was blown up, can I go to the new house to sleep?"

Kudo Shin said expressionlessly: "Before me, Xiaolan and Sonoko were my first choices."

"If I go to sleep at Xiaolan's house, Uncle Maori will be almost like a monk."

Amamiya Noriko waved her hand, but the question of where to live is not a problem for her. When she saw Calvados, she thought about it and asked her father what if the house was bombed.

Amamiya Ludou said that there are several buildings and hotels in Beige Town. If you are not used to living in those, there are still a few mansions like Kyoto, which is no problem, don't worry.

Mainly, this mansion is not an antique. It is just a retro mansion designed by a designer to imitate a real antique mansion in the early years.

Amamiya Noriko said at the time, be ready to invite someone to start the construction Just before the completion of the construction, I went to live abroad for a period of time.

Not against people, but against residences, Calvados' goal was clearly just deterrence.

At this time, if you fight with the winery again, the real and fake wines will come to her house to have a party.

Therefore, Amamiya Noriko is also preparing to stay out of the limelight for a while, and Amamiya Ludou also has a similar idea. Considering that the secret forces use illegal methods that are difficult to prevent against his family, he has long been prepared to live abroad.

At the same time, Amamiya Noriko has also made up her mind to go to her senior sister Belmod to complain. Her home was bombed by her fan brother, and she was her little junior sister.

"I may go to live abroad for half a year and wait for the house to be rebuilt before coming back."

Amamiya Noriko patted Kudo Shinichi's shoulder: "Don't miss me, if you really miss me, I'll leave a shoe for you?"

Tomoki Amamiya raised his foot and showed Kudo Shinichi her little leather shoes.

Kudo Shinichi: "...You are dreaming."

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